北摂あらため 芦屋エレママのひとりごと    -エレガントなマダムの部屋へようこそ- 



2010年12月30日 | 日記
18:56 from goo
エレママ  マリアのクリスマス 2010 #goo_chau_0725 http://blog.goo.ne.jp/chau_0725/e/746888702f15e1cd3e1065a055036471
18:59 from goo
エレママ 大忙しママのお子様対策 お子様だけで作れるおもてなしオードブル #goo_chau_0725 http://blog.goo.ne.jp/chau_0725/e/ba127e6eb42ba4cb2bc850e7792f233b
22:26 from web
It was quite cold.
In this season everybody seemes to be busy somehow in this season.
22:30 from web
Generally speaking, the end of the year we do major housecleaning in this country. I've heard in western country people do it on April.
22:36 from web
New year's day is special for Japanese people.
So most of the people clean up every corner of their house to keep the bad lack away.
22:43 from web
Yes.... Cleaning your place will bring you good luck.
I also believe somewhere in my heart, not so serious although.
22:49 from web
By the way , it is said that Singapore is very clean country.
But Japan is far more clean !! If you'll come here, you'll get it what I mean.
22:56 from web
Roads are shining, and Japanese taxis are squeaky clean !!
It's true.
I would say Japanese people like cleanliness and neatness.
23:11 from web
Oh, I want to tell you one thing !
I had a lovely cake in tea time.
It's called Mikage Yamate roll from Kobe.
Click here ! 神戸 御影 ロールケーキ専門店 みかげ山手ロール 神戸 御影 ロールケーキ専門店 みかげ山手ロール
23:14 from web
I have a weekness for sweets.
I feel like becoming fat !!
I don't care although !
23:14 from web
Good night !!
by comadam on Twitter