

欧州囲連盟と中国企業との契約 EGC & CEGO Contract

2013-08-10 12:20:03 | 日記

2013年8月8日に欧州囲碁連盟と中国のBeijing Zong Yi Yuan Cheng Culture Communication Co. Ltd. (CEGO)が10年契約で欧州に於ける中国文化の碁の発展、育成に於いて契約が締結されました。


http://www.eurogofed.org/egf/CEGO_contract.pdf (全文はここにあります)

Contract (契約)


This document describes the basics about the cooperation between the two pafties, the European Go Federation (called EGF in this document) and the BeijingZong Yi Yuan Cheng Culture Communication Co. Ltd. (called CEGO in this document).

The EGF is the one and only registered Go-organisation operating in the whole area of Europe. Members of the EGF are the national Go-organisations, actual 37 countries.

The CEGO comprises investors who themselves are Go friends. These investors believe on the future development of European Go and are willing to commit themselves to promote Go, a great representative of Chinese traditional culture, in the West,

Objectives . Improve the strength of European amateur Go players o Establish a complete Professional Go System in Europe o Encourage the organisation of the EGF o Enhance the popularity of Go and increase its audience in Europe o Extend existing and develop new cultural contacts between Europe and China

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2013-08-03 00:00:45 | 日記


1位に中国国籍からフランス国籍を取得したFAN Hui (中国プロ棋士)と昨年の春まで東京で院生研修をしていた

Antti TORMANEN 氏が同率!!!



http://egc2013.go.art.pl/EGC2013_main.html (全員の成績が見れます)

Num  Pl  Name  Rank  Co Club  NbW R 1 R 2 R 3 R 4 R 5 MMSSOS
Fan Hui 7D FR 75Op 4 21+/w0 26+/b0 8+/w0 4+/b0 2?/b0 38 184
  Tormanen Antti 6D FI eGo 4 22+/b0 16+/b0 5+/w0 3+/w0 1?/w0 38 184
Lisy Pavol 6D SK DoSt 3 6+/b0 18+/w0 14+/w0 2-/b0 12?/w0 37 184
  Surma Mateusz 6D PL Dzim 3 27+/b0 20+/b0 7+/w0 1-/w0 11?/w0 37 184
Kachanovskyi Artem 6D UA Rivn 3 24+/w0 15+/b0 2-/b0 34+/w0 10?/w0 37 183
Campagnie Remi 5D FR 35Re 3 3-/w0 37+/b0 32+/b0 23+/w0 9?/b0 37 182
  Kravets Andrii 6D UA Rivn 3 25+/b0 28+/w0 4-/b0 29+/w0 8?/w0 37 182
Debarre Thomas 6D FR 67SE 3 44+/b0 43+/w0 1-/b0 31+/w0 7?/b0 37 181
  Dinerstein Alexandr 7D RU 16Kz 3 15-/w0 39+/b0 27+/w0 19+/b0 6?/w0 37 181
10    Shikshin Ilja 7D RU 16Kz 3 14-/w0 33+/b0 18+/b0 25+/w0 5?/b0 37 181
11  11  Kuronen Juri 5D FI eGo 3 17-/w0 46+/b0 24+/b0 30+/w0 4?/b0 37 180
12  12  Spiegel Lothar 5D AT Gote 4 73+/b0 44+/w0 17+/b0 15+/w0 3?/b0 37 179
13  13  Silt Ondrej 6D CZ AKun 4 50+/b0 51+/w0 43+/w0 14+/b0 34?/w0 37 177
14  14  Lin Viktor 5D AT Gote 2 10+/b0 17+/w0 3-/b0 13-/w0 40?/b0 36 183
15  15  Mitic Dusan 6D RS NiSt 2 9+/b0 5-/w0 49+/w0 12-/b0 38?/w0 36 182
16  16  Lazarev Alexej 6D RU 10Pt 2 38+/b0 2-/w0 23-/b0 63+/w0 39?/w0 36 181
17    Mero Csaba 6D HU BuPe 2 11+/b0 14-/b0 12-/w0 61+/w0 36?/w0 36 181
18    Vashurov Alexandr 5D RU 16Kz 2 36+/w0 3-/b0 10-/w0 52+/b0 37?/b0 36 181
19  19  Chung Wai_Yi 4D CN xxxx 3 71+/w0 38+/b0 28+/b0 9-/w0 35?/b0 36 180
20    Frejlak Stanislaw 4D PL Wars 2 23+/b0 4-/w0 34-/b0 64+/w0 33?/b0 36 180
21    Kraemer Lukas 5D DE BN 2 1-/b0 59+/w0 31-/b0 62+/w0 32?/b0 36 180
22    Kruml Ondrej 5D CZ Brno 2 2-/w0 48+/w0 29-/b0 66+/b0 31?/w0 36 180
23    Mitic Nikola 5D RS NiSt 2 20-/w0 54+/b0 16+/w0 6-/b0 30?/w0 36 180
24    Obenaus Johannes 5D DE Berl 2 5-/b0 60+/w0 11-/w0 48+/b0 29?/w0 36 180
25    Papazoglou Benjamin 5D FR 35Re 2 7-/w0 88+/b0 35+/w0 10-/b0 28?/w0 36 180
26    Podpera Lukas 6D CZ APWS 2 45+/b0 1-/w0 30-/b0 58+/w0 27?/w0 36 180
27    Radmacher Bernd 4D DE MEE 2 4-/w0 82+/b0 9-/b0 53+/w0 26?/b0 36 180
28    Soldan Leszek 5D PL Wars 2 35+/b0 7-/b0 19-/w0 57+/w0 25?/b0 36 180
29  29  Chen Xing 6D CN Beij 3 72+/b0 67+/w0 22+/w0 7-/b0 24?/b0 36 179
30    Jabarin Ali 6D IL TAv 2 43-/b0 55+/w0 26+/w0 11-/b0 23?/b0 36 179


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2013-08-02 00:12:52 | 日記





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2013-08-01 16:46:32 | 日記


写真はみたま祭り 左から筆者、フランスのミカエル君、ドイツのシャニン、フランスのローランド氏











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