


2011年01月03日 | ドリトル先生航海記で学ぶ語彙・読解

※(60)の解答①(trembling)②(moment)③(knows how long they've) ④(pray)⑤(seem to run all)⑥(grabbing up his hat)⑦(where he is if) ⑧(shaped)⑨(chance of my meeting)⑩(may mean death to)⑪(as we did that)⑫(fatigue)⑬(first to give up)⑭(strange mountain pictured in)⑮(summit)⑯(of breath from our)⑰(certainly)⑱(steep)⑲(search) ⑳(gather)

Then we all went off our different ways.

Each of us, you may be sure, was ①*(general : anxious : available : efficient) to be the one to make a discovery. And never was a mountain searched so thoroughly. But alas! nothing could we find that looked in the least like a fallen-in cave. There were plenty of places where rocks had tumbled down to the ②**(foot : cell : draft : heap)of the slopes; but none of ③(appeared / these / though / as) caves or passages could possibly lie behind them.

One by one, tired and disappointed, we straggled back to the meeting-place. The Doctor seemed ④*(intimate : extreme : urban : gloomy) and impatient but by no means inclined to give up.

"Jip," he said, "couldn't you SMELL anything like an Indian anywhere?"

"No," said Jip. "I ⑤(at / crack / sniffed / every) on the mountainside. But I am afraid my nose will ⑥(use / be / no / of) to you here, Doctor. The trouble is, the whole air ⑦(saturated / is / with / so) the smell of spider-monkeys that it drowns every other scent—And besides, it's too cold and dry for good smelling."

"It is certainly that," said the Doctor—"and getting colder all the time. I'm afraid the island is still ⑧**(thriving : yielding : drifting : posing) to the southward. Let's hope it stops before long, or we won't be able to get even nuts and fruit to eat—everything in the island will ⑨***(swallow : proclaim : summon : perish)—Chee-Chee, what luck did you have?"

"None, Doctor. I climbed to every peak and pinnacle I could see. I searched every hollow and cleft. But not one place could I find ⑩(which : when : where : what) men might be hidden."

"And Polynesia," asked the Doctor, "did you see nothing that ⑪(put / might / on / us ) the right track?"

"Not a thing, Doctor—But I have a plan."

"Oh good!" cried John Dolittle, full of hope renewed. "What is it? Let's hear it."

"You still have that beetle with you," she asked—"the Biz-biz, or whatever it is you call the wretched insect?"

"Yes," said the Doctor, producing the glass-topped box from his pocket, "here it is."

"All right. Now listen," said she. "If what you have supposed is true—that is, that Long Arrow had been ⑫*(searched : trapped : disturbed : rushed) inside the mountain by falling rock, he probably found that beetle inside the cave—perhaps many other different beetles too, eh? He wouldn't have ⑬(take / been / to / likely) the Biz-biz in with him, would he?—He was hunting plants, you say, not beetles. Isn't that right?"

"Yes," said the Doctor, "that's probably so."

"Very well. It is ⑭*(abundant : fair : mere : huge) to suppose then that the beetle's home, or his hole, is in that place—the part of the mountain where Long Arrow and his party are imprisoned, isn't it?"

"Quite, quite."

"All right. Then the thing to ⑮(is / do / let / to) the beetle go—and watch him; and sooner or later he'll return to his home in Long Arrow's cave. And there we will follow him—Or at all events," she added smoothing down her wing-feathers with a very superior air, "we will follow him till the miserable bug starts nosing under the earth. But at least he will ⑯(what / show / part / us) part of the mountain Long Arrow is hidden in."

"But he may fly, if I let him out," said the Doctor. "Then we shall just lose him and be⑰(better / than / no / off ) we were before."

"LET him fly," snorted Polynesia scornfully. "A parrot can wing it as fast as a Biz-biz, I fancy. If he takes to the air, I'll guarantee not to let the little devil ⑱(my / out / sight / of). And if he just ⑲*(crawls : employs : recovers : releases) along the ground you can follow him yourself."

"Splendid!" cried the Doctor. "Polynesia, you have a great brain. I'll ⑳(work / to / him / set) at once and see what happens."

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