


2021-06-27 04:52:54 | 心理学


"いつの時代も世界の支配者層は、誤った世界観を信者に押し付けようとしてきた。" ~ジョージ・オーウェル(George Orwell)。




これにより、本能の喪失はますます大きくなり、特に "カリタス "の喪失につながります。
~マリー・ルイーズ・フォン・フランツ(Marie Louise Von Franz)。


"新人は意識的に影の重荷を背負わなければならないのです。「そのような人は、世の中で間違っていることはすべて自分自身の中にあることを知っています。彼は、現代の巨大な未解決の社会問題の少なくとも無限の部分を背負うことに成功したのです。これらの問題が難しいのは、ほとんどの場合、相互の投影によって毒されているからである。自分のことも見えず、自分が無意識に抱えている暗闇をすべての取引に持ち込んでいる人が、どうやってまっすぐに見ることができるだろうか?" ~カール・ユング、CW11、par. 140.

Yes, it shows how blinded both parties are to anything that opposes their party’s herd-narrative. This is a good example of what Jung meant by the unconscious condition of the mass-man.

What we have here with these “divide and Conquer” type of posts is a Worldview problem.
Most people hold the Worldview that governments are there to serve the people and that’s why they join a political party and vote in elections. This is the Mass-man problem that Jung talked about. It’s the main cause of unconsciousness.
“The ruling class of the world in every age, have tried to impose a false view of the world upon their followers.” ~George Orwell.

If we do not fashion for ourselves a picture of the world, we do not see ourselves either, who are the faithful reflections of that world. Only when mirrored in our picture of the world can we see ourselves in the round. Only in our creative acts do we step forth into the light and see ourselves whole and complete. Never shall we put any face on the world other than our own, and we have to do this precisely in order to find ourselves. For higher than science or art as an end in itself stands man, the creator of his instruments.
CG Jung, "Analytical Psychology and Weltanschauung". CW 8: The Structure and Dynamics of the Psyche. P.737.

If the picture we create of the world did not have a retroactive effect on us, we could be content with any sort of beautiful or diverting sham. But such self-deception recoils on us, making us unreal, foolish, and ineffectual. Because we are tilting at a false picture of the world, we are overcome by the superior power of reality. In this way we learn from experience how important it is to have a well-based and carefully constructed Weltanschauung.
~CG Jung, "Analytical Psychology and Weltanschauung" (1928) CW 8: The Structure and Dynamics of the Psyche. Para 699.

“The great problem of our time is that we don’t understand what is happening to the world. We are confronted with the darkness of our soul, the unconscious. It is as if our shadow, both personal and archetypal, has gripped us and is revealing itself to us as it plays itself out through our unconscious. This is particularly dangerous because this process is happening unconsciously. When we act out and give shape and form to our unconscious without being consciously aware of what we are doing, it is always destructive. Nobody is immune to a nationwide evil unless he is unshakably convinced of the danger of his own character being tainted by the same evil. Recognizing our potential, at any moment, to fall asleep and unwittingly become an agent of darkness is to become psychically immunized from falling prey to the malevolent bug of egophrenia."
~Carl Jung- CW 10

The contemporary division of society into a “right” wing and a “left” wing is nothing but a neurotic dissociation, reflecting on the world stage what is happening in the individual modern man: a division within himself.
This causes the shadow, that is, what is unacceptable to consciousness to be projected onto an opponent while he identifies with a fictitious self-image and with the abstract picture of the world offered by scientific rationalism.
This leads to a constantly greater loss of instinct and especially to the loss of "caritas"
ie. the love of one’s neighbour so sorely needed in the contemporary world.
~Marie Louise Von Franz.

… he harbours within himself a dangerous shadow and adversary who is involved as an invisible helper in the dark machinations of the political monster. It is in the nature of political bodies always to see the evil in the opposite group, just as the individual has an ineradicable tendency to get rid of everything he does not know and does not want to know about himself by foisting it off on somebody else.
~CG Jung, CW 10, Para 576

In his 1937 lectures at Yale Jung made an indelible point: the new man must bear the burden of the shadow consciously, for
“such a man knows that whatever is wrong in the world is in himself, and if he only learns to deal with his own shadow he has done something real for the world. He has succeeded in shouldering at least an infinitesimal part of the gigantic, unsolved social problems of our day. These problems are mostly so difficult because they are poisoned by mutual projections. How can anyone see straight when he does not even see himself and the darkness he unconsciously carries with him into all his dealings?“ ~Carl Jung, CW 11, par. 140.


"個別化は孤立させるものではなく、結びつけるものである。" ~カール・ユング『書簡集』第1巻、503-505ページ。

^^ 政党は私たちを孤立させ、分離させる-「つながり」の反対だ。
私はこの意識を超えた全体性を "自己 "と呼んでいます。


マリー=ルイーズ・フォン・フランツ - "悪の問題"

"考えることは難しい、だから群れに判断を委ねよう!" ~カール・ユング、CW10、パラ652。

"私はユングであって、ユング派でないことを神に感謝します" ~カール・ユング、ユング。A Biography [Hannah], Page 78.


Anyone with half a brain can see how political parties divide us and keep us from a sense of Wholeness.
As Jung says, when we’ve become one-sided we’re prevented from pairing the opposites and we’re blocked from the Transcendent Function so no Wholeness is possible. We stay stuck and stagnant in a state of unconsciousness and therefore cannot see how we’re the real problem.
“Individuation does not isolate, it connects.” ~Carl Jung, Letters Vol. 1, Pages 503-505.

^^ Political parties isolate and separate us – the opposite of connection.
“In the individuation process, it anticipates the figure that comes from the synthesis of conscious and unconscious elements in the personality.
It is therefore a symbol which unites the opposites; a mediator, bringer of healing, that is, one who makes whole.
I have called this wholeness that transcends consciousness the “self.”
The goal of the individuation process is the synthesis of the self.” ~Carl Jung, CW 9i, Para 278

^^ no Wholeness and no Self if we stay with our divisive political party.

1.01-- von Franz tells of how exasperated Jung was about his pupils who didn’t ‘get it’. Jung would say; of all those pupils I’ve trained and they are still just kindergarten…
1.35—the problem of evil in society… the only thing you can do is one’s inner work. If benevolent teaching would help then we would have been out of trouble long ago, we get a lot of benevolent and reasonable teaching but it doesn’t help. So the only place where you can really put the hand on it and be with it, body to body, the problem of evil is in yourself and there you have the hope to change something… but the hope to change the world is a childish illusion. Go and tell Khomeini that he is possessed and he will cut your head off for it.
2.44—interviewer says; it seems almost impossible that enough people in our time would be wise enough or courageous enough to choose the inner way… it’s so tempting to be heroic and act outwardly… for example all over the world, the nuclear weapons and nuclear power that’s developing… it makes me want to jump up and run out and spend all my time and money to try to stop that rather than do the inner work.
Von Franz says; you’ll soon run up against some obscure affects where all your efforts get blocked.
4.00—if you work on your own problem then you might (be able to influence others) then you have done more than if you have gone in the street with an activist sign.
Marie-Louise von Franz - "The Problem of Evil"

“Thinking is difficult, therefore let the herd pronounce judgment!” ~Carl Jung, CW 10, Para 652.

…and therefore:
“Thank God, I’m Jung, and not a Jungian.” ~Carl Jung, Jung: A Biography [Hannah], Page 78.
