


2011年07月31日 | ドリトル先生航海記で学ぶ語彙・読解

※(88)の解答①(common)②(creature)③(patient examination we found)④(witnessed)⑤(considerable)⑥(translating)⑦(described) ⑧(getting near to learning)⑨(began to put words)⑩(putting his face below)⑪(succeeding)⑫(turned from his work)⑬(persuaded)⑭(keep your mouth shut)⑮(swelling on his tail)⑯(fastened)⑰(insisted)⑱(strapped to his satisfaction)⑲(attention)⑳(empty)

"I think one of us ①(up / had / sit / better) with him all night," said the Doctor. "We might put Bumpo on that duty; he's been napping all day, I know—in the summer-house. It's a pretty bad sprain, that; and if the snail shouldn't be able to sleep, he'll be happier with some one with him for company. He'll get all right though—in a few days I should judge. If I wasn't so confoundedly busy I'd sit up with him myself. I wish I could, because I still have a lot of things to ②(over / him / talk / with)."

"But Doctor," said Polynesia as we prepared to go back to the town, "you ought to take a holiday. All Kings take holidays once in the while—every one of them. King Charles, for instance—of course Charles was before your time—but he!—why, he was ALWAYS holiday-making. Not that he was ever what you would call a model king. But just the same, he was frightfully popular. Everybody liked him—even the golden-carp in the fish-pond at Hampton Court. As a king, the only thing I had against him was his inventing those stupid, little, snappy dogs they call King Charles Spaniels. There are lots of stories told about poor Charles; but that, in my ③*(operation : necessity : opinion : reality), is the worst thing he did. However, all this is beside the point. As I was saying, kings have to take holidays the same as anybody else. And you haven't taken one since you were crowned, have you now?"

"No," said the Doctor, "I suppose that's true."

"Well now I tell you what you do," said she: "as soon as you get back to the palace you ④*(cause : publish : estimate : accomplish) a royal proclamation that you are going away for a week into the country for your health. And you're going WITHOUT ANY SERVANTS, you understand—just like a plain person. It's called traveling incognito, when kings go off like that. They all do it—It's the only way they can ever have a good time. Then the week you're away you can ⑤*(cost : remove : count : spend) lolling on the beach back there with the snail. How's that?"

"I'd like to," said the Doctor. "It sounds most ⑥*(evil : attractive : obvious : competent). But there's that new theatre to be built; none of our carpenters would know how to get those rafters on without me to show them—And then there are the babies: these native mothers are so frightfully ignorant."

"Oh bother the theatre—and the babies too," snapped Polynesia. "The theatre can wait a week. And as for babies, they never have anything more than colic. How do you ⑦(along / got / babies / suppose) before you came here, for heaven's sake?—Take a holiday.... You need it."

FROM the way Polynesia talked, I ⑧*(registered : guessed : raised : treated ) that this idea of a holiday was part of her plan.

The Doctor made no reply; and we walked on silently towards the town. I could see, nevertheless that her words had made an ⑨*(expression : impression : environment : insurance) on him.

After supper he disappeared from the ⑩(where / palace / saying / without) he was going—a thing he had never done before. Of course we all knew where he had gone: back to the beach to sit up with the snail. We were sure of it because he had said nothing to Bumpo about ⑪*(preparing : attending : pretending : comparing) to the matter.

As soon as the doors were closed upon the Cabinet Meeting that night, Polynesia ⑫*(realized : permitted : recognized : addressed) the Ministry:

"Look here, you fellows," said she: "we've simply got to get the Doctor to take this holiday somehow—unless we're willing to stay in this blessed island for the rest of our lives."

"But what difference," Bumpo asked, "is his taking a holiday going to ⑬(get : make : feel : leave)?"

Impatiently Polynesia turned upon the Minister of the Interior.

"Don't you see? If he has a clear week to get thoroughly interested in his natural history again—marine stuff, his dream of seeing the floor of the ocean and all that—there may be some chance of his ⑭*(bowing : informing : consenting : affecting)to leave this pesky place. But while he is here ⑮(duty / on / king / as) he never gets a moment to think of anything outside of the business of government."

"Yes, that's true. He's far too consententious Bumpo agreed.

"And besides," Polynesia went on, "his only hope of ever getting away from here would be to ⑯*(divide : amaze : escape : solve) secretly. He's got to leave while he is holiday-making, incognito—when no one knows where he is or what he's doing, but us. If he built a ship big enough to ⑰*(offer : cross : absorb : compete) the sea in, all the Indians would see it, and hear it, being built; and they'd ask what it was for. They would interfere. They'd sooner have anything happen than lose the Doctor. Why, I believe if they thought he had any idea of escaping they would ⑱(him / on / chains / put)."

"Yes, I really think they would," I agreed. "Yet without a ship of some kind I don't see how the Doctor is going to get away, even secretly."

"Well, I'll tell you," said Polynesia. "If we do succeed ⑲(making / take / in / him) this holiday, our next step will be to get the sea-snail to promise to take us all in his shell and carry us to the mouth of Puddleby River. If we can once get the snail willing, the ⑳**(temptation : welfare : acquaintance : prosperity) will be too much for John Dolittle and he'll come, I know—especially as he'll be able to take those new plants and drugs of Long Arrow's to the English doctors, as well as see the floor of the ocean on the way."

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