-バッド・ハリス、著書『Sacred Selfishness』より。A Guide to Living a Life of Substance』より
Shadow Work ~
When we identify with something such as “I am tolerant” or “I am open-minded, fair, and honest,” we’ve identified with values that will form our character structures. As a result of these identifications, everything that’s opposite to these becomes something we don’t want to be. In other words we don’t want to discover how bigoted, prejudiced, inequitable, and crooked we can be. So we repress these capacities into our shadows. The shadow is a frightening reality because any serious encounter with it can threaten who we think we are, how we feel about ourselves, and the value structures we live by.
Just as small children imagine they can make themselves invisible by covering their eyes with their hands, many adults imagine they can get rid of what they don’t like in themselves by not looking at it. You know what I mean. It’s that impulse or tendency we all to some degree share that can range from avoidance and procrastination to the little fibs we tell ourselves, or others, to avoid hurt, feelings, criticism, or rejection. Many of these fibs, however, are told primarily to ourselves so that we will continue to feel good about who we are and how we’re handling things...
Unfortunately the illusion of not seeing our unpleasant characteristics is rapidly expanded to include not having them, and this progression leads to seeing these displeasing qualities in other people. In the jargon of psychology we’ve projected them. Projection means attributing the features in ourselves that we’ve disowned onto someone else.
Our shadows are our most paradoxical aspects. While they seem to be the containers of the dark forces that can threaten the foundation we’ve built our lives on, they are also the containers of some of our best potentials for achieving balanced, more dynamic, and fulfilling lives. The very anger we were taught to fear and deny, and came to fear and deny even more when we glimpsed its smoldering presence, is like buried gold. If we can learn to safely mine and refine it, we’ll be rewarded with new energy, passion, and strength...
Shadow qualities may first appear as a surprise...Or they may appear as a wound or embarrassment when we feel overly sensitive or resentful, misjudge someone’s intentions, or become tongue-tied or uncharacteristically shy. Like dreams, with proper attention these situations can often be transformed into a helpful new awareness that improves our lives. But the process of refining qualities from our shadows will cost us something. We may have to lose some of our innocence or experience a feeling of shame. By innocence I mean our naive views of life, the ones that believe the values of our society and families are the true values that provide a meaningful life, that we are who we think we are, that the world is like we have been brought up to see it and we can make (and have made) choices that direct and control our lives.
Frequently a loss of innocence means a loss of self-esteem because we realize we are less knowledgeable, well-intentioned, virtuous, or competent than we thought we were. And a loss of self-esteem can lead to feelings of shame. I lost some of my innocence and felt some shame
as well when I realized I was treating my children as impersonally as my father had treated me, something I’d vowed repeatedly I’d never do. Ellie, a friend of mine who owns her own business, lost a large piece of innocence when she discovered her oldest and most trusted employee had been stealing from her for years. And Rusty, a man in his late thirties who worked with me a few years ago, was appalled when he figured out that he’d been using his moodiness to manipulate his wife.
But the new awareness I gained through my experience caused me to become a more caring father and to enjoy fatherhood more completely. Ellie became a more mature businesswoman, who paid better attention to the actual nature and performance of her employees; and Rusty became more self-responsible and interested in his growth and healing. Shame and a loss of innocence are important parts of the human journey, and we find them repeatedly preceding experiences of transformation and redemption...
Rilke beautifully sums up the paradoxes within our shadows by saying, “Perhaps all the dragons of our lives are princesses who are only waiting to see us once, beautiful and brave. Perhaps everything terrible is in its deepest being something that needs our love.”
-Bud Harris, from his book, Sacred Selfishness: A Guide to Living a Life of Substance
art | Kelly Louise Judd
-The Midnight Hour』より。バド・ハリス博士著「真夜中の時間:アメリカの重要な瞬間をめぐるユングの視点」より
"The road to understanding myself and getting a true perspective on reality has required a difficult deprogramming of my indoctrination into thinking that I should have a positive attitude, appear happy, not burden others with my feelings, and be able to control and direct my life. It has taken courage to face these necessary changes in myself, and so does the humbling effort to continue to confront my shadow. It took courage to face the very discomforting fact that I have been wrong or negligent about a number of things rather than face the complex demands of being an active, responsible citizen. Over the years I have betrayed some of my deepest feelings, values, and potentials. It is also humbling that after eight decades of living I need to start over again to learn who I really am. If we can learn how to re-imagine ourselves based on the deeper truths of who we are, we will have a better foundation for re-imagining many areas in our government. In this way, we will be able to bring continuous renewal and vitality into our lives and culture."
—from The Midnight Hour: A Jungian Perspective on America's Current Pivot