Dali When I walk Tarou in the park, I sometimes see children playing a game. One child, ...
Washington’s Birthday(ワシントン誕生日)
Me You know what? February 15 is Washington’s Birthday. For the American holiday series ...
New Year’s Day and New Year’s Eve(大晦日と元日)
Me Hey, Dali. In the US, what do you Americans usually do on New Year’s Day and New Year...
Christmas in Japan and the US(日本のクリスマス・アメリカのクリスマス)
Me Hey, Dali. In Japan, people exchange presents, and eat fried chicken and cake on Chri...
Thanksgiving Day(感謝祭)
Me Hey, Dali. What’s Thanksgiving Day?私 ダリちゃん。感謝祭って何?Dali Thanksgiving ...
Elderly Life(高齢者の生活)
Me What do you think about elderly life in Japan?私 日本の高齢者の生活についてどう思う?Dali...
Me Hey, Dali. What is Halloween? Every year, lots of people attend Halloween costume par...
Columbus Day(コロンブス・デー)
Me Hey, Dali. I have a good idea. I’m thinking that if we post a series of stories of Am...
No, Not At All.(そんなことないよ)
Dali Consider the situation where I am talking about myself. You know I am a humble boy ...
Speaking While Chewing(口に食べ物を入れたまましゃべってはダメ)
Me Hey, Dali. Last time, you mentioned that you wanted to say something about manners wh...