


2015年07月13日 | 英検2級とセンター試験で出る英単語


(1)The Olympic Games were a huge su(       ) because so many countries participated.(1990)【the fact of achieving something that you planned to do】

(2)If you buy this, I will give you a fifteen percent di(        ).(1990)【a reduction in the price of something】

(3) Don't waste time joining the co(         ) in social media.【an informal talk between two or more people】

(4) The re(     ) he studies English is to get a better job.【a cause for something that provides an explanation】

(5)Some companies have adopted a new po(     ) of using English as the official in-house language. (2012).【an officially accepted plan of action about what should be done】

(6) Every meeting should have a clear pu(     ).【the aim that someone wants to achieve, or that something is intended to achieve】

(7)I would like to invite your op(     )s on this topic.(2007)【your feelings or ideas about someone or something】

(8)When I have a problem, I like to ask as many friends as possible for their
ad(     ). (2009)【an opinion about what someone should do in a particular situation】

(9) All the students who are interested in studying abroad should at(     ) next week's meeting.(2005)【to go to an event or activity】

(10)Divers in the Mediterranean Sea di(        )ed about 2000 gold coins believed to date back nearly 1000 years.【to find out someone or something that was hidden or that you did not know before】

(11)In the current time people can't im(     ) their life without technology.【to form a picture of something in your mind】

(12)Today's children are sp(     ) an average of seven hours a day on entertainment media.【to use time for a particular purpose】

(13)I pr(     )ed her that I would start piano lessons when I came back to Japan.(2012)【to tell someone that you will definitely do something】

(14)Can all the books in the library be bo(       ) and taken out of the library?【to use something that belongs to someone else with the intention of giving it back later】

(15)Passengers 14 years and over are responsible for we(       ) their own seat belt.【to have something on your body】

(16)After gr(     ) from high school, he entered Yale University with a scholarship.【to complete your studies at a school or university】

(17) Knowing a foreign language has become increasingly us(   ) in the workplace.(2014)【helping to do or get something 】

(18)In mo(       ) society, dance is widely recognized as a form of entertainment.(2003)【relating to the present time 】

(19) Is ex(       ) clothing worth the price?【costing a lot of money】

(20)He is re(       ) for preparing the report.【having a duty of dealing with or looking after something or someone】

(21)Dr. Millar was unable to give his speech due to the late ar(     ) of his plane.(2003)【the act of reaching a place】

(22)The goal of any used car shopper is to find cheap used cars in good co(      ).【the particular state of something】

(23)Japan's real estate ma(       ) is showing signs of waking up.【trade in a particular type of goods】

(24) Can we meet the world's growing de(       ) for food?【the need or desire for something】

(25)Let's call our ne(       ) to ask her to check the door of our apartment.【someone who lives near you】

(26) Please have a closer look at this do(       ) before you begin your work(2007).【an official paper that contains information about something】

(27)The traditional example of mass pr(        ) is the automobile industry.【the process of making or growing goods in large quantities】

(28)People are being warned about the dangers of buying me(        )s on the internet. 【a substance that is used for treating illness】

(29) The best way to pr(       ) for a debate is by researching your topic.【to make yourself ready for something 】   

(30) For centuries newspapers were pr(       ) on paper and distributed to readers.【to produce words, pictures, etc. on paper using a machine that puts ink on the surface】

(31)Photographs will be de(        ) within three business days.(2012)【to take something to the requested place】

(32)It's only possible to ca(       ) your order before we start to manufacture it.【to say that something that was planned will not happen】

(33)Apple is expected to an(       ) new products.【to make an official statement about a plan or a decision】

(34)Many people hope the economy will co(      ) to grow.【to do something without stopping】

(35)It takes over a decade to de(      ) a new medicine.【to think of or produce a new idea, product, etc】

(36)Don't ju(      ) others based on appearances.【to form an opinion about someone or something, especially after thinking carefully】

(37) I've heard that in the U. S. smoking is banned in pu(       ) places such as restaurants or cafes.(2009)【open to anyone to use】

(38)Presently, there is no ef(       ) treatment for Alzheimer's disease.【successful, and producing a result that is wanted 】

(39)In my school, when a regular teacher is ab(      ), another teacher teaches the class instead.(2010)【not in a place where you are expected to be】

(40)In recent year,weather forecasters have become more ac(       ). (2013)【correct in every detail】

(41)When su(      ) is greater than demand, prices fall. 【the amount of something that is available to be used】

(42)Research was done to find out which things most attract the at(       ) of hikers in the mountains.(1997)【the interest that you give to something】

(43) Making en(      )-saving changes in the home can be expensive. 【power that is used for making things work】

(44)In the face of global competition, a great ed(       ) is more important than ever.【the process of teaching and learning in a school or college】

(45)You should not let your personal em(       )s stand in the way of making that important decision.(2012)【a strong feeling that you experience】

(46)The po(         ) of native people in the Brazilian rainforest has decreased.(2009)【the number of people who live in a particular area】

(47)It is important to maintain se(        ) in the workplace.【things that are done to protect a country, building or person safe from danger or crime 】

(48)Biotechnology could offer great ad(        )s to the whole world.(1996)【something that puts you in a better position】

(49)The address will be br(         ) live on ABC.【to send out programmes to be received by radios or televisions】

(50)A tree is a unique gift to ce(       ) an important day such as your wedding anniversary.(2012)【to do something enjoyable because of a special occasion】

(51)I heard you were in(       ) to the President's party.(1999)【to ask someone to come to an event】

(52)The number of persons killed in traffic accidents has been de(        ) recently.【to become smaller in size, number, etc】

(53)Effective time management helps us av(   ) wasting time.(2012)【to try to prevent something bad from happening】

(54)How much does it cost to co(        ) a lawyer for legal advice ?【to ask for information or advice from someone who has special knowledge on a particular subject】

(55)Nothing will be ga(     ) by just waiting.【to get something you need】

(56)What are some things in(       ) by women that we still use?【to design or produce something for the first time】

(57)It is co(         ) for people to confuse fact and opinion.【occurring often and to many people】

(58) I suggested to Mary that she come with me to collect em(       ) cans on the street.(1993)【having nothing inside】

(59)Green teas have become po(       ) because they aren't sweetened.(2007)【liked or enjoyed by many people 】

(60)While we were waiting for the of(      ) announcement, the coach came running over to us.(2004)【done by someone in a position of authority】

(61)Concern about the po(         ) of mobile phones having ill effects on health arose in the mid-1990s.【the chance that something might exist or happen】

(62)The soccer game was shown on a big screen in front of a large au(         ).【a group of people who gather together to watch or listen to someone performing in public】

(63)Can you tell the di(         ) between rice grown in Japan and American rice?(1994)【the way that makes two or more people or things are not like each other】

(64)Before the exam I refreshed my me(        ) by reading some old notes.(1991)【something that you remember】

(65)There was so much no(      ) in the classroom that she could not make herself heard.(2012)【a loud or unpleasant sound】

(66)The le(        ) was so boring that half the students fell asleep.【a talk to a group of people to teach them about a particular subject】

(67)If you are a business owner, keeping up with modern consumer tr(        )s is a necessity.【a general direction in the way a situation is changing or developing】

(68)The se(         ) of books is one of a librarian's most important tasks.(1995)【the act of choosing someone or something from a group 】

(69)When leaves fall onto the tracks, they can ca(      ) wheels to slip and then the brakes may not work properly.(2005)【to make something happen】

(70)Skin can even help us de(         ) if someone is sick.(2005)【to find out the facts about something 】

(71)You don't need to be a computer expert to ex(       ) your problem to a repair person. 【to tell someone something in a way that is clear or easy to understand】

(72)He worked hard to im(       )    his English in order to carry out his duties more effectively.【to make something better】

(73)Dance is pe(       ) for a variety of purposes.(2013)【to do something in front of an audience】

(74)Our family doctor su(       )ed that our son get a complete medical checkup every year.(2012)【to offer an idea or a plan for someone to think about】

(75)Of the total energy co(        ) in America, about 39% is used to generate electricity. 【to use a supply of something 】

(76)I de(        ) to stop wasting time on Facebook.【to make a choice about something you are going to do】

(77)Co(        ) working enviroment is more important than a good salary.【making you feel physically relaxed without unpleasant feelings】

(78)Please come in an or(        ) dress.【normal and not special in any way】

(79)Why would you waste your pr(        ) time just sleeping?(2007)【valuable or important and should not be wasted】

(80)One might think that green tea comes from a plant un(     ) to Japan.(1997)【existing only in one place or situation】

(81)New st(        ) shows we work harder when we are happy.【the act of considering or examining a problem or a particular subject in detail】

(82)I've already had one bad ex(         ) buying goods by mail order.(1991)【something that you do or that happens to you】

(83)In Japan, when people become eighteen, they are old enough to get a driver's li(        ). (2013)【an official document that gives you permission to do something】

(84)Most of our students are working part-time in the evening to pay their school ex(        )s.(2013)【an amount of money that you spend to do something】

(85)He had the ab(        ) to make us do our best and never give up.(2013)【the power to do something】

(86)The full pa(        ) must be received before the beginning of the courses.(2008)【the act of giving money for something 】

(87)Today's di(        ) is about how younger people should communicate with the elderly.(2010)【the act of talking about something, usually something important】

(88)In the UK, general el(         )s take place in May once every five years. 【the process of choosing someone for an official position by voting 】

(89)The U.S. govemment en(        )ed the American people to eat soybean products.(1990)【to suggest someone to do something 】

(90)When rain falls, the plants hold the water and pr(         ) the land from drying out.(1999)【to stop something from happening】

(91)By ob(          ) many friends, you'll gain skills to distinguish trustworthy people from others.(2009)【to watch or study someone or something carefully】

(92)From supermarkets to refugee camps, bar-codes speed up the process of
di(         )food.【to give or deliver something to a number of people】 

(93)Passengers managed to es(        ) the fire from the rear exit. 【to get away from a dangerous or unpleasant situation 】

(94)Children of six and under are not pe(        ) to use the swimming pool unless they are with an adult.(2006)【to allow someone to do something】

(95)He wanted to re(       ) his dream of opening his own cafe.(2010)【to achieve something that you have hoped for】

(96)Di(           ) between fact and opinion is important because people often present their opinions as fact.【to recognize a difference between people or things 】

(97)Vinegar was an important discovery for an(          ) civilizations.(2010)【belonging to a period of history that is thousands of years ago】

(98)Some believe that ra(          ) technological change has been destroying jobs faster than it is creating them.【happening in a very short time】 

(99)It should be ob(          ) which is the on/off switch.(2011)【easy to recognize or understand】

(100)We hope you enjoy a pl(         ) online shopping experience with us.(2011)【causing a feeling of happiness or satisfaction】

(1)success (2)discount (3)conversation (4) reason (5)policy (6)purpose (7)opinions (8)advice (9)attend (10)discovered (11)imagine (12)spending (13)promised (14)borrowed (15)wearing (16)graduating (17) useful (18)modern(19)expensive (20)responsible (21)arrival (22)condition (23)market (24)demand (25)neighbor (26)document (27)production (28)medicines (29)prepare (30)printed (31)delivered (32)cancel (33)announce (34)continue (35)develop (36)judge (37)public (38)effective (39)absent (40)accurate (41)supply (42)attention (43) energy (44)education (45)emotion (46)population (47)security (48)advantage (49)broadcast (50)celebrate (51)invited (52)decreasing (53)avoid (54)consult (55)gained (56)invented (57)common (58)empty (59)popular (60)official (61)possibility (62)audience (63)difference (64)memory (65)noise (66)lecture (67)trends (68)selection (69)cause (70)determine (71)explain (72)improve (73)performed (74)suggested (75)consumed (76)decided (77)Comfortable (78)ordinary (79)precious (80)unique (81)study (82) experience (83)license (84)expenses (85)ability (86)payment (87)discussion (88)elections (89)encouraged (90)prevent (91)observing (92)distributing (93)escape (94)permitted (95)realize (96)Distinguishing (97)ancient (98)rapid (99)obvious (100)pleasant


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