


2014年08月05日 | 英検2級とセンター試験で出る英単語
 以下に、ツイッター英英式★英単語倍速楽習法で紹介している逆引き問題をベースに作成した四語整序&二語ヒント逆引き問題70問をお届けします。english x englishstage1に収録された四語整序問題700問のちょうど14分の1です。英検2級とセンター試験で出る英単語(59)【英英辞典式整序&二語ヒント逆引き問題】にも同形式の問題を70問掲載しています。

[問題](1)form a (of / picture / in / something ) your mind = im …


[解答](1)form (作る) a picture (画像を) of something (何かの) in your mind (人の頭の中に) = imagine (想像する) 

[問題](2)become a member (such / of / as / something ) a club, company, or other organization = jo…


[解答](2)join (加入する) = become a member (一員になる) of something (何かの) such as a club, company, or other organization(例えばクラブや会社や他の組織の)

[問題](3)(surface / stay / the / on ) of a liquid without sinking = fl …


[解答](3) float (浮く) = stay (とどまる) on the surface (表面に) of a liquid (液体の) without sinking (沈まないで)

[問題](4) have ( body / your / on / something ) = we …


[解答](4)wear (身につけている) = have (持っている) something (何かを) on your body (自分の体に接触して)

[問題](5)take something (requested / to / place / the ) = de…


[解答](5) deliver (配達する) = take (持って行く) something (何かを) to the requested place (依頼された場所へ)

[問題](6)(a / get / from / away ) dangerous situation = es …


[解答](6) escape (逃げる) = get away (立ち去る) from a dangerous situation (危険な状況から)

[問題](7) become the husband (wife / or / someone / of ) = ma …


[解答](7)marry (結婚する) = become (なる) the husband or wife (夫、あるいは妻に) of someone (誰かの)

[問題](8)make arrangements for a room, seat, etc.(saved / to / for / be ) you = re


[解答](8)reserve (予約する) = make(行う) arrangements(手配を) for a room, seat, etc.(部屋や座席などが) to be saved(取っておかれるように) for you (自分のために)

[問題](9)(people / tell / something / about ) publicly = an …


[解答](9)announce (発表する) = tell(伝える) people(人々に) about something(何かについて) publicly(公に)

[問題](10)(that / find / something / out ) you did not know before = di …


[解答](10)discover(発見する、知る) = find out(見出す) something(何かを) that you did not know before(それを自分は以前は知らなかった)

[問題](11)(an / get / after / better ) illness or an injury = re …


[解答](11) recover(回復する) = get better(良くなる) after an illness or an injury(病気やけがの後で)

[問題](12)(good / keep / in / something ) condition = pr…


[解答](12)preserve(保存する) = keep (保つ)something (何かを) in good condition (良好な状態に)

[問題](13) (someone / keep / from / away ) or something = av…


[解答](13)avoid(避ける) = keep away(離れた所にとどまる) from someone or something(誰か、あるいは何かから)

[問題](14)make (about / a / something / choice ) = de…


[解答](14)decide(決定する) = make(行う) a choice(選択を) about something (何かについて)

[問題](15) (in / succeed / something / doing ), usually with effort = ac…


[解答](15)achieve(達成する) = succeed(成功する)in doing(行うことにおいて)something(何かを), usually with effort(通常は努力を伴って)

[問題](16)say that you are (do / willing / something / to ) for somebody = of…


[解答](16) offer(申し出る) = say(言う) that(~と) you are willing(自分はいとわない) to do(行うのを) something(何かを) for somebody(誰かのために)

[問題](17) (away / a / go / from) place = le…


[解答](17) leave (立ち去る、後にする) = go away (離れる) from a place (ある場所から)

[問題](18)send out a (or / program / television / on ) radio = br…


[解答](18) broadcast(放送する) = send out(送り出す) a program(番組を) on television or radio(テレビやラジオで)

[問題](19)(watch / carefully / something ) = ob…


[解答](19)observe(観察する) = watch(見つめる) something(何かを) carefully(注意深く)

[問題](20)speak to a (in / higher / order / being) to give thanks or to ask for help = pr…


[解答](20) pray(祈る) = speak to(話しかける) a higher being(高い存在に) in order to give(捧げるため) thanks(感謝を) or to ask for(あるいは求めるため) help(助けを)

[問題](21)tell the public about a product in order to (to / encourage / buy / them ) it = ad…


[解答](21)advertise(広告[宣伝]する) = tell(伝える) the public(一般の人々に) about a product(製品について) in order to encourage them(彼らを促すために) to buy it(それを買うよう)

[問題](22)(at / fasten / the / something ) top so that the bottom moves freely = ha…


[解答](22)hang(吊す、掛ける) = fasten(固定する) something (何かを)at the top(上部で) so that the bottom moves(その結果底部は動く) freely(自由に)

[問題](23) get (you / something / want / that ) = ob…


[解答](23)obtain(獲得する) = get(得る) something(何かを) that you want(それを自分が望む)

[問題](24)(do / allow / to / someone) something = pe…


[解答](24)permit(許可する) = allow(許す) someone(誰かが) to do(することを) something(何かを)

[問題](25)(goods / another / buy / from ) country = im…


[解答](25)import(輸入する) = buy(買う) goods(品物を) from another country(他の国から)

[問題](26)say that you are (that / something / for / sorry ) you have done = ap…


[解答](26)apologize(謝る) = say(言う) that(~と) you are sorry(自分は申し訳ないと) for something(何かに対して) that you have done(それを自分がしてしまった)

[問題](27)say (things / someone / good / about ) or something = pr…


[解答](27)praise(ほめる,称賛する) = say(言う) good things(よいことを) about someone or something(誰か,あるいは何かについて)

[問題](28)help (successful / something / be / to ) = pr…


[解答](28)promote(促進する) = help(助ける) something(何かが) to be successful(うまくいくように)

[問題](29)put money in a (that / bank / you / so ) can use it later = sa…


[解答](29)save(貯金する) = put(置く) money(お金を) in a bank(銀行の中に) so that you can use it(自分がそれを使えるように) later(あとで)

[問題](30)get a number ( mathematics / using / amount / or ) = ca…


[解答](30) calculate(計算する) = get(得る) a number or amount(数や量[額]を) using mathematics(数学を使って)

[問題](31)(a / give / particular / someone ) job or responsibility = as…


[解答](31)assign(割り当てる) = give(与える) someone(誰かに) a particular job or responsibility(特定の仕事または責任を)

[問題](32)take care of children or (animals / young / they / while ) are growing up = ra…


[解答](32)raise(育てる) = take care of(世話をする) children or young animals(子供たちや幼い動物の) while they are growing up(彼らが成長している期間中に)

[問題](33)repair (that / damaged / something / is ) = me…


[解答](33)mend(修繕する) = repair(直す) something(何かを) that is damaged(それは損傷を受けている)

[問題](34)(in / copy / action / something ) or manner = im…


[解答](34)imitate(模倣する) = copy(まねる)something(何かを) in action or manner(行動ややり方において)

[問題](35)sell (to / goods / country / another ) = ex…


[解答](35)export(輸出する)= sell(売る) goods(品物を) to another country(別の国に)

[問題](36)(something / announce / publicly) = de…


[解答](36)declare(宣言する) = announce(発表する) something(何かを) publicly(公に)

[問題](37)(in / become / size / larger), number, etc. = in…


[解答](37)increase(増える) = become larger((今より)大きくなる) in size, number, etc.(大きさや数などにおいて)

[問題](38)feel (something / sorry / you / about ) have done = re…


[解答](38)regret(後悔する) = feel(感じる) sorry(残念だと) about something(何かについて) you have done(自分がしてしまった)

[問題](39)express (something / strong / with / disagreement) = pr…


[解答](39)protest(抗議する) = express(表明する) strong disagreement(強い不同意を) with something(何かに対して)

[問題](40)(danger / protect / from / someone) = de…


[解答](40)defend(防御する) = protect(守る) someone(誰かを) from danger(危険から)

[問題](41)(be / allow / to / someone ) free = re…


[解答](41)release(釈放する) = allow(許す) someone(誰かが) to be free(自由になるのを)

[問題](42)(deal / have / with / to ) a difficult situation = fa…


[解答](42)face(直面する) = have to deal with(対処しなければならない) a difficult situation(困難な状況に)

[問題](43)join (a / together / particular / for ) goal = un…


[解答](43)unite(団結する) = join(合流する) together(一緒に) for a particular goal(特定の目標のために)

[問題](44)(together / work / achieve / to ) a common goal = co---


[解答](44)cooperate(協力する) = work(作業をする) together(一緒に) to achieve(達成するために) a common goal(共通の目標を)

[問題](45)design (new / or / a / make ) product = de---


[解答](45)develop(開発する) = design or make(設計する,あるいは作る) a new product(新製品を)

[問題](46)(of / express / someone / disapproval) or something = cr---


[解答](46)criticize(非難[批判]する) = express(表明する) disapproval(不承認を) of someone or something(誰か,あるいは何かについての)

[問題](47)help (by / someone / something / understand ) giving information about it = ex---


[解答](47)explain(説明する) = help(助ける) someone(誰かが) understand(理解するのを) something(何かを) by giving(与えることにより) information(情報を) about it(それについての)

[問題](48)(your / use / in / money ) the hope of making a profit = in---


[解答](48)invest(投資する) = use(使う) your money(自分の金を) in the hope of(期待して) making(生み出すことを) a profit(利益を)

[問題](49)know someone because you (them / have / before / seen ) = re---


[解答](49)recognize(見覚えがある,わかる) = know(知っている) someone(誰かを) because you have seen them(なぜなら自分はその人に会ったことがあるから) before(以前に)

[問題](50)put (its / something / into / back ) former condition = re---


[解答](50)restore(復旧する) = put(置く(→する)) something(何かを) back(再び) into its former condition(それ以前の状態になるように)
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