北摂あらため 芦屋エレママのひとりごと    -エレガントなマダムの部屋へようこそ- 



2010年10月02日 | 日記
12:53 from web
Hello ! It's so bright !
It has been cool,but it suddenly get hot.
I don't need long-sleeved blouse today.
12:59 from web
Now my children must be playing in mud water with their class mates at school.
Yes, it's FUN FRIDAY !!
Sounds nice,doesn't it ?
13:13 from web
Yesterday we just rearranged our wardrobe for the new season.
My housekeeper helped me a lot.
But it's so hot that we don't need <cont>
13:20 from web
winter clothes now. I can't predict what's like in the evening.
The weather in autumn is erratic.
Hope for the best, prepare for the worst !
13:29 from web
It's around 1:30pm in japan.
I have to redo my makeup.
I'm seeing a doctor. My appointment is 3:00pm. See you !
23:52 from web
It's my favorite time of day, when just before I go to sleep,after I have finished everything for the day. I feel happy !
23:56 from web
When I was a single I liked twilight.
But now evening is busiest time of day. At that time I'm maneaging to take care of children anyhow.
by comadam on Twitter