北摂あらため 芦屋エレママのひとりごと    -エレガントなマダムの部屋へようこそ- 


5月7日(金)のつぶやき 英語バージョン

2010年05月08日 | 日記
12:10 from web
Hello ! It rains cats and dogs !!
Today my daughter's teacher is visiting our house.
How unluckey weather we have !
12:25 from web
Ok. I have to clean my house again.
I need to change my clothes also.
I want to look myself presentable !
17:05 from web
We waited him so long time.
We could talk enough and had a good time.
I think he is an excellent teacher.
17:08 from web
Time flies.
I have to go now !!
My son and youngest daughter have been waiting for me.
20:42 from web
I often take care of 3kids by myself alone.
It's very tough !
But I shouldn't complain about it as I have house-maid.
20:44 from web
Tonight my hubby has a beer party.
He doesn't need dinner.
I guess he'll come back very late.
22:13 from web
Sometimes I lose my confidence.
But I want to believe in my goals for the future.
I try to have positive thoughts.
22:27 from web
The darkest hour is just before the dawn.
When dawn break in my life??
22:31 from web
Keep your thought positive no matter what is happening around you.
If I give up my hope, there's no picture for my future.
22:41 from web
I want to keep dreaming of much happier life.
Am I greedy? Maybe so.(haha)
I know I'm very happy now. But I hope tomorrow will be better !
22:52 from web
I hope the day after tomorrow will be much better...!
I hope everybody's future will be bright.
OK. I think I take a bath. Chao for now !
by comadam on Twitter

エレママ 半ボケお手伝いさん徒然日記

2010年05月08日 | 日記










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