

The Maltese Falcon

2020-06-01 16:05:00 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文 -- The Maltese Falcon,文章讲述马耳他猎鹰(Falcon)是达希尔(Dashiell Hammett)最著名的侦探故事之一。故事主要围绕着一只宝贵的黑色猎鹰雕像展开。它始于两人的谋杀案:Spade的伴侣Miles Archer和Brigid的追随者Thur​​sby。侦探塞缪尔·斯佩德(Samuel Spade)是这个故事的主角,而布里吉德(Brigid)是一位美丽的女人,来向斯佩德寻求帮助。 Spade通过Brigid发现有人在寻找猎鹰,包括Brigid,Gutman和Cairo。他假装帮助他们找出猎鹰的位置。在此过程中,他搜寻了杀死Archer的人,发现那是Brigid。在发现他拿来的猎鹰是假的之后,尽管他已经爱上了她,但他还是将Brigid交给了警察。这个故事最成功的要点之一是,它通过情节的起伏和主人公的难以预测的性格紧紧抓住了观众的情绪。尼科·弗里达(Nico Frijda)的“情感法则”在帮助我们了解马耳他猎鹰如何引起观众的情感反应方面发挥了重要作用。

The Maltese Falcon

The Maltese Falcon is one of Dashiell Hammett’s most famous detective stories. The story mainly develops around an invaluable black Falcon statue. It began with the murders of two people: Spade’s partner, Miles Archer, and Brigid’s follower, Thursby. Samuel Spade, who was a detector, was the protagonist of this story, while Brigid was a beautiful woman coming to ask Spade for help. Through Brigid, Spade discovered that there were some people looking for the falcon, including Brigid, Gutman and Cairo. He pretended to help them find out the location of the falcon. During the process, he searched for the person who killed Archer and found out it was Brigid. After discovering the falcon he fetched was fake, he sent Brigid to the police despite the fact that he had fallen in love with her. One of the most successful points of this story is that it tightly catches audience’s emotion through the ups and downs on plots and the unpredictable character of the protagonist. Nico Frijda’s “The Laws of Emotion” plays an important role in helping us understand how the The Maltese Falcon causes audience’s emotional responses.
“The law of habituation means that in life we get used to our circumstances whatever they are. The emotions, therefore, respond most readily to change. This means that we are always comparing what is happening to a relatively steady frame of reference (what we are used to). As a result our emotions tend to respond most readily to changes that are relative to this frame of reference”. This law offers us an easier perspective to perceive how the story arouses audience’s emotional fluctuation. It guides us to focus more on the changes created by the story, which play a crucial part in involving audience’s emotion. Through observation, it can be found that there are several changes guiding the development of the story and the audience’s emotion.
First, Brigid’s identity was disclosed. At the beginning, Brigid pretended to be a lady named Wonderly and fabricated a story to ask Spade for help, and then Miles Archer was murdered and she disappeared. All of these raised questions in readers’ heart and intrigued their curiosity. As story developed, changes occur. Wonderly was not Wonderly, but a name fabricated by Brigid. Focus of the story also surfaced: not on the murder, but on the searching of a falcon. The beginning of the story has already formed a shock for readers and they started to be emotionally attracted by the story and tightly followed the development of the story.
Second, Spade changed his attitude. The unpredictable character of Spade is the highlight of the story. The protagonist appeared to be wise, humorous, charming with the sense of justice at the beginning. However, as the secret of Maltese Falcon was disclosed, Spade seemed to be interested in the searching of the falcon and began to join Gutman in looking for the statue. It seemed like that he has forgotten the death of his partner and was tempted by the considerable wealth and the beauty of Brigid. He even negotiated with Gutman about the amount of money he could get after handing over the falcon. Such change causes readers’ doubt about that whether Spade is a justice detector. The contrast of Spade’s images respectively in readers’ heart and in the story can lead to audience’s emotional response to a great degree.
Third, it was an abrupt turn when the falcon Spade got was found fake. As the story developed, readers might be imagining what the falcon was like and what might happen if Spade handed out the falcon. And the moment when Spade has already handed out the falcon and Gutman was scrapping it, readers might have thought that Spade was as greedy and treacherous as Gutman and Cairo. However, another change happened. The falcon was a fake one! This comparison and twisted plot shocked readers again. Audience’s emotion has once again run high in this unexpected change. Therefore,change of audience’s emotion crucially lies on the change of plot.
Finally, Spade’s attitude towards Brigid led the story into another climax. Through the previous part of the story, audience might have thought that Spade was not as justice as he seemed like, but a greedy man who loved wealth like Gutman and Cairo. However, beyond our expectation, Spade, in the final scene, decided to sent Brigid to police despite the struggle that he has fallen in love with her. He also confessed that he was revenging for Miles Archer. This design of plot and the abrupt change of the protagonist’s character once again amazed the audience. It not only developed out of expectation, but also left space for audience to reconsider the quality of Spade. Audience’s emotion once again was affected by the change of plot.
One law of Nico Frijda’s “The Laws of Emotion” lies in that changes can cause emotional response. When something happens that it is different from what we have imagined, it will lead to our special emotions, including: curious, amazed or shocked. Through this perspective, it is easier for us to understand why and how The Maltese Falcon can guide audience’s emotional response. There are a lot of changes covering the story. “The Laws of Emotion” guides us to attach high attention to these changes and study their effects on affecting audience’s emotion. Through the analysis above, it is obvious that these changes do have an impact on influencing audience’s emotion. Therefore, the usefulness of Nico Frijda’s “The Laws of Emotion” rests on that it offers readers a perspective to focus on the changes of story plots.
Dashiell Hammett, The Maltese Falcon, Alfred A. Knopf, Inc., 1930.
Twelve Laws of the Emotion, Retrieve May 16, 2014 from


Personality Traits

2020-06-01 16:05:00 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文 -- Personality Traits,文章讲述人有许多人格特质,例如善良,耐心,幽默等。我最欣赏的是那些在成功获得成就后仍然关心他人生活的人。尽管世界上有很多成功和富裕的人,但仍有许多穷人负担不起他们的食物,衣服和衣服,甚至无法获得基本的健康保障。但是,这些富人中的大多数只关注自己的优质生活,而很少有人注意到其余的穷人。这是由财富两极分化引起的问题之一。

Personality Traits

There are a lot of personality qualities about human being, such as kind-hearted, patient, humorous, etc. What I admire most are people who still care about others’ lives after they have achieved success themselves. Though there are many successful and wealthy people in the world, there are still large amount of poor people who cannot afford their food, cloth and even have no access to basic health security. However, most of these wealthy people only pays attention to their own high quality lives and few of them notices the rest poor ones. That is one of the issues caused by the polarization of wealth.
As far as I am concerned, wealth is a treasure given by the god for some specific people to help other people rather than enjoy themselves. It is really lucky to own a large amount of money and the key issue turns out to be how to maximize the use of those money. Therefore, wealthy people who can correctly view the meaning of money and use them to help others are the most intelligent ones.
One of the typical example is Bill Gates. He has already set up a foundation with his wife and engages himself in a lot of charity event. He pays attention to children in poor regions who suffer from diseases due to the lack of health security and vaccines. Therefore, “the Foundation's initial five-year pledge of US$ 750 million in 1999 provided the seed money to launch GAVI. In 2005, it pledged a further US$ 75 million a year up to 2014 followed by another US$ 1 billion pledge at the June 2011 GAVI Pledging Conference, bringing the Foundation's total commitment to GAVI to US$ 2.5 billion”. From these figures, it can be seen that Bill Gates really pays a lot efforts in promoting this program.
I admire such people not only because their achievements but also their courage to take their responsibilities for the society and other poor people. We do need more wealthy people like these, who can use their strength to make the world better instead of enjoying wealth themselves. Wealth sometimes is evil for that it blinds people’s eyes and leads them to only focusing on themselves. However, people like Bill Gates deserve admiration because they do aware of their tasks.

Work Cited
The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. May 19,2014 Retrieve from


My history Interest Project

2020-06-01 16:04:41 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文 -- My history Interest Project,文章讲述我对从探索与发现时代到第二次世界大战(大约1500年代至1945年)的时代感兴趣。在世界历史的这段时期中,世界发生了迅速而戏剧性的变化。我想知道世界的古代如何在文化,经济和政治上转变为现代性,以及这种转变在世界不同地区(尤其是我国)的步伐。另外,我想知道在这种转变过程中人们文化观念的变化。
中国历史学家朱莉娅·洛威尔(Julia Lovell)所著的《鸦片战争:中国的毒品,梦与中国的制造》一书对我有启发。中国向现代的转变始于第一次鸦片战争,这已被广泛接受。在这本书中,作者告诉我们,过去一百七十年来,中国人民因这场战争的失败而受到了改革和复兴的动力,而随后的一系列战争则源于该国的衰落。 “因此,鸦片战争的事件仍然被阻止,以悲剧性的方式提醒人们,如果中国对外界关闭大门将会发生什么。” (洛弗尔)这本书驱使我对我出生和受过教育的中国进行研究。而且,中国被日本,法国和英国等外来力量强迫现代化的事实意味着它的现代化与其他西方国家不同,这为我提供了研究亚洲其他殖民地国家的范例。
My history Interest Project
I’m interested in the era from the Age of Exploration and Discovery to the Second World War (from about 1500s to 1945). During this period of the world history, the world saw a rapid and dramatic transformation. I want to know how the antiquity of the world transformed to its modernity, culturally, economically, and politically, and the pace of this transformation in different region of the world, especially my country, China. Also, I want to know the change of people’s cultural mindset in this process of transformation.
The book The Opium War: Drugs, Dreams and the Making of China, written by a China historian, Julia Lovell, is inspiring for me. It has been widely accepted that China’s transformation to modernity began at the First Opium War. In this book, the author tells us that, Chinese people were motivated to reform and revive in the past over one hundred and seventy years by their defeat in this war and in a series of subsequent wars resulted from the decline of the country. “So the events of the Opium War are still held up as a tragic reminder of what happens if China shuts its doors to the outside world.” (Lovell) It is this book that drives me conduct research on China in which I was born and educated. Also, the fact that China is compelled to modernize by external forces such as Japan, France, and Britain means that its modernization is different from that of other western countries, provides a paradigm with me to do research on other colonial countries in Asia.
Thus, when I confine my field of study to China and consider reasons of China’s transformation to modernity, it is better to focus on the period from 1664 to 1839, the eve of The First Opium War. In this research, I want to focus on the politics, economy, and culture of China at the eve of the war, which would tell me why China was defeated in the war and why it was transformed since that time. I want to learn more why it was defeated time and time again after it was defeated in the First Opium War. Before going to deeper insight into this project, we’d better to have a scanning of Qing Dynasty. At the eve of the First Opium War, the population of Qing rose to 4 million which was nearly one third of that of current China. During reigns of the Yongzheng Emperor (r. 1723–1735) and his son, the Qianlong Emperor (r. 1735–1796), the Qing Empire ruled over 13 million square kilometers of territory. Economically, the demand for Chinese goods in European skyrocketed in those years. As result, China won great trade surplus. People at that time had faith in Confucianism or Daoism or Buddism or their ancestors, or, a combination of them. The famous literature, The Dream of the Red Chamber was finished in the reign of the Qianlong Emperor.
Thus, it seems that at the eve of the war, Qing was prosperous and its antiquity was well preserved. What motivated the British government to attack it and to which extent it was in decline to be defeated. This was mainly because of the fact that the Qing’ trade surplus was partly due to the government control of international trade. “While tons of China’s goods such as silk, tea, and ceramics was dumped into the western countries, the Qing’s government implemented the policy of controlling import of western goods, including opium, which drove the British government to launch the first Opium War against it” (China and the World Prior to the Opium War). In addition, if we learn some weapons of the Qing army, it is easy to understand why Qing was easily to be defeated. While the Qing’s army was still using bow and arrow and wooden sailing junks, the British army used modern tactics and firepower of the Navy. Thus, this glance has provided me with kind of superficial understanding of the reason why Qing was in decline and was defeated in the war.
The decline of China and its defeats in wars since The First Opium War has subjected it to the colonial control of more than one hundred years. However, without the decline of Qing Dynasty and invasion from other strong countries, China’s spontaneous pace to modernity would be quite slow. Culturally, even today, the history of this period has been considered as a humiliation and stirs the Chinese people to open their country to do business with the rest of the world.
However, in order to have more insight of Qing before the war, it is better to learn more about its social structure, the competent ruler and some funny facts. According to the Qing law, the four occupational groups of scholars, farmers, artisans and merchants were upper class, while slaves or bondservants, entertainers, and those low-level employees of government officials were marked as the "mean people". The latter were considered legally inferior to the former and were unequally treated. When it comes to the issue of the competent rulers, Kangxi was concrete case in point. “The Kangxi Emperor’s (r. 1662–1722) reign is celebrated as the beginning of an era known as ‘High Qing’, during which the dynasty reached the zenith of its social, economic and military power.” (Wikipedia) Kangxi was interested in Christianity and got along well with some missionaries, “including Tomás Pereira, Martino Martini, Johann Adam Schall von Bell, Ferdinand Verbiest and Antoine” (Wikipedia). Kangxi learned western science, technology, and maths from them. However, he just learned it for fun, ignoring it pragmatic usefulness, and thus did not spread it around to country, which missed a good opportunity to take advantage of western science and technology to make it Dynasty to be stronger and modernized before the invasion from western countries.
To conclude, Just as what has been mention above, on the one hand, this time of period characterized to decline of China’s antiquity and has made a profound cultural impression in every Chinese mind. While it signified an opportunity to transform to modernity, it stirs Chinese people to catch up the rest of the world by opening up their country. Therefore, it is complicated enough to be worth doing research and inspire me to learn the transformation of Chinese modernity.
Works Cited:
“Lesson of the Opium War” (review on the The Opium War: Drugs, Dreams and the Making of China) , Andrew Moody,
“Qing Dynasty”
“China and the World Prior to the Opium War”


Money matters in life

2020-06-01 16:03:45 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文 -- Money matters in life,文章讲述金钱在生活中至为重要,是这个世界上人们追求的最诱人的邪恶。尽管有些人指责金钱造成了很多问题,但不可否认的是,大量金钱可以为我们的生活带来重大利益。如果在我的生活中根本不必担心钱,那将是一个全新的场景。

Money matters in life

Money, with its paramount importance in life, is the most tempting evil that people in this world pursue. Though some people accuse money of causing lots of problems, it cannot be denied that plenty of money can bring our lives significant benefits. If, in my life, I do not have to worry about money at all, it will be a totally new scene.
Out of selfishness, if I have adequate money, I would invest in myself first. I would like to improve my living standard through the betterment of basic needs such as food and cloth. It is everyone’s desire to live better. And then I prefer to take use of the money to travel around the world. Traveling is one of the most wonderful events in life for that it takes us to experience the difference in other parts of the world and gives us more feeling and inspiration. Without considering the limitation of money, I could also join some costly training program or exchange program to improve myself. Moreover, I can also invest in my hobby. For example, I love photography and therefore if I have enough money, I could buy my beloved but expensive photographic equipments.
I also want to invest in some meaningful activities. For example, I would periodically sponsor some children who could not afford their tuitions and buy some necessity for students in poor regions. I could also pay my trips as a volunteer to some remote countries.
Therefore, money really brings benefits. However, it also has drawback. No need to worry about money means that I may waste money randomly. The way of using money can form a habit in the long run. Once I have full access to money, I might not take serious about money.
Money has both benefits and drawbacks. The key issue lies in the way of using the money I have.


Legislation -- a Better Way to Solve Dilemma of Euthanasia

2020-06-01 16:03:45 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文 --Legislation—a Better Way to Solve Dilemma of Euthanasia,本文讲述安乐死和医生协助自杀的争议使一些人广为人知,杰克·科沃尔基安博士就是其中之一。他是一位居住在密歇根州的退休医生,从1990年至1998年,他已经帮助了150多名患者结束生命。与此同时,他四次被指控犯有谋杀罪,最终无罪。他以公开倡导末期患者通过医生协助自杀的死亡权而闻名,他通常以绰号“死亡博士”而闻名,并且著名地说道:“死亡不是犯罪”。 (Wells 329)尽管对杰克的举动存在争议,但他还是以自己的方式强迫安乐死辩护的过程。然而,这位传奇医生因谋杀而入狱。他的生活起起落落证明了医生协助自杀的争议。为了解决所有辩论,安乐死立法应是解决局势中实际困境的适当方法。作为还必须遭受我们壁橱人员死亡的学生,有必要在面对他们时采取行动。由于报废立法可以帮助我们和内在冲突的医生,因此我们可以找到一个俱乐部来推动其立法进程。
Legislation—a Better Way to Solve Dilemma of Euthanasia
The controversy of euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide make some people well-known and Dr. Jack Kevorkian is one. He is a retired doctor living in Michigan, who has helped more than one hundred and fifty patients end their lives from 1990 to 1998. At the same time, he was accused as murder four times and ended up with being not guilty. Best known for publicly championing a terminal patient's right to die via physician-assisted suicide, he was often known by the nickname "Dr. Death", and famously said, "Dying is not a crime". (Wells 329) Despite the controversy discussion about the action of Jack, he compelled the process of euthanasia justification through his own manners. However, this legendary doctor ended up in jail because of murder. His ups and downs of life demonstrate the controversy of physician-assisted suicide. In order to settle down all debates, legislation for euthanasia should be a proper way to solve the practical dilemmas in the situation. As students who also have to suffer the death of our closet people, it is necessary to take actions when facing them. Since the legislation of end-of-life can help us and doctors with inner conflicts, we can found a club to compel its process of legislation.
Before more discussion about it, people might review some basic concepts of this field. Euthanasia is the most controversy method of a suicide since others, especially physicians, involve in it. It is originated from a Greek word, εὐθανασία, which is a combination of two words, well and death. The historian Suetonius first used the term "euthanasia" to describe how the Emperor Augustus, "dying quickly and without suffering in the arms of his wife, Livia, experienced the 'euthanasia' he had wished for."(Philippe) Euthanasia can be sorted into different types, including voluntary, non-voluntary and involuntary. Non-voluntary euthanasia is illegal in all countries because of the violation of patients’ willingness, while involuntary euthanasia is might considered murder for physicians rely on the opinions of patients’ relatives or other conditions to make their decision. Euthanasia is the most active area of research in contemporary bioethics. (Borry 240) Physician-assisted suicide, is usually happening in voluntary or non-voluntary euthanasia and debated by researchers. It begins acceptable step by step and is sometimes reasonable from a rational viewpoint.
The physician-assisted suicide, actually, could also be categorized in different ways. According to the goals of American euthanasia movement (Dowbiggin), a passive euthanasia is stopping the treatment following the volition of patients in order to release the pain of these patients and a positive euthanasia is accelerating the death of patient by offering poison following the requirement of the patients. The whole society debates for the evaluation of it. Opposite words come from human emotion as well as concern about abuse, whereas supporters claim their worldly persuasions, which are related to medical cost, the relatives’ pressures and burden. From a general consideration, supporters gain the upper hand and have a tendency to justify it. Legislation is a better way to balance the opposite and sustaining.
The supporters have appeared in large scale from mid-twenty-century. An ideological trend stimulates people to claim their death right after the World War two. Black people’s right movement, new left movement, feminist movement and anti-tradition movement shake conservatism of American in 1950s. It even impacts the ideology and policy of America. Scholars’ inclination also dominates the trend among American. John Rawls holds an ultimate freedom of society in his A Theory of Justice and regards it as the essential goodness: Free only to freedom's sake is limited. (Rawls) A political scientist, Ronald Dworkin, also makes his point that a physician-assisted suicide should be legalized as well as being admitted by the constitution. People have the right protected by the constitution to make a serious decision which is not intervened by the court, legislating system and other willingness. (Jones) Facing the advance of technology, there will be more reasons for us to set a regulation. Modern medical technology has a revolutionary improvement so that people can extend their lives and change their methods of death. The increase of medical fee accompanies this progress. The application of new antibiotic drugs, CT and transplanting of human organ makes American extend the life of a patient like the god for several months, years and even tens of years. Modern technologies give people an illusion about opening the door of immortality. (Classen) These methods change the meaning of a traditional death and transform a personal death into a non-natural accident. Medical techniques lead to the appearance of new dying ways. The treatment intending to have patients live longer contributes to two serious results: the patients and their relatives lose the right to choose the death or treatment for medical system’s enforcement; patients are sacrificed for the profits of the medical system. In 1980, later period patients, only five percent of American patients, spend about thirty-five percent medical fee of the federal government.(Hillyard) People begin to realize that doctors are equal to bloodsuckers. In this circumstance, it is necessary to set a regulating system by which the government solves the huge cost in medical area and people should rely on the law. Legislation can release the collision between patients and hospitals or other medical systems.
Founding a student club is what we can do to support the legislating process. All students who participate in our activities can be the enthusiasts for physician-assisted suicide, but they stay in an emotional recognition. Then students will be organized to have discussions and debates guided by an adviser. All their questions and conflicts have stayed in the minds of all people. These dilemmas include the possibility of abuse or other by-products, the ethical codes of legislation and limit principles. The cost and benefits of the process might be also involved in the discussion. After several debates, students will have their own idea and the documents summarizing these ideas will be spread to citizens by them. This community will be the pioneer of Purdue University in the compelling-legislation movement. Since they have participated the discussions and learned the legislating process carefully, they can claim the basic principles of this document and advertise for their ideas. The involvement of students and their announcement can help people release their worry about abuse and other by-products of physician-assisted suicide. Students will tell their surroundings that laws will guarantee a protecting mechanism in order to set a protection for the people with incurable diseases and keep leaks from them. Laws regulate the qualification of doctors who apply assisted suicides, qualification of the applicators who intend to end their lives and justice of the procedure. For example, the principle sets the condition in which doctors are allowed to remove devices of keeping life. It can also limit the actions of keeping life in supplying nutrient solution and water. Furthermore, patients must suffer in the later period of their life if they have full capacity. There are also some warranted codes applied such as follow the permission of patients, doctors and hospitals. (McCarthy 1543) All of these restrict abused actions after the legislation of a physician-assisted suicide.
At the same time, the community can invite famous experts to give lectures to spread and educate, not only the members of Purdue University, but also physicians, patients and their relatives. They will be the main force of the legislating movement. Purdue University has done it very well. It invited Dr. Cross, the Vice president of Medical Professional Services at Nathan Adelson Hospice, to give the speech about physicians on end of life care about pain management. It is a good beginning of regulation of physician-assisted suicide. She talked about the cooperation of nociceptive and neuropathic pain and so on in order to help physicians avoid mistakes. Patients and their relatives can also have more knowledge when making a choice. The. This kind of lectures propel the progress of euthanasia’s regulation and standardization. As a result, patients will know more about their own right instead of following doctors’ advice blindly. Doctors also do not need to worry about their lawsuit caused by an assisted suicide. The cost for later life people can decline for their rational choices. All must be better for an insurance and peoples would like to vote for building a legislating system.
Viewing all the benefits of an end-of life advocacy club, students should take actions to realize it in order pull the process of physician-assisted suicide legislation.
Borry P, Schotsmans P, Dierickx K (April 2006). "Empirical research in bioethical journals. A quantitative analysis". J Med Ethics 32 (4): 240–5. doi:10.1136/jme.2004.011478. PMC 2565792. PMID 16574880.
Classen, Steven D., et al. "Elizabeth Atwood Gailey, Write to Death: News framing of the Right to Die Conflict, from Quinlan’s Coma to Kevorkian’s Conviction, Praeger Publishers, 2003. Pablo J. Boczkowski, Digitizing the News: Innovation in Online Newspapers, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2004."
Dowbiggin, Ian. "A merciful end: The euthanasia movement in modern America." (2003).
Jones, Robert Patrick. Liberalism's Troubled Search for Equality: Religion and Cultural Bias in the Oregon Physician-assisted Suicide Debates. Robert P. Jones, 2007.
Hillyard, Daniel, and John Dombrink. Dying right: The death with dignity movement. Routledge, 2001.
McCarthy, Michael. "Oregon death with dignity act." The Lancet 342.8886 (1993): 1543-1544.
Rawls, John. A theory of justice. Harvard university press, 1999.
Rosenfeld, Barry. Assisted suicide and the right to die: The interface of social science, public policy, and medical ethics. American Psychological Association, 2004.
Philippe Letellier, chapter: History and definition of a Word, in Euthanasia: Ethical and human aspects By Council of Europe
Wells, Samuel; Quash, Ben (2010). Introducing Christian Ethics. John Wiley and Sons. p. 329. ISBN 978-1-4051-5276-1.
