北摂あらため 芦屋エレママのひとりごと    -エレガントなマダムの部屋へようこそ- 



2011年02月06日 | 日記
20:46 from goo
エレママ ラグジュアリー シンガポール ! #goo_chau_0725 http://blog.goo.ne.jp/chau_0725/e/547bd26278be58c8ae0ddeb5fde00ec1
23:35 from web
The weather was gentle today.
I felt great.
I went to swimming pool in the morning, leaving my children at home.
23:40 from web
My hubby had work. When I woke up, he had already left home to hospital. Sorry, darling ! I'm not a good wife.
23:42 from web
But you never mind, darling right??
I said bye-bye to you in a dream !! So, it's OK isn't it ?(haha)
23:44 from web
While I was swimming in the pool, my housekeeper took care of my three children very well. Yes, she is such a reliable woman.
23:52 from web
I've been trying to walk in the swimming pool.
Because I have a knee problem and lumbago.
It's been painful, on this age ! (sigh)
23:55 from web
Light exercise wil do work.
Needless to say, as I'm out of shape, I don't feel like doing strenuous exercise.
23:58 from web
After walking slightly, I felt better.
I hope I'll get well soon.
I have to be fine as I'm a mother of three children !!
23:58 from web
Good night !
by comadam on Twitter