北摂あらため 芦屋エレママのひとりごと    -エレガントなマダムの部屋へようこそ- 



2011年02月28日 | 日記
01:31 from goo
Today's tweet 26th Feb ,2011 #goo_chau_0725 http://blog.goo.ne.jp/chau_0725/e/b901af89bebba09571201fcacc102da9
14:25 from goo
エレママ セクシーなサマンサのお薦め美肌メニューは帝国ホテル大阪で #goo_chau_0725 http://blog.goo.ne.jp/chau_0725/e/aa461d2e9ecb9f50985bd14cfdf72cf0
21:46 from web
Good evening!
Whew..... my children went to bed at last.
I like this moment !
21:49 from web
I'm gonna take a bath now.
Of course I'll enjoy aromatic bath tonight !
Sounds lovely??
O.K. I'll come back soon.
23:35 from web
It was sunny and warm.
I felt winter was over !
But it became cloudy after 3pm and got colder.
23:40 from web
We went to see plum blossoms to Expo Park Osaka.
Mmm... sweet-smelling.
Did you know how fragrant smell they had?
23:45 from web
As you know cherry blossoms are beautyful and gorgeous.
Compare to this one, plum blossoms are more plain .
But they have lovely smell !
23:48 from web
So plum blossoms which we call Ume in Japanese are said noble flower and very popular from ancient times in Japan.
23:54 from web
Both flowers attract to me.
So I can't choose only one !
Each flower has good and strong point , just like human's character.
23:56 from web
That's why try to be very good at being yourself !
23:57 from web
Ok, that's for now.
Good night !
by comadam on Twitter