10:09 from goo
エレママ エレガントでない夫が語る 世にもマズいもの #goo_chau_0725 http://bit.ly/dOkJFT
23:36 from web
It was fine and quite warm.
We attended Christmas service .
We haven't been to charch for a long time although, it was ever good.
23:43 from web
There was a party after service. We had a lot of fun.
Our minister is very cheerful, funny , and has charismatic personality.
23:51 from web
The minister loves to drink !!
Oh, no....
He is getting into surgery tomorrow.
And a surgeon of this operation is my hubby !!
23:56 from web
I asked the minister if it was OK for him to drink.
He told me "Never mind ! I'm drinking with my doctor."
My hubby was forcing a laugh.
23:59 from web
Acutually a glass of wine will not give bad effect of surgery.
Anyway I hope operation will be success.
Good night !
by comadam on Twitter
エレママ エレガントでない夫が語る 世にもマズいもの #goo_chau_0725 http://bit.ly/dOkJFT
23:36 from web
It was fine and quite warm.
We attended Christmas service .
We haven't been to charch for a long time although, it was ever good.
23:43 from web
There was a party after service. We had a lot of fun.
Our minister is very cheerful, funny , and has charismatic personality.
23:51 from web
The minister loves to drink !!
Oh, no....
He is getting into surgery tomorrow.
And a surgeon of this operation is my hubby !!
23:56 from web
I asked the minister if it was OK for him to drink.
He told me "Never mind ! I'm drinking with my doctor."
My hubby was forcing a laugh.
23:59 from web
Acutually a glass of wine will not give bad effect of surgery.
Anyway I hope operation will be success.
Good night !
by comadam on Twitter