北摂あらため 芦屋エレママのひとりごと    -エレガントなマダムの部屋へようこそ- 



2011年02月14日 | 日記
22:52 from web
Good evening.
It was fine.
But I was down all day. What a day !
22:55 from web
As my hubby was not at home, I felt uneasy.
Fortunately my three children understood the situation soon.
22:58 from web
I had a headache and felt sick on my stomach.
Terrible...like a seasickness !
What was happening on me????
23:00 from web
Flu?? No. I don't have fever.
Noro virus?? No. I never threw up.
23:05 from web
Only I knew was I needed to lie down.
So I gave up to sit up.
I decided to sleep as much as I wanted.
23:09 from web
Finally I slept like a log !!(haha)
When I woke up from a dream, my children's grandpa came to see me.
Soon my hubby also came back.
23:15 from web
I felt warm and tender.
Family is such a wonderful thing. I think I can't live alone.
23:20 from web
Tomorrow is Monday.
I hope coming new week also will be another good week for everyone.
Good night !!
by comadam on Twitter