


2015年09月12日 | 英英二語ヒントはさみ撃ち問題

【4】Construction has started on the first U.S. offshore wind turbines, a small Atlantic Ocean project off the country's northeastern coast, after years of protests have halted bigger wind farms elsewhere.

U.S. Interior Secretary Sally Jewell called the start of the five-turbine project a "pioneering moment." She visited the site by boat Monday, located about five kilometers from Block Island, a summer tourist (1)de…【the place where someone is going】 in the state of Rhode Island.

When finished late next year, the wind farm is (2)ex…【to think that something will probably happen 】 to power electricity for 17,000 homes, including the thousand people who live on the island and many others on Rhode Island's mainland.

Offshore wind farms are a mainstay of the European power grid, with 2,500 turbines connected to the continent's grid, more than 20 years after the first one was (3)in…【to bring something into use for the first time】 off Denmark.

Numerous projects have been (4)pr…【to suggest a plan, idea, or action for other people to consider】 in the U.S. off its Atlantic and Pacific coasts, but a variety of protests have blocked construction.

Some officials have complained about the cost of constructing the turbines, environmentalists have objected to the (5)im…【the effect that something has on someone or something】 on birds and whales and wealthy coastal homeowners have complained that their views of the ocean would be diminished by the offshore turbines.

※解答(1)destination(目的地) (2)expected(予想する) (3)introduced(導入する) (4)proposed(提案する) (5)impact(影響)


【5】Obama Announces Clean Energy (1)In…【an important new plan that is intended to solve a particular problem】

U.S. President Barack Obama has announced new executive actions and other efforts aimed at making it easier for homeowners and businesses to (2)in…【to buy shares, property, or goods, etc. in the hope of making a profit】 in green energy improvements that in the past may have been impractical or unaffordable.

Obama was the keynote speaker at a clean energy (3)co…【a formal meeting where people discuss ideas related to a particular topic 】 in the southwestern city of Las Vegas, Nevada Monday night. He noted that some fossil fuel and utility interests are fighting the nation's rush to cleaner, cheaper and more (4)ef…【doing something well without wasting materials, time, or energy 】 energy. But he said, "Sorry, we're moving forward."

The president said that after decades of being told renewable energy doesn't make economic sense, "today that's no longer true."

Among the steps announced by the president are new rules from the Federal Housing Administration that could significantly (5)ex…【to cause something to increase in size, range, or amount】 the use of so-called PACE (Property Assessed Clean Energy) loans that allow homeowners to install energy improvements and pay back their costs over time. To date, use of that financing has been constrained by regulatory obstacles. He also said the Department of Energy will make $1 billion in additional loan guarantees (6)av…【able to be used or obtained】 to encourage innovation in technologies that give Americans more flexibility in choosing renewable energy options.

Obama's speech, at an annual energy conference (7)ho…【to provide the place and everything necessary for a special event】 by Senate Democratic leader Harry Reid, was aimed at countering fossil fuel and utility interests that have been working to undercut clean energy policies with arguments that the matter should be left to the free market.

The president had returned from a two-week vacation Sunday with a number of important issues facing him over the next few months, including working to push the international agreement on Iran's nuclear program through a (8)sk…【having doubts that something is true】 Congress.

But with the world trying to clinch a binding agreement to (9)ad…【to try to deal with a problem or task】 climate change by the end of the year, he has been working on reforms at home to cut carbon emissions, while also cutting costs for U.S. consumers.

※解答(1)Initiatives(新規構想)   (2)invest(投資する)  (3)conference(会議)  (4)efficient(効率的な)  (5)expand(拡大する)  (6)available(利用できる)  (7)hosted(主催する)  (8)skeptical(懐疑的な)  (9)address(取り組む)

【6】The Apple company has sent out mysterious invitations to a new "product event" for September 9, but has not said exactly what will be announced - standard practice for the technology company, which often (1)la…es【to start selling a new product to the public】 new products in September.

Media outlets on Thursday received invitations to the event, carrying the headline "Hey Siri, give us a hint." Siri is the name for the voice-activated "personal assistant" (2)fu…【the purpose that something is designed to do】 contained in Apple devices.

While the exact nature of the announcement has not been (3)re…【to make something known】, industry observers say it is likely to be a new iPhone model or a new version of the Apple TV set-top box, which allows a standard television to display streaming content.

Apple event announcements usually generate a great deal of interest because of how closely the company guards its information. When Siri users question their electronic (4)de…【a piece of equipment that has been designed to do a particular job】 about the purpose of the September 9 event, "she" answers enigmatically, saying only to expect "a big announcement."

※解答(1)launches(発売する) (2)function(機能) (3)revealed(明らかにする) (4)device(装置)

【7】Social media giant Twitter is setting modest goals to increase the number of female employees at the company from 34 percent to 35 percent by the end of next year.

The company (1)re…【to make information or documents available to the public】 the hiring targets Friday with data showing that Twitter, like most other major U.S. tech companies, employs primarily white and Asian men.

The San Francisco company said it would hire more underrepresented minorities, (2)bo…【to increase or improve something】 their numbers from 10 percent to 11 percent.

Twitter also said it planned to boost the number of women and underrepresented minorities in tech roles and leadership (3)po…s【the rank or role of someone in a company or society 】.

Janet Van Huysse, Twitter's vice president of (4)di…【the state of having many different types of people or things】 and inclusion, said in a blog post Friday, "We want the makeup of our company to reflect the vast range of people who use Twitter."

"While we have already been working toward internal diversity goals at different levels of the company, I am very pleased to report that we are now setting companywide diversity goals, and we are sharing them publicly," she said.

To help achieve its aims, Twitter said it would partner with organizations that offer career guidance to underrepresented minorities and would recruit employees from historically black colleges and Hispanic-serving (5)in…s【a large organization that has a particular purpose】 this fall.

Twitter employs about 4,100 people around the world.

※解答(1)released(発表する)  (2)boosting(高める)  (3)positions(地位)  (4)diversity(多様性)  (5)institutions(機関)

Social media giant Twitter is setting modest goals

to *increase the number of female *employees at the *company from 34 percent to 35 percent by the end of next year.

The *company released the *hiring *targets Friday

with data showing that Twitter, like most other major U.S. tech *companies, *employs primarily white and Asian men.

The San Francisco *company said it would *hire more underrepresented minorities,

*boosting their numbers from 10 percent to 11 percent.←分詞構文

Twitter also said

it planned to boost the number of women and underrepresented minorities in tech roles and leadership *positions.

Janet Van Huysse, Twitter's vice *president of *diversity and inclusion, said in a blog post Friday,

多様性と包括を担当するツイッターの副社長のJanet Van Huysseはブログで金曜日に述べた。

"We want the makeup of our company to *reflect the vast *range of people who use Twitter."

"While we have already been working toward internal *diversity goals at different levels of the company,

I am very pleased to report that

we are now setting companywide *diversity goals,

and we are *sharing them publicly," she said.

To help *achieve its aims,

Twitter said

it would partner with *organizations that offer *career guidance to underrepresented minorities

and would *recruit *employees from historically black colleges and Hispanic-serving *institutions this fall.

Twitter *employs about 4,100 people around the world.

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