北摂あらため 芦屋エレママのひとりごと    -エレガントなマダムの部屋へようこそ- 



2010年10月26日 | 日記
17:40 from web
It's been raining.
My daughter had no school today.
So her younger brother didn't want to go to kindergarten.
He gave me a hard time !
17:46 from web
He was grumpy in the morning.
It really wore me out.
I feel I used 80% of my energy only for seeing him off !
17:52 from web
But once he entered into class room , suddenly he chaged.
Looked like very happy boy.
I thought "What had been his grumpy face?"
17:56 from web
I'm sure he likes his friends and teachers.
Plus he likes lerning !
I would say his international kindergarten help him a lot.
18:01 from web
Halloween is just around the corner.
My children can't wait .
Every day they ask me "Tomorrow is Halloween?"
Funny !!
18:07 from web
But unfortunately it's not so popular in Japan. Very limited range of people
enjoy it.
18:13 from web
I guess especially people from US must be missing Halloween.
Because we don't have such custom in Japan.
23:57 from web
Oh, it's almost midnight !
Good night !!
by comadam on Twitter