


2021-06-24 00:11:54 | 心理学



Food for thought: How do you think can one identify the authentic self from the ego?

自己  http://jungpage.org/learn/jung-lexicon#self

~CGユング、CW17、The Development of Personality、40ページ、80パラグラフ

"もしあなたが不正直であれば、あなたは個性化のプロセスから除外される。もしあなたが不誠実であれば、あなたは無意識にとって何の役にも立たない。偉い人はあなたにつばを吐きかけ、あなたは泥沼の中ではるかに取り残されてしまうでしょう、愚かで、馬鹿で。" ~カール・ユング『C.G.ユング、語る。インタビューと出会い』359-364ページ



Operating from the ego basically prevents us from being honest with ourselves and with others and that shows up as moral relativism where we arbitrate what we want right and wrong to be based on our personal objectives rather than what is in alignment with natural law, and we tend to justify this moral relativism through the “legality” of Church and State external so-called authority – because we have no inner authority living as an unconscious Mass-man.
The Self, on the other hand, is where we operate from our inner authority, the God-image, and it’s ‘knowing’ what is right from wrong – our conscience – our inherent moral compass.
“Deep down, below the surface of the average man's conscience, he hears a voice whispering, "There is something not right," no matter how much his rightness is supported by public opinion or moral code.”
~CG Jung, CW 17, The Development of Personality, pg.40, para.80.

“If you are dishonest, you are excluded from the individuation process. If you are dishonest, you are nothing for your unconscious. The Great Man will spit on you, and you will be left far behind in your muddle—stuck, stupid, and idiotic.” ~Carl Jung, C.G. Jung Speaking: Interviews and Encounters, Pages 359-364

“By lie I mean: wishing not to see something that one does see; wishing not to see something as one sees it. Whether the lie takes place before witnesses or without witnesses does not matter. The most common lie is that with which one lies to oneself; lying to others is, relatively, an exception."
~Friedrich Nietzsche, THE ANTI-CHRIST (1895)

“Above all, do not lie to yourself. A man who lies to himself and listens to his own lie comes to a point where he does not discern any truth either in himself or anywhere around him, and thus falls into disrespect towards himself and others. Not respecting anyone, he ceases to love, and having no love, he gives himself up to the passions and coarse pleasures, in order to occupy and amuse himself, and in his vices reaches complete bestiality, and it all comes from lying continually to others and to himself.”
~Fyodor Dostoevsky, The Brothers Karamazov. Chapter 2.


適切な分析、特にユングの分析は、良心に始まり良心に終わります。つまり、これまで無意識にとどまっていた、つまり自分では意識していないすべての表出を考慮に入れ、影の資質などの表出に責任を持ち始めることであり、これはあなたの良心にとって非常に強い試練となります。精神分析の始まりを考えてみてください。これまで考慮されず、抑圧されてきたこれらの事実を直視するには、膨大な量の道徳的勇気が必要でした。人間の良心の発達は非常に重要なことで、人格の発達こそが最終的な判断材料になると思います。外部の何かに依存するのではなく、この良心を開発するのはあなた個人の功績です。それは、ユング心理学全般について安心して言えることです。良心の発達です。そしてユングは論文の中で、良心の最後の分析は元型的なものであることを明確にしています。その良心の原型とは 言い換えれば、自分自身に対する責任と世界に対する責任です。そして、その意味で、あなたは外側と同様に、あなたの内側の真実とつながっているのです。一言で言えば、そういうことなのだと思います。それこそが、私たちが練習や人生で達成しようとしていることなのです。
~C.A.マイヤー、"C.A.マイヤー、リメンバー・ユング" スザンヌ・ワグナー博士とのインタビュー、1976年。





"意識があれば、道徳はもはや存在しない。意識がなければ、私たちは依然として奴隷であり、法律に従わなければ呪われてしまう。" ~カール・ユング、エスター・ハーディング、『ユングとの対話』、9ページ



The opus consists of three parts; insight, endurance, and action. Psychology is needed only in the first part, but in the second and third parts moral strength plays the predominant role. ~CG Jung, Letters Vol. 1, Page 375.

Analysis proper, and particularly Jungian analysis, begins and ends with conscience. That is that you take responsibility, that is that you take into consideration all of manifestations that so far have remained in the unconscious, in other words, that which you are not conscious of, and you start taking responsibility for those manifestations like shadow qualities and whatnot and this is a very strong test for your conscience. And you have to think of the beginning of psychoanalysis, it took an enormous amount of moral courage to face these facts, these things that have so far not been considered, or repressed and here you have to openly admit them to come to terms with. So conscience is, the development of human conscience is a thing of sizeable importance, the development of the personality which I believe is the final judgment that can be made. Not that we depend on anything external but it is your personal achievement to develop this conscience. That can be safely be said about Jungian psychology in general. The development of conscience. And Jung in his paper he makes it very clear that the last analysis of conscience is something archetypal. Its an archetype of conscience. In other words, of responsibility toward yourself as well as to the world. And in that sense you are connected to your inner truth as well as to the outer. I think that is how it could be summed up really, in a few words. That’s what we’re really trying to achieve in our practice, and in our own life of course.
~C.A. Meier, “C.A. Meier, Remembering Jung” Interview with Suzanne Wagner PhD, 1976.

We’re born with a natural moral code, a conscience, but we lose it mainly due to Collectivism.
If we’re too caught up in the Collective Norms (unconsciousness) we lose our inherent morality and don’t know right from wrong actions and so we cannot be our own masters, we can’t be in control of our emotions – they will rule us instead.
Jung says that we’re born moral human beings but lose that inherent wellness factor due to social influence, the Collective Norms and Beliefs. (Church and State) That’s why most people are moral relativists – making up what they want right and wrong to be.
Jung says morality was not handed to us by the Church but is a function of the human soul, as old as humanity itself. Morality is inherently born to us as a requirement of a civil and sane society, but we became too collective and lost contact with our inherent morality and took up Church morality instead, and also adopted the disease of moral relativism.
It should never be forgotten—and of this the Freudian school must be reminded—that morality was not brought down on tables of stone from Sinai and imposed on the people, but is a function of the human soul, as old as humanity itself. ~Carl Jung, CW 7, Para 30.

Morality is not imposed from outside; we have it in ourselves from the start—not the law, but our moral nature without which the collective life of human society would be impossible. ~Carl Jung, CW 7, On Eros Theory, Page 27.

The more a man's life is shaped by the collective norm, the greater is his individual immorality. ~Carl Jung; "Psychological Types", 1921.

Any large company composed of wholly admirable persons has the morality and intelligence of an unwieldy, stupid and violent animal. ~Carl Jung; CW 10; Page 228

“If we are conscious, morality no longer exists. (no longer needed as a ‘law’) If we are not conscious, we are still slaves and are accursed if we obey not the law.” ~Carl Jung, Esther Harding, Conversations with Jung, Page 9.

“Those who are too lazy and comfortable to think for themselves and be their own judges obey the laws. Others sense their own laws within them.”
~Hermann Hesse

"But, as we study the philosophy of the Upanishads, the impression grows on us that the attainment of this path is not exactly the simplest of tasks. Our Western superciliousness in the face of these Indian insights is a mark of our barbarian nature, which has not the remotest inkling of their extraordinary depth and astonishing psychological accuracy. We are still so uneducated that we actually need laws from without, and a task-master or Father above, to show us what is good and the right thing to do. And because we are still such barbarians, any trust in human nature seems to us a dangerous and unethical naturalism. Why is this? Because under the barbarian's thin veneer of culture the wild beast lurks in readiness, amply justifying his fear."
~Carl Jung, CW 6, Page 213


静流の声) 道徳的な法則はコンパクトな人間集団の中でしか通用しない。
そこには古い真実がある。ホモ・ホミニ・ループス(Homo homini lupus)。









[But moral laws are only valid within a compact human group.
Beyond that, they cease.]
Morality was not brought down on tables of stone from Sinai and imposed on the people, but is a function of the human soul, as old as humanity itself.
Morality is not imposed from outside; we have it in ourselves from the start —not the law, but our moral nature without which the collective life of human society would be impossible.
That is why morality is found at all levels of society.
It is the instinctive regulator of action which also governs the collective life of the herd. But moral laws are only valid within a compact human group.
Beyond that, they cease.
There the old truth runs: Homo homini lupus.

With the growth of civilization we have succeeded in subjecting ever larger human groups to the rule of the same morality, without, however, having yet brought the moral code to prevail beyond the social frontiers, that is, in the free space between mutually independent societies.
There, as of old, reign lawlessness and license and mad immorality—though of course it is only the enemy who dares to say it out loud. ~Carl Jung, CW 7, Para 30.


しかし、相手があなたの要求を無視して、あなたを個人的に攻撃し始めたら(アド・ホミネム)、それはプロジェクションである可能性が高いと言えます。認知的不協和 - 戦うか逃げるか。



We usually can notice the ego operating when we see someone shadow projecting.
How can we determine if someone is shadow projecting?
There’s a fairly simple method.
Once they make their claim ask them if they are able to show how they formed their conclusion, or if they can provide the proper supporting material to back up their opinion.
If they comply in a way that you’re satisfied, then they probably weren’t projecting.
But if they ignore your request and begin attacking you personally (ad hominem), then its quite likely that they were projecting. Cognitive dissonance – Fight or Flight.
If they are being honest with themselves and with you, then they’ll appreciate you showing them their shadow and will thank you for giving them something to work on.
If they’re not being honest, then you will likely have made an enemy – but that’s none of your business.
“If someone can prove me wrong and show me my mistake in any thought or action, I shall gladly change. I seek the truth, which never harmed anyone: the harm is to persist in one's own self-deception and ignorance.” ~Marcus Aurelius, Meditations, VI-21.

In short, the ego won’t do a very good job if at all of showing the proper supporting material to back up its claims.
The Self will have no trouble showing the proper material to support its claims and conclusions and will usually be able to do so in a number of different ways


マタイの福音書 7:15-20

自己="何 "であるか
自我="誰 "なのか
この主観的な自己の知識は、次のような意味を持っています。"自分が誰であるかではなく、何であるか、何に依存しているのか、誰のものなのか(誰に、何に属しているのか)、何のために作られたのかを知らなければ、誰も自分を知ることはできません。この区別は ... ... 重要です。. . . 精神の主観的な自我意識ではなく、未だに調査されなければならない未知の、偏見のない対象としての精神そのものを意味しています。"自我は一方で因果的にそれに「依存」または「帰属」しており、他方で目標としてそれに向かっているので、「何」は中立的な自己、全体の客観的な事実を意味しています。
~カール・ユング; CW 9/2, par. 252.




​ You Will Know Them by Their Fruits
Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves. You will know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes from thornbushes or figs from thistles? Even so, every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a bad tree bear good fruit. Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. Therefore by their fruits you will know them.
​ Matthew 7:15-20

It could be said that;
The Self = the “what”
The ego = the “who”
This subjective knowledge of the Self [is what is meant by]: "No one can know himself unless he knows what, and not who, he is, on what he depends, or whose he is (or to whom or what he belongs) and for what end he was made." This distinction . . . is crucial. . . . Not the subjective ego-consciousness of the psyche is meant, but the psyche itself as the unknown, unprejudiced object that still has to be investigated. "What" refers to the neutral self, the objective fact of totality, since the ego is on the one hand causally "dependent on" or "belongs to" it, and on the other hand is directed toward it as to a goal.
~Carl Jung; CW 9/2, par. 252.

No man can truly know himself unless first he see and know ~what~ rather than who he is. To what end was he made, by whom & through whom?
~Gerhard Dorn, 1530-1584

We substitute our ignorance with gas; modern people are all gas bags inasmuch as they are ignorant of what they really are. ~CG Jung, Visions Seminar, Page 235

