北摂あらため 芦屋エレママのひとりごと    -エレガントなマダムの部屋へようこそ- 



2011年02月11日 | 日記
23:29 from web
It was very cold.
The sunshine was quite blight although, the wind was nippy.
Awfull !
23:34 from web
According to the weather forecast temperature will drop to as low as 0 degrees in Osaka , Japan.
Oh, going back to winter again !!
23:38 from web
We can expect heavy snow all over in Japan.
Sounds like freezing ! I have to remember to wrap up warm.
23:46 from web
I felt a cold coming on.
I could smell nothing !! Last night I couldn't sleep , as my nose was stuffed up.
Never worth. (sigh)
23:50 from web
My housekeeper said same thing.
I was wondering that I was passed her cold by her?? Or I passed my cold to her??
23:52 from web
Of course no need to discuss. (haha)
Since she is elderly woman , I'm worried her condition.
23:57 from web
I have trouble breathing because my nose was congested.
Anyway I want to sleep soundly.
I don't want lose sleep !!
23:57 from web
Ok, good night, everyone.
Take care.
by comadam on Twitter