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11月30日(火)のつぶやき Talking about my sweet car

2010年12月01日 | 日記
12:06 from goo
11月29日(月)のつぶやき I like autumn sky #goo_chau_0725 http://bit.ly/eb8IGE
23:46 from web
It was really hard day.
My sweet Jaguar's engine overheated.
I feel down when I had noticed it.
Obviously I heard strange noise from engine.
23:49 from web
I found the water was leaking from there.
Oh,no !!
Fortunately I had no plan to do today.
So I could meet with that trouble.
23:54 from web
First I added radiator fluid.
After that I drove to the car dealer.
The mechanic repaired my car.
23:56 from web
It took about 3hours.
But everything become perfect!
What a relief !!!!!!
23:58 from web
Some people say Japanese cars have best quality.
Sorry, I love Jaguar very much !
23:59 from web
Ok, good night !
by comadam on Twitter

Honestly my car is so sweet.
I love driving in my car.
Jaguar is always with me!!!!!
I admit it has often breakdown compare to Japanese car.
But never mind !
Taking a spin in it, you can see sparks fly ! (because of my way of driving??)
Sounds fabulous, doesn't it??