

もしあなたが戦士になりたいなら、壊されることを覚悟し、もしあなたが探検家になりたいなら、迷子になることを覚悟し、もしあなたが恋人になりたいなら 両方になる準備をしなさい。

2021-09-17 19:24:45 | 心理学



- ダニエル・セイント

If you wish to be a warrior, prepare to get broken, if you wish to be an explorer, prepare to get lost, and if you wish to be a lover,

prepare to be both.

- Daniel Saint



- ダニエル・セイント


~ カール・ユング『赤の書』234ページより

~ カール・ユング、赤の書、237ページ。

The spirit of this time of course allowed me to believe in my reason. He let me see myself in the image of a leader with ripe thoughts. But the spirit of the depths teaches me that I am a servant, in fact the servant of a child: This dictum was repugnant to me and I hated it. But I had to recognize and accept that my soul is a child and that my God in my soul is a child.
~ Carl Jung, The Red Book, Page 234.

Cleverness couples itself with intention. Simplemindedness knows no intention. Cleverness conquers the world, but simplemindedness, the soul. So take on the vow of poverty of spirit in order to partake of the soul.
~ Carl Jung, The Red Book, Page 237.
