四語整序問題)The affairs of the bank were managed so loosely that Porter's (was / to / predecessor / driven ) retirement.
解答)The affairs of the bank were managed so loosely that Porter's predecessor was driven to retirement.(2010東大文系長文より抜粋)※predecessor : 前任者
問題)The most powerful way of becoming happy is to ※_ _ ltivate compassion. (下線部を埋めて文脈に合った単語を完成してください)
解答)The most powerful way of becoming happy is to cultivate compassion. ※ cultivate : 育む(←2009東大文系長文登場単語)
四語整序問題)They have launched a (for / scholarship / developing / scheme ) countries.
解答)They have launched a scholarship scheme for developing countries.※scheme : 構想(←2010年東大文系に登場単語)
問題)The affairs of the bank were managed so loosely that Porter's ※predece_ _ _ _ was driven to retirement.(下線部を埋めて文脈に合った単語を完成してください)
和訳) その銀行の業務はとてもいい加減に行われていたため、ポーターの前任者は退職に追い込まれた。
解答) The affairs of the bank were managed so loosely that Porter's predecessor was driven to retirement.(2010東大文系長文より抜粋)※predecessor : 前任者
someone who had your job before you started doing it と定義されています。
english x englishをお試しください。英英辞典を使うのが楽になります。
english x englishには以下のような英英辞典式四語整序問題が700問あることに加えて、英英辞典の定義文と例文をベースにしたさまざまな練習問題を収録しています。
001 enjoy = ( from / get / something / pleasure )
002 imagine = form a ( in / picture / something / of ) your mind
003 learn = get knowledge or ( in / skill / new / a ) subject or activity
004 join = become a member ( as / something / of / such ) a club,
company, or other organization
005 approach = ( closer / someone / move / to ) or something
006 sleep = rest your mind and body ( eyes / with / closed / your ),
usually while lying down
007 float = stay on the surface of ( a / sinking / without / liquid )
008 catch = ( hold / stop / something / and ) that is moving, especially
in the hands
009 wear = have ( your / something / body / on )
010 travel = go from ( place / one / another / to )
011 deliver = take ( the / something / requested / to ) place
012 hit = bring ( someone / hand / your / against ) or something
quickly and hard
001 楽しむ = get(得る)pleasure(楽しみを)from something(何かから)
002 想像する = form(作る)a picture(画像を)of something(何かの)in your mind
003 習う = get(得る)knowledge or skill(知識や技能を)in a new subject or activity
004 加入する = become a member(一員になる)of something(何かの)such as a club,
company, or other organization(例えばクラブや会社や他の組織の)
005 近づく = move(移動する)closer(より近くへ)to someone or something(誰か,
006 眠る = rest(休める)your mind and body(自分の心と体を)with your eyes closed(自
分の目が閉じられた状態で), usually while lying down(通常は横になっている間に)
007 浮く = stay(とどまる)on the surface(表面に)of a liquid(液体の)without sinking
008 捕らえる = stop and hold(止めて保持する)something(何かを)that is moving
(それは動いている), especially in the hands(特に手で)
009 身につけている = have(持っている)something(何かを)on your body(自分の体に
010 移動[旅行]する = go(行く)from one place(一つの所から)to another(別の所へ)
011 配達する = take(持って行く)something(何かを)to the requested place(依頼され
012 たたく = bring(もっていく)your hand(自分の手を)against someone or something
(誰か, あるいは何かにぶつけるように)quickly and hard(素早くそして強く)
四語整序問題)The affairs of the bank were managed so loosely that Porter's (was / to / predecessor / driven ) retirement.
解答)The affairs of the bank were managed so loosely that Porter's predecessor was driven to retirement.(2010東大文系長文より抜粋)※predecessor : 前任者
問題)The most powerful way of becoming happy is to ※_ _ ltivate compassion. (下線部を埋めて文脈に合った単語を完成してください)
解答)The most powerful way of becoming happy is to cultivate compassion. ※ cultivate : 育む(←2009東大文系長文登場単語)
四語整序問題)They have launched a (for / scholarship / developing / scheme ) countries.
解答)They have launched a scholarship scheme for developing countries.※scheme : 構想(←2010年東大文系に登場単語)
問題)The affairs of the bank were managed so loosely that Porter's ※predece_ _ _ _ was driven to retirement.(下線部を埋めて文脈に合った単語を完成してください)
和訳) その銀行の業務はとてもいい加減に行われていたため、ポーターの前任者は退職に追い込まれた。
解答) The affairs of the bank were managed so loosely that Porter's predecessor was driven to retirement.(2010東大文系長文より抜粋)※predecessor : 前任者
someone who had your job before you started doing it と定義されています。
english x englishをお試しください。英英辞典を使うのが楽になります。
english x englishには以下のような英英辞典式四語整序問題が700問あることに加えて、英英辞典の定義文と例文をベースにしたさまざまな練習問題を収録しています。
001 enjoy = ( from / get / something / pleasure )
002 imagine = form a ( in / picture / something / of ) your mind
003 learn = get knowledge or ( in / skill / new / a ) subject or activity
004 join = become a member ( as / something / of / such ) a club,
company, or other organization
005 approach = ( closer / someone / move / to ) or something
006 sleep = rest your mind and body ( eyes / with / closed / your ),
usually while lying down
007 float = stay on the surface of ( a / sinking / without / liquid )
008 catch = ( hold / stop / something / and ) that is moving, especially
in the hands
009 wear = have ( your / something / body / on )
010 travel = go from ( place / one / another / to )
011 deliver = take ( the / something / requested / to ) place
012 hit = bring ( someone / hand / your / against ) or something
quickly and hard
001 楽しむ = get(得る)pleasure(楽しみを)from something(何かから)
002 想像する = form(作る)a picture(画像を)of something(何かの)in your mind
003 習う = get(得る)knowledge or skill(知識や技能を)in a new subject or activity
004 加入する = become a member(一員になる)of something(何かの)such as a club,
company, or other organization(例えばクラブや会社や他の組織の)
005 近づく = move(移動する)closer(より近くへ)to someone or something(誰か,
006 眠る = rest(休める)your mind and body(自分の心と体を)with your eyes closed(自
分の目が閉じられた状態で), usually while lying down(通常は横になっている間に)
007 浮く = stay(とどまる)on the surface(表面に)of a liquid(液体の)without sinking
008 捕らえる = stop and hold(止めて保持する)something(何かを)that is moving
(それは動いている), especially in the hands(特に手で)
009 身につけている = have(持っている)something(何かを)on your body(自分の体に
010 移動[旅行]する = go(行く)from one place(一つの所から)to another(別の所へ)
011 配達する = take(持って行く)something(何かを)to the requested place(依頼され
012 たたく = bring(もっていく)your hand(自分の手を)against someone or something
(誰か, あるいは何かにぶつけるように)quickly and hard(素早くそして強く)