


2021-06-11 18:59:27 | 心理学


The problem in most situations is not a lack of calling; but a fear of responding to the call.

- マイケル・ミード「運命と宿命」より

The problem in most situations is not a lack of calling; but a fear of responding to the call. Besides the issue of leaving everything behind there is also the fear of being inadequate and the terror of being overwhelmed. Under the banner of practicality, most of life becomes arranged to obscure and distract us from what called us to come to life in the first place. Most people remain unwilling to be extravagant enough to wander where their soul would lead them, adapting instead to an endless series of short-term goals. People easily misplace their deepest longings and tune themselves to someone else’s idea of life."
- Michael Meade, "Fate and Destiny"
