


2009-08-10 13:03:20 | アセンション
親愛なるライトワーカーの皆さん。2009年8月に皆さんは、ますます強まるエネルギーを受けて個人的・世界的な変化と変容の中を生き続けます。この変化は皆さんが7月から8月にかけて体験した3つの 食(eclipse)によるグリッド内のライトコードが活性化されたことによります。ダイアモンドライトのシードが人類の集合意識の中で活性化してキリスト意識を受け入れる準備のできたそれぞれの個人に宇宙エネルギーを注いでいます。
Beloved Lightworkers, in this month of August 2009, you continue to live with the powerful energies of change and transformation on both the personal and global levels. These changes are a result of the effects of the activations of the new Light Codes within the Grids at each of the three eclipses that you experience in July and August. The Seeds of Diamond Light are being activated within the hearts of the Human Collective, allowing each person who is open and ready to receive the Grace and Blessings of the Cosmic Christ energy into their being.
The Diamond Light flows from the Cosmic Heart to the Earth through the newly activated Ascension portals, activates the Crystal Grids and the Seeds of Consciousness that carry the Cosmic Christ Consciousness. This is the energy of Harmony, Unity and Oneness, the energy of Unconditional Love and Joy and Peace. It is the energy that supports the manifestation of the New Earth and the creation of the Cosmic Bridge or connection to the Star Fields of Light that is in the process of being formed for you and by you. Your passage beyond the veils of forgetfulness to your Home in the Stars is once again opening to your perceptions and you are preparing to become conscious Star Travellers and Cosmic Voyagers.
Beloved Ones, to facilitate this process, there are many changes that are now taking place within your Light Body energy fields and within your physical bodies. Firstly, the Diamond Light is being received in increasing intensity into your Light Bodies, allowing you to transmit and radiate Spiritual Light like a brilliant cut Diamond, as the Sacred Geometries pulsate with Light and Sound. But, as the Light intensity increases within your Light Body, the Pineal Gland within your Physical Body is increasingly activated and stimulated. This has led to changes in the biochemical structure of the Pineal Gland and an expansion of the functionality of the gland. This, in turn, leads to increased stimulation of the Pituitary gland, often producing a temporary imbalance in the production and transmission of hormones in the body, as well as an increase in the intensity of Light energy that is being transmitted along the nervous system through the body.
The most intense effect of these changes has been felt in the new “rewiring” between the second and the fourth chakras, the Sacral Chakra and the Heart. Any “stuck” or repressed energy that is being held in the emotional field has been blasted out with the surge of Diamond Light through the energetic system. This has meant that many of you have had to deal with emotional issues that have been repressed or only partially processed. Please do not feel discouraged in you feel sad, depressed or angry. This is a process of deep clearing or purging that is aligning the sexual or creative energies with the Heart.
Other feelings in the body might be intense dreams, intense surges of energy, insomnia and exhaustion and hyperactivity. As the energy balances and is integrated, this will make way for clearer feelings of intense Joy and Peace on a deep level, as well as an increased sense of “aliveness” and well being as you enter the space of the New Earth. Many of you are already experiencing these intense feelings of Bliss and Joy as the lower chakras are cleared, and align with the Heart and the higher chakras that are the pathways of the Soul. In this way, Body and Soul are integrated at the Heart Chakra, Heaven and Earth unite, and the Cosmic Christ consciousness finds expression on the Earth through those of you who have opened yourself to this process.