

錯覚で終わった友情 NOW ありのままを見る

2021-06-06 00:27:53 | 心理学

Friendship ended with illusion

NOW Seeing things as they are



私たちは、世界が自分の目で見た通りのものだと思いがちであるように、人も自分が想像した通りのものだとナイーブに考えてしまいます。. . .
私たちの無意識の内容はすべて、常に周囲の環境に投影されています。そして、対象物の特定の特性を投影または想像として認識することによってのみ、私たちはそれらを対象物の実際の特性と区別することができるのです。. .
Cum grano salis, 我々は常に相手の中に自分の認めていないミスを見る。

投影は、それが意識の可能な範囲内に入ってきたときにのみ、撤回することができる。その外側では、何も修正することはできません。[...]. 言い換えれば、私たちの意識が、この投影を撤回することを可能にするのです。
~CG Jung CW 14, para 696-697


“Friendship ended with illusion. Now seeing things as they are is my friend.”
^^ in other words, we become so identified with our illusions that we are blocked from seeing anything outside those boxes.
When we drop our identification to them, we begin to see what’s outside the boxes – we begin to see with clarity that we had not known before.
"If one studies the occult with the wrong attitude one can get infected, for this whole field is full of metaphysical traps through which one can fall, disappear as into an oubliette, and became the astrologer, the theosophist, or the black magician." ~Carl Jung, Visions Seminar, Page 72

^^or a Typeologist, or a “buddhist”, or a non-dualist, or a alien/UFOologist, or a psychedelic trip fanatic, and so on...
If we’re paying attention… we notice when someone responds to posts and comments with their particular identification and so everything is initially filtered through that lens. The typeologists will generally offer their MBTI analysis. The Astrologists will offer their natal chart reading. The psychedelic fanatic will suggest heroic doses of mushrooms as the answer. The Buddhist will tell you to meditate more often.
We reveal our Identifications in the way we speak and respond.
But what happens when we drop our friendly illusions?
Clarity becomes our new friend.

Just as we tend to assume that the world is as we see it, we naïvely suppose that people are as we imagine them to be. . . .
All the contents of our unconscious are constantly being projected into our surroundings, and it is only by recognizing certain properties of the objects as projections or imagos that we are able to distinguish them from the real properties of the objects. . .
Cum grano salis, we always see our own unavowed mistakes in our opponent.
Excellent examples of this are to be found in all personal quarrels.
Unless we are possessed of an unusual degree of self-awareness we shall never see through our projections but must always succumb to them, because the mind in its natural state presupposes the existence of such projections.
It is the natural and given thing for unconscious contents to be projected. ~Carl Jung, CW 8, Para 507

All projections are unconscious identifications with the object. Every projection is simply there as an uncriticized datum of experience, and is recognized for what it is only very much later, if ever. […]But such insight, as we have seen, is possible only if the delusory projections that veil the reality of things can be withdrawn. The unconscious identity with the object then ceases and the soul is “freed from its fetters in the things of sense.” The psychologist is well acquainted with this process, for a very important part of his psychotherapeutic work consists in making conscious and dissolving the projections that falsify the patient’s view of the world and impede his self-knowledge. He does this in order to bring anomalous psychic states of an affective nature, i.e., neurotic symptoms, under the control of consciousness. The declared aim of the treatment is to set up a rational, spiritual-psychic position over against the turbulence of the emotions.
Projections can be withdrawn only when they come within the possible scope of consciousness. Outside that, nothing can be corrected. […]. In other words, our consciousness enables us to withdraw this projection.
~CG Jung CW 14, para 696-697

The difference between most people and myself is that for me the "dividing walls" are transparent. That is my peculiarity. Others find these walls so opaque that they see nothing behind them and therefore think nothing is there. To some extent I perceive the processes going on in the background, and that gives me an inner certainty. People who see nothing have no certainties and can draw no conclusions - or do not trust them even if they do. I do not know what started me off perceiving the stream of life. Probably the unconscious itself. Or perhaps my early dreams. They determined my course from the beginning. ~Carl Jung, MDR, Pg.355-366.

[I was able to become intensely interested in many people; but as soon as I had seen through them, the magic was gone. In this way I made many enemies.]
For some people I was continually present and close to them so long as they were related to my inner world; but then it might happen that I was no longer with them, because there was nothing left which would link me to them.
I had to learn painfully that people continued to exist even when they had nothing more to say to me.


私はしばしば、戦場で "よき友よ、あなたは倒れてしまったが、私は進まねばならない "と言っているように感じた。


しかし、最高の価値が魂に存在するという経験上の事実がなければ(そこに存在するai>Ti}Ufxov nvev/xaとは全く別に)、心理学は私の興味を少しも引くことはないでしょう。

悲しいのは、ほとんどの仏教徒が「正見」が非常に難しいものであることから、これを逆さまにしてしまったり、「教えを信じる」と訳してしまったり、「正論」や「正行」、「正見」と格闘して、いつかは「正見」にたどり着けるだろうと考えてしまったりしていることです。残りの部分はRight Viewの結果です。正しい見解がなければ、それらを正しく理解することはできません。そして、もしあなたが「正しい見方」を持っていれば、それらはただ起こります。もしあなたが本当に正しい見方を持っているなら、それらは起こるのです。
~Adyashanti - leaping beyond fear - WHole Satsang", Youtube at 1:48:22 min.

Many excited in me a feeling of living humanity, but only when they appeared within the magic circle of psychology; next moment, when the spotlight cast its beam elsewhere, there was nothing to be seen.
I was able to become intensely interested in many people; but as soon as I had seen through them, the magic was gone. In this way I made many enemies.
A creative person has little power over his own life.
He is not free.
He is captive and driven by his daimon.
A power wrests away the heart from us.
For the Heavenly Ones each demand sacrifice,
But if one should be withheld,
Never has that led to good.”
says Holderlin.
This lack of freedom has been a great sorrow to me.
Often I felt as if I were on a battlefield, saying, "Now you have fallen, my good comrade, but I must go on."
For "shamefully a power wrests away the heart from us."
I am fond of you, indeed I love you, but I cannot stay.
There is something heart-rending about that.
And I myself am the victim; I cannot stay.
But the daimon manages things so that one comes through, and blessed inconsistency sees to it that in flagrant contrast to my "disloyalty" I can keep faith in unsuspected measure. ~Carl Jung, Memories Dreams and Reflections, Page 357

It has been said that wisdom lies not in seeing things but in seeing through things. ~Manly P. Hall.

Yet when I point out that the soul possesses by nature a religious function, and when I stipulate that it is the prime task of all education (of adults) to convey the archetype of the God-image, or its emanations and effects, to the conscious mind, then it is precisely the theologian who seizes me by the arm and accuses me of “psychologism.”
But were it not a fact of experience that supreme values reside in the soul (quite apart from the ai>Ti}Ufxov nvev/xa who is also there), psychology would not interest me in the least, for the soul would then be nothing but a miserable vapour.
I know, however, from hundredfold experience that it is nothing of the sort, but on the contrary contains the equivalents of everything that has been formulated in dogma and a good deal more, which is just what enables it to be an eye destined to behold the light.
This requires limitless range and unfathomable depth of vision.
I have been accused of “deifying the soul.”
Not I but God himself has deified it!
I did not attribute a religious function to the soul, I merely produced the facts which prove that the soul is naturaliter religiosa, i.e., possesses a religious function.
I did not invent or insinuate this function, it produces itself of its own accord without being prompted thereto by any opinions or suggestions of mine.
With a truly tragic delusion these theologians fail to see that it is not a matter of proving the existence of the light, but of blind people who do not know that their eyes could see.
It is high time we realized that it is pointless to praise the light and preach it if nobody can see it.
It is much more needful to teach people the art of seeing.
For it is obvious that far too many people are incapable of establishing a connection between the sacred figures and their own psyche: they cannot see to what extent the equivalent images are lying dormant in their own unconscious.
In order to facilitate this inner vision we must first clear the way for the faculty of seeing.
How this is to be done without psychology, that is, without making contact with the psyche, is frankly beyond my comprehension. ~Carl Jung, CW 12, Psychology and Alchemy, Pages 12-13

Right View is the true friend of clarity. Being a “Buddhist” is the illusory ‘friend’.
“As the Buddha said in the eightfold path… number one – Right View (Buddha nature). And then the rest follow. Right Speech, Right Conduct, etc… I would say that all the others though are based on Right View.
From Right View comes Right Speech.
From Right View comes Right Action.
From Right View comes Right Conduct.
From Right View comes Right etc, etc, etc.
The sad part is that most Buddhists turn it upside down since Right View is very difficult or its translated as ‘believing in the teachings’ or something ridiculous notion like that or thinking that I’ll struggle with Right Speech and Right Conduct and Right Action and I’ll get to Right View sometime… I would say that there’s no mistake that the old wise guy put Right View first (and foremost), you can’t get the rest of them right unless you have Right View. The rest is an outcome of Right View. You can’t get them right without Right View. And if you got Right View they just happen. If you really have Right View then they happen, which is really an amazing thing actually, pretty amazing thing.”
~‘Adyashanti - leaping beyond fear- WHole Satsang’, Youtube at 1:48:22 min.

~アディアシャンティ、リトリートトーク2005、オーディオ「The Most Powerful Illusion」、Youtube、29.52min.


“… and so the first step on the Buddha’s eightfold path was Right View. Boy its interesting how Buddhists screw that one up, they think Right View is understanding the teachings. No, Right View is waking the hell up! That’s Step One! Wake up! Get Right View, otherwise the rest doesn’t make any sense. Right speech, right conduct, right action, da-da-da da… It doesn’t make any sense without right view. You can’t possibly know right action without Right View, you can’t know right speech without Right View, you can’t know any of the rest without Right View. It’s been watered down, I don’t think Buddhists even know what Right View is but every time I talk with them it’s always like right view is one thing among lots of things… No, it’s ‘the’ thing. With no Right View the rest is useless. Its just concepts, it’s just like this, what I’m doing, without Right View, is just more talk, its just more concepts, its just another guy spouting more crap. Without Right View, it’s just more stuff to either believe in or not believe in and all that’s totally irrelevant.
It’s seeing truth for what it is.
So you can end the violence within yourself, with others, with the world.”
~Adyashanti, Retreat Talk 2005 audio The Most Powerful Illusion, Youtube at 29.52 min.
