

怪人二十面相 52

2022-12-12 23:51:55 | 怪人二十面相


It was a really odd question. But he couldn't help it.


Then the thief slacken his already slack lips making a sneer, saying nothing.


When the chief Nakamura saw it he felt chill. He sensed something unimaginable exigency is unfolding in front of him.


As if he was trying to hid hid fear he reached him and started fumble his face. Like pulling his eyebrows, push nose, pinch cheak, it was like he was toying candy craft.


No matter how much he checked the face there was no sign of disguise. Once disguised as a handsome guy, Souichi Hashiba how could he be this ugly guy like a monster.


"He, he. 'Top tickling. Don' tickle."


Finally the gang said something. Still what a vile talk. Was he trying to make fun of Police talking like that? Or, if, maybe..


The chief startled and glared at the thief. An outrageous idea came to his head. Oh, is it possible? It was too unconscionable. It was impossible. But the chief had to ascertain.


"Who are you? Who in the world are you?"
Again, it was an odd question.


Then the gang answered as if he was waiting for it.
"I am Torakichi Kinoshita. I cook for my job."

「だまれ! そんなばかみたいな口をきいて、ごまかそうとしたって、だめだぞ。ほんとうのことをいえ。二十面相といえば世間に聞こえた大盗賊じゃないか。ひきょうなまねをするなっ。」

"Shut up! It doesn't work if you try to deceive me talking like a stupid. Tell me the truth. Twenty Faces is a famous thief. Don't be despicable."


Did he flinch, no, then what is going on?  The guy started laughing loudly.


"Well, am I Twenty Faces? Ha, ha, ha. It's unbelievable. You think Twenty Faces is this dirty man? You have no eye, don't you? You should have known now"


怪人二十面相 51

2022-12-12 21:05:02 | 怪人二十面相


A dreadful challenge


 About two hours after the arrest at the ruined house in Toyamagahara, Twenty Faces was under investigation in a gloomy room of the Metro police station. There was only one desk and no decoration in the dim room and in there the chief Nakamura and the thief in old man's disguise were facing each other.


The thief was standing boldly with his hands still tied on his back. He was quiet, said nothing at all.
"Now, let me see your real face."


The chief reached the thief and took the white wig away. There was black head under it. Next he took the fake beard off. Now the real face of the thief was there.


"Well, well. You're unexpectedly ugly."


It wasn't surprising that he said so with an odd expression. The thief looked weired, like a unintelligent  barbarian with a narrow forehead, blushy short eyebrows, goggling eyes under them, flat nose, thick slack lips.


As mentioned earlier, since the thief could disguise himself as an old man, young man and even a woman, no one among people in general, even policemen knew his real face.


Be that as it may what an ungly face. Maybe this barbarian face can be his disguise.


The chief Nakamura felt something really eerie. Staring the thief's face, he couldn't help but raise his voice.
"Hey, is it really your face?"