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4月30日(金)のつぶやき 英語バージョン

2010年05月01日 | 日記
09:36 from web
Good morning ! It is clear without a hint of clouds.
I really like a spring breeze.
09:49 from web
We all have our ups and downs. That's life.
Eating sweets picks me up when I'm down.
Drinking wine also works well on me. (haha)
09:53 from web
But a new day always helps.
I'm happy I'm here with my family.
I'm thankful to God.
09:55 from web
Beautiful weather makes me happy.
I want to go out with my kids !
14:33 from web
OK. We are going for shopping !
I need some exercise.
20:00 from web
Life consists not in holding good cards but in playing those you hold well.
I should remember this words.
20:06 from web
I want to be proud of myself . I should always try to do my best.
At the same time, I appreciate that I exist in the world thanks to God.
by comadam on Twitter