


2009-08-17 04:52:29 | 宇宙からのメッセージ
Beloved Lightworkers,
I come through this day to speak to you in regards to the timing of
events about to transpire. Not only have celestial events been taking
place but also tied into this, are changes that will soon take place
within the hearts of all Humanity upon the Earth and within the Earth
Herself. These events will be unlike anything that has ever transpired
upon the Planet Earth before and you have been well prepared for these
events. Each of you will be going through the transformation with
ease and grace and will even know what your role in these particular
moments is to be.
On the Etheric levels in the Higher Dimensions, all has been planned
and worked out for every eventuality. Life is taking a decided turn
for the better for all upon the Earth and there will be a joyous
understanding as these plans fall into place. Much that has been
hidden will be revealed to all upon the Earth, for as the great
intensity of the Creator’s Love permeates the atmosphere of Earth, it
will also enter into the energy fields and the hearts of all of
Humanity and awaken all to Divine truths that have always been present
but not seen, understood or recognized before.
It is well for each of you to stand ready to offer assistance during
these times. Humanity as a whole will be needing stabilizing forces
and this is where your assistance will come in. Spend time each and
every day checking within your heart center so that you are always on
track. The time for hiding your Light has now long passed and every
one of you are even now declaring your true selves to your loved ones
as your first step. Even though your family members cannot understand
or comprehend what you are saying (those who have been asleep),
nevertheless, your Light will be recognized and greatly appreciated
during and as the changes occur.
Never in the history of your beautiful, beloved Planet, has there been
such activity and desire to assist during these transformations. All
stand by in joyous and loving anticipation to witness the Great
Awakening. All is in readiness and awaiting the right timing. We ask
each of you Beloved Ones to BE Love and hold Love steady in your
hearts, remain centered and calm and in a receptive state that you may
receive guidance as needed. Feel the wonderful emotions of joy and
gratitude as much as possible each day, for this greatly helps, not
only in your personal daily lives, but the entire collective
You, the Earth team members, are all positioned in the Earth station
where you will give the greatest assistance in holding and anchoring
the high frequency energies that are increasing in intensity even now.
Strive to anchor and connect each day into the crystalline core of
Mother Earth, and spend as much time as weather and your personal free
time permits, in the outdoors, communing with nature around you, for
the nature kingdoms are also rising with you into higher
consciousness, and can also greatly assist you to anchor the Cosmic
Light energies into the Earth. They do this all the time, all you have
to do is acknowledge and ask for their assistance.
Know that each of you and beloved Earth and all upon Her are loved
beyond measure.
I AM Sananda
Sananda: Changes Will Soon Take Place
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2009-08-16 10:24:52 | 巨大地震
Woodstock was a seminal event in modern history ― crystallizing the movement for change and freedom that ultimately ended the Vietnam War.
This 400,000-person gathering also helped raise public awareness of the corruption in the system, revealed soon afterwards in the long, drawn-out battle over Watergate ― which ultimately led to President Nixon being forced to resign.
In a deeper sense, the community, inspiration and unity that was demonstrated at Woodstock is still seen as a mystical event of nearly religious significance in Western musical culture.


2009-08-16 03:47:31 | 宇宙からのメッセージ
Breaking News: Statement by Admiral Sananda to Beth & Mark 8/14/09
We see Sananda and make our request for clarification on this weekend’s important Ops. Here’s his statement:
This weekend is another mass clearing and anchoring in of new timelines, in the Master Hologram.
When this is complete everything will be in place to move forward with long awaited plans.
All blocks which appear to be in the way will be removed.
Our soldiers on the battle front will no longer have anything to fight for.
We are clearing all of the old programing that ‘we are not worthy’; ‘we are less than abundant’; ‘life is something to fear’.
As the changes take place, the first step is to wipe away fear of living. This is solved by paying every person money which will mean they do not have to do something out of their personal reasoning, just to survive, just to stay alive.
Next step is to give everyone clean water, healthy and abundant food and for those who ask, a healed body.
While we are doing these things, we will begin Twin Flame Reunions on the physical level.
Very shortly you will see a completely New Earth.
People will ,for the first time ever, be free to choose their work according to their passion.
Now things will become interesting. All will be helping others, giving their creativity and talents back to the world just for the love of it.
Imagine yourself in this World. What will you do then? Where will you live? Who will you live with? How will your work change?
This weekend is monumental to it all. This weekend is about projecting as much love into Mother Earth as is possible AND this weekend is about welcoming the presence of the Trillions of Ships waiting to land and mentor all into their new lives. We are all excited about meeting our family once again, with love.
Breaking News: Statement by Admiral Sananda to Beth & Mark 8/14/09

サ・ルー・サ8/14:スピリチュアルな進化と高次元への移行 3

2009-08-15 16:36:13 | 宇宙からのメッセージ
Your leaders wrestle with the problems facing you, but do not have the resources to find a satisfactory answer. World cooperation is needed and a sharing of your manpower to attend those matters that become urgent. However, that degree of coming together will not happen until we appear to you all. The dark forces have divided man for eons of time but soon their influence will be removed. We shall galvanize the different countries into a workable union, and tackle the problems together. With what we have to offer, we know you will readily and eagerly give us your assistance. We will come to rebuild your Earth and manifest your dreams for a peaceful and happy existence.
Your people with foresight and imagination have been kept back for a long time, but will have every opportunity to express themselves. The frustrations of being unable to freely express yourselves will be removed and a glorious time of advancement experienced. Attention to your spiritual needs will also be addressed, and it will be a time of much soul searching. Open minds must prevail if you are to advance your understanding and come of age. You have lived all through various epochs where different beliefs have ruled, now the truth must become the guiding force in your lives. We know that change is hard to take, and some of you will dogmatically deny the truth. That is your privilege, but it will make it harder to take your place in the new order that will arise. Your future is certainly in your hands, as freewill prevails and no one will interfere in your decisions. We ask that you listen first before making up your minds, as the truth can be very persuasive.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and trust our messages will prompt your interest in the changes that are due over the next few years. Better still, that you will accept that the end times are the greatest opportunity you have ever had to move into the higher dimensions through Ascension.
Thank you SaLuSa Mike Quinsey
SaLuSa Sirian Update Aug 14/09
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サ・ルー・サ8/14:スピリチュアルな進化と高次元への移行 2

2009-08-15 16:05:52 | 宇宙からのメッセージ
Because of the rapidly changing tines you are, you also attract teachers when you are ready to step into the Ascension process. As you can imagine spiritual matters are highly organized, and progress is coordinated for Humankind so that as many souls as possible move into the Light. You are all acting out your roles for the benefit of the whole, and a game it may be, but one that is deadly serious. The emphasis is on getting you to awaken to your true selves, and taking responsibility for all you do. As far as possible the veils that hide the truth are removed, but you have long traveled believing the illusion to be real.
One day you will suddenly realize that life has to give you more than it does, and once you see the Light your consciousness opens up. For seekers of the truth there has never been a better time, as so many channels have been opened up to cater for everyone. Often your situation has been one where soul mates or good friends have come together in many lives, as a continuance of your learning. Such meetings are often accompanied by an instant feeling of recognition, and even families frequently come together and strong bonds are always present. Spirit is highly organized which may surprise you, bearing in mind how vast the company of Heaven is that serves Mankind.
Man who has discovered that he is not at the centre of the Universe, has gradually accepted that life is present everywhere, and that Beings like us are very similar to you. You are nevertheless most important to us all, and we hold out our hand to lift you up. We know what you are truly capable of and see your potential as great Beings of Love and Light. The dark are having their last fling as their plans fall apart, and very soon we shall be able to make ourselves known to you. Where you now see decay and ruin, all shall be renewed and Mother Earth shine out into the firmament as she once did in her prime.
SaLuSa Sirian Update Aug 14/09
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サ・ルー・サ8/14:スピリチュアルな進化と高次元への移行 1

2009-08-15 08:43:48 | 宇宙からのメッセージ
Your personal growth will always continue, regardless of attempts that are made to hold you back. In fact, if follows that the more difficult your life is made, the more determined and dedicated you become in seeking the Light. Certainly after having a whole series of lives in the depths of duality, you have had to become strong and resolute to overcome the challenges. Now as the awakening gathers pace the task of concentrating on your evolution becomes much easier, and you can reach a stage where you are beyond the pull of the lower energies. That is when you experience peace of mind and in a way become detached from the Earth. Your strength comes from knowing that life is infinite, and that your true reality is in the higher dimensions. You will find that you can touch that magical silence, where time seems to stand still as you are lifted in mind and spirit.
It is the feeling of what it is like to live in the higher realms that is difficult to put into words. We have previously spoken of it being ecstatic, and there does not seem to a better way of describing it. The feeling of love is one you understand, but again that energy is at constant levels where you are absolutely engulfed by it. You might conclude it is heavenly, and it will meet all of your expectations. Angels do abound in the higher levels and they are the most wonderful souls that serve everyone upon Earth. They make no distinction between one soul to another, and have overflowing love for all life. They are largely unseen by you, but do nevertheless appear sometimes if you are faced with danger. They obey the Will of God, and will do no more and no less for you than you are entitled to under your life plan.
Angels help you in many ways that you are unaware of, and particularly where those souls are concerned that have no belief or awareness of their existence. For example, those times when you are saved by some apparent “coincidence” is often engineered by them. When you do believe in them and they have your trust, you can call upon them for help and they will respond, as they are literally only a thought away. They have such power that they can perform absolute miracles, providing it is allowed at the time. The single yachtsman or climber may feel totally alone, but their entourage from Spirit are always with them.
SaLuSa Sirian Update Aug 14/09
にほんブログ村 トラコミュ 宇宙からのメッセージへ


2009-08-14 11:45:38 | 宇宙からのメッセージ
The reality of the UFO phenomenon and its theological implications: using reason, extraterrestrials are here. A glimpse of their nature and a mention of the Third Secret of Fatima.
I met Monsignor Corrado Balducci at the Second Ufological Conference of Ancona, entitled "Alien civilizations: between doubt and reason" on 17 April 1999. Balducci, a demonologist of the Vatican is a very open person with a pleasant manner who is quite well known in the ufological circuit for having openly declared that he believes in the possibility that extraterrestrial intelligences are interacting with Earth. Are his statements made on behalf of the Vatican? I tried to examine the religious repercussions of contact with Monsignor Balducci.
AF: Monsignor, where does your interest in Extraterrestrial Intelligence spring from?
MB: I really became interested in ufology a couple of years ago, even though I started talking about it on TV about four years ago, in 1995. Actually, it all started in 1959 when I began to devote my time to studying demonology. As I had to explore fields such as psychiatry and parapsychology, I indirectly came into contact with topics linked to ufology. I remember that in the Fifties, there was a tendency to deny at all costs the object of parapsychological studies amongst the public, some scientists and also amongst us They said that there was no basis for acknowledging parapsychology and phenomena which were called nonsense and fantasy. To put it simply, they denied everything. This was reflected in ufology, which is linked to other frontier topics.
As I collected material, I realized that this generalized denial stemmed from illogical fanaticism. There must be something there, even if you just use your common sense, and, using reason, the phenomenon is undeniable. Strict criticism goes against common sense because it goes against the value of human testimonies. Strict criticism goes against common sense because it goes against the value of human testimony. In recent years, accounts of ufological events have greatly increased and yet there are still too many people who tend to pass everything off as nonsense. In recent years, accounts of ufological events have greatly increased and yet there are still too many people who tend to pass everything off as nonsense. Of course, in many cases, natural phenomena for example, may be wrongly interpreted, but it's absolutely unthinkable to put eveything into that category. Total scepticism is compeletly Unjustified.
Many saints believed in Extraterrestrial life: Vatican Monsignor


2009-08-14 08:08:16 | 宇宙からのメッセージ
Greetings, I am Mira.
I speak to you today from the Pleiadian High Council. I want to present a new vantage point for you to think about during the changing times on the Earth.
We have seen the Earth go through the changes that you are now experiencing. It is something that is cyclical in nature. It is nothing of which to be afraid. We have helped the Earth before and will help her again. We will assist you in greater understanding of what 2012 will entail as you get closer to that time. We want you all to feel confident that you will be protected and provided for during these coming times. We want you to rise above the last blasts of greed and selfishness. We want you to feel the freedom that you have created to release the shadowy darkness that has overlaid the planet for far too long. We are with you every step of the way.
It takes courage to be a Lightworker on the Earth yet you felt you had to come to the Earth to participate in the great shift. The Earth and you are being lifted up into the Light, into the higher dimensions. It is your Light that is facilitating this process. It is because of you that we are able to make it this far into the higher places of Light. You and your Light are serving all of creation. That is why we want you to realize how important it is that you remain fixed on your pathways and that you remain positive and adhere to the practical spiritual principles. This is what will see you through.
It is now the time when you will learn to co-operate with each other. You will learn to share and abide by new codes for living. You will live differently, eat differently, and be healthier, happier and think differently in your newly awakened brains. Truly there is massive change going on with your bodies now. You are feeling it by needing different kinds of foods, more sleep, feeling increased sensitivity, and a lot of love from each other.
The floodgates of creativity are opening. You are now beginning to see more possibilities than ever before. You are beginning to sense that you can adapt and do almost anything. You can almost touch the amazing gifts and abilities that you have been waiting to restore and activate within. You are much more in your crystalline bodies now than in the carbon-based bodies that you were born into. The complete realm of all possibilities awaits you.
This is also true for the Earth herself. She is emblazoned with the life and Light force with which you are supercharging her. It is quite something. As you embrace greater Light and love you are all accelerating this trajectory towards 2012. The third dimensional stronghold that has held you back for so long is being released. You are being jettisoned forward at faster and faster speed.
The spirit of love and cooperation surround you and the Earth as the last vestiges of darkness are released and cleared away. Humanity will soon realize that they are not alone and never have been alone. There are more people who are ready to awaken to this realization so this paves the way for us to have contact with you sooner. Many more are starting to become aware and see the Light.
Please stay with us in the now moment where you will find peace. This feeling is what will carry you through to the magnificent changes and life ahead.
I am Mira from the Pleiadian High Council. We are with you.
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