

Inquiry research method

2020-06-24 18:15:40 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文 -- Inquiry research method,文章讲述并非所有问题都可用于研究。一个好的研究问题应该满足某些需求。首先,好的研究问题应该具有应用这些概念的潜力。这样,研究结果就可以得到实际说明。第二,问题不应太狭窄或太广泛。如果问题过于笼统,答案可能与研究主题不符。如果问题太狭窄,将限制参与者的思想。因此,研究主题在研究设计中非常重要。一个应该将学习主题缩小到某个主题。研究的主题应该贴近人们的生活,并且研究的问题应该有趣。例如,问题“什么是最有效的英语学习方法?”比“听力是英语学习中最重要的事情吗?”这个问题更好(苏,2008年)。”这个问题应该易于理解,以激发人们的兴趣。第三,背景是设计研究问题时最重要的因素之一。一个很好的问题应该与主题上下文有关。因此,首先要选择适当的主题上下文。然后相应地设计问题。该问题应与研究内容一致。最后,这个问题不应太困难和复杂。例如,在调查表中,如果问题太抽象或太难,则会影响研究结果。如果问题有点困难,研究人员应提供有关该问题的相关理论或信息。

Inquiry research method
The factors that characterize a good research question.
Not all of the questions can be used in the research. A good research question should meet certain demands. Firstly, the good research questions should have the potential for the application of the concepts. In this way, the results of the research can be illustrated practically. Secondly, the question should not be too narrow or too broad. If the question is too broad, the answer may not close to the topic of the research. And if the question is too narrow, it will limit the participator’s thought. So the topic of the study is very important in the research design. One should narrow down the study topic to the certain one. The topic of the research should be close to people’s life and the research question should be interesting. For example, the question “what are the most effective ways of learning English?” is better than the question “Does listening is the most important thing in the English learning? (Sue, 2008).” The question should be easy to understand, in order to stimulate people’s interest. Third, the context is one of the most important factors in the designing the research questions. A good question should have the connection with the topic context. So choosing a proper topic context at first. Then designing the questions accordingly. The question should in accord with the content of the research. Last, the question should not be too difficult and complex. For example, in the questionnaire, if the question is too abstract or difficult, it will influence the results of the research. If the question is a little difficult, the researcher should provide the relevant theory or information about the question.
The two main concepts of knowledge that influence decisions made as part of the research process
There are two main concepts of knowledge that influence the decisions made in the research process. One is quantitative research, another is qualitative research.
A quantitative way to research is often connected with a deductive approach, which can be used to test the theory. The quantitative research refers to that the researcher gives the research hypothesis in advance, and provides the strict research design. Then the researcher collects the data and analyzes the data in quantity. The most important thing is that the research illustrates the funding of the results by using the data, the number, and the tables. It emphasizes that the form of the research process (Sue, 2008). The SPSS is widely used in the quantitative research. For this reason, the results of the quantitative research is easier than the qualitative research.
As for the qualitative research, it is different from the quantitative research. The inductive approach is often used in the qualitative research which can generate the common theory at last. The qualitative research is usually based on the natural context (Sue, 2008). The methods of the qualitative research are common, such as interview, the observation, the case study and so on. It is not so strict as the quantitative research. For example, in the interview model, it advocates the various perspectives and multiple relative knowledge instead of finding the unique criterion (Bowen, 2009).
Meanwhile, the period of the qualitative research usually is longer than the quantitative research. It requires the deep exploration and the analysis in detail. Based on the deeper exploration, the hypothesis and theories are established. It emphases the testing of the results. The researcher is often the participator of the whole research.
In the current research, we can mix these two kind of research. At the same time, we should take the situation of the research in to the consideration and choose the most appropriate one.
The sampling in research
Sampling refers to a practical and special way of studying people themselves and their thinking, attitude, comment etc. It is very important in research. On the one hand, the research should serve for the human, human is the most important thing for the research. By doing the research, people can analyze the data and adjust the strategies to make the life better. The objective of the sampling is human. So it is meaningful to use the sampling in research. On the other hand, in order to collect the believable data, the research should take all the people in to the consideration. However, there are so many people in the world. The researcher cannot ask for all the people’s thoughts. So we usually choose a group of people to get the results. To some extent, these people can stand for the whole people (Webb, 2001). The sampling is effective and convenient in the research process.
There are various categories of sampling. For example, the simple random sampling. It is an important category of sampling. It means the research chooses the certain people from the whole people randomly. It is easy to be carried on. But it is appropriate only when the quantity of the sample is not so large. Another important category of sampling is systematic random sampling. It is useful when the sample is large (Sue, 2008).
As for the sampling techniques. There are all kinds of sampling techniques in research. Each sampling technique has the strengths and weaknesses. I will introduce three sampling techniques.
The first is probability sample. It means the sample is chosen in randomly. The characteristic is that each unit has a known chance of selection. The strength of probability ample is that this sampling can reduce the sampling error and provide representative. The weakness is that it is not effective when the sample has the periodic trends (Sandelowski, 1995).
The second is multi-stage cluster sampling. It refers to that the sampling frame is broken into clusters with a random sample. Next, the population of every cluster is sampling randomly in order to offer random sampling. The strength is that it can be very effective by using both the cluster and systematic sampling. The weakness is that the procedure of the sampling is too complicate (Sandelowski, 1995).
The third is stratified sampling. It divides the whole sample into several sub-sample by certain characteristics. Then choosing the samples from each sub-sample according to the proportion of each one in the sample. The strength is that it is appropriate when the structure of the sample is too complicate. When the layout of the sample is well-organized, it can reduce the sampling error. At the same time, it allows the researcher to control the research more. The weakness is that the researcher should make clear the characteristics of the each sub-sample. If the researcher cannot do this, it is difficult to do the data analysis well (Sue, 2008).
The importance of validity and reliability when designing research
When designing research, the validity and reliability are very important. The validity refers to the veracity of testing the results. Generally speaking, there are three ways to ensure the validity in the research process, they are the face validity, the construct validity, the internal validity. The reliability means the stability and the consistency of the results of the research (Sue, 2008). Reliability has a close connection with the validity. If a research has the strong reliability and validity, it will illustrate that the results of the research are believable and practical (Collier, 1986).
In the research, we can often see that a research privileges one over the other. Why? It may account for the high reliability and validity. For example, there is a research about the student’s achievement in the school. The good research must have the proper reliability and validity. On the one hand, the research should make many questions in to the consideration, such as “Does the research access all the skills of the knowledge?”, “Does the result of the research has the high accuracy and reality?”, “Can the result of the research predict students’ demonstration in the relative context?” and so on. On the other hand, the research should have the high validity. The followings questions should also be taken into the consideration. “Do students get the same score in the different time and places?”, “can different teacher give the same score to a certain student?”. When the results of the research do not be influenced by the place, time, the teachers, the exam etc, we can say that the research has the higher validity.
The ethical considerations in research
In business research, the ethical considerations in research are very important. Ethics refers to the moral selections which can affect the decision. I will list three main ethical consideration in research. The first is participant acceptance. For example, when you tend to ask people some questions which may involve some personal information, you should try to make them to trust you to make the results of the research believable (Sue, 2008). The second is time. For instance, some people do not response the questions in time. This is not good for the researcher to achieve the project. At that time, the researchers should lead the people to response strategically. The third is the researcher’s identity as the real researcher (Sue, 2008). For example, as a good researcher, one should know about the content of the whole study, including some details, such as how to collect the results effectively? Can the data be applied in the similar research? How to make good use of the results? and so on.
The case study
The case study is one of the most important research method. Case study is focus on a specific issue. It may give the detail information at last. In the process of the case study, it emphases the specific data analysis (Sue, 2008). To some extent, the researcher can use the case study for various issues and disciplines. Many scientist view the case study as the empirical inquiry. Various sources can be used in the case study (Baskerville, 1996). As a good case study, it should include many procedures (determine the research questions, select the proper case and the data gathering and the relative analysis techniques, take the preparation of collecting the data, collect the data effectively, analyze the data and evaluate them, make the report) (Soy, 1997). By using the case study, the ability about how to solve the practical questions.

Baskerville, R. L., & Wood-Harper, A. T. (1996). A critical perspective on action research as a method for information systems research. Journal of information Technology, 11(3), 235-246.
Bowen, G. A. (2009). Document analysis as a qualitative research method. Qualitative research journal, 9(2), 27-40.
Collier, J., & Collier, M. (1986). Visual anthropology: Photography as a research method. UNM Press.
Sandelowski, M. (1995). Sample size in qualitative research. Research in nursing & health, 18(2), 179-183.
Soy, S. K. (1997). The case study as a research method. Unpublished paper, University of Texas at Austin, 1-6.
Sue Greener, (2008), business research method, p1-110.
Webb, C., & Kevern, J. (2001). Focus groups as a research method: a critique of some aspects of their use in nursing research. Journal of advanced nursing, 33(6), 798-805.

New trends in contemporary film distribution

2020-06-24 18:15:25 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文 -- New trends in contemporary film distribution,文章讲述由于电影产品消费的特殊性,可以说媒体和发行是影响观众购买电影票的最重要因素。近年来,随着电影业的飞速发展,电影营销已告别上世纪海报和售票窗口的单一时代。在21世纪,视频点播,互联网电影租赁业务和视频产品以及独家电影院已经成为媒体和发行的三个新选择。

New trends in contemporary film distribution
Due to the special nature of the film product consumption, media and distribution can be said to be the most important factor affecting the audience to buy the ticket to watch the movie. In recent years, with the rapid development of film industry, film marketing has bid farewell to the single era of the poster and ticket window in the last century. In the 21st century, video on demand, Internet movie rental business and video products, and exclusive movie theaters have become three new alternatives of media and distribution.
In the first place, video on demand on the Internet has a great impact on traditional way of movie distribution. Especially for some small and medium cost films, it is difficult to obtain the favor of cinemas, television stations and movie companies. Through the network click rate, profits can be obtained, which is the most important part of the marketing. Even for some big movies, in addition to cinemas, film makers can sell the copyright to video portal websites to obtain profits. With the popularity of the Internet, video on demand is more grounded than the traditional publishing. Nowadays, with the network, the audience can watch a movie at anytime and anywhere.
In the second place, Internet movie rental business is also a new mode of media and distribution. Generally speaking, when a film is released in theaters, box office income mainly concentrates in six weeks. But in the past, film audio and video products will not enter the market in the six weeks. Nowadays, with the shock of the Internet and development of the film market, an increasing number of films tend to the early release of a film related audio and video products like DVD and blue ray disc. That is to say, interval cycle is gradually shortened between the cinema and audiovisual products, which presents a new development trend of contemporary film distribution.
In the third place, the concept of exclusive movie theaters means cooperation between the movie theatres and film producers. In the face of the impact of a variety of new issuance, cinemas begin to adjust the traditional way of issuing, putting down the proud head and posture, starting to communicate with more film companies and enjoying the exclusive rights to some of the films. Although movie theatres do not have the strength to embrace full schedule of the large-scale movies, they are looking to some potential small budget films, avoiding these outstanding small and medium cost films flowing to network platform, which brings incalculable losses to the cinema box office. This mode is just suitable for the short film market and the well-made short films. It is clear that the film distribution has become more competitive and more diversified.
In a nutshell, film distribution refers to the film's sale and leasing activities, which is main business of film companies. With the film market continues to expand and the film industry's development and coming of the Internet era, film distribution is in imperceptible changes. It is believed that the new alternatives will bring a new world to the short film market.


ODS stands for operational data storage

2020-06-24 18:14:52 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文 -- ODS stands for operational data storage,文章讲述ODS的定义:ODS代表运营数据存储。它是当今信息系统中最通用的体系结构之一。它不是一个合法的结构,而是一个复杂的结构。与DSS和操作系统中发现的其他数据库结构相比,它起着双重作用。一个是它充当关键任务系统的基础,另一个是它具有DSS特性。它由农民使用并进行探索,其工作类型不同。

ODS stands for operational data storage
Definition of ODS: ODS stands for Operational Data Store. It is one of the most universal architectural structure found in information systems today. It is not a legitimate structure, but a complex structure. And compared with other database structures found in the world of DSS and operational systems, it plays a dual role. One is that it acts as the basis of mission-critical system, the other is that it possesses DSS characteristics. It is used by farmers and explores, and their type of work is different.
The first salient point: As an architectural structure, which is provided by integration and transformation (i/t) programs. Some operational data can be delivered directly into the data warehouse through the i/t layer, whereas, others must through the i/t layer into ODS and into the data warehouse. The intrinsic quality of an ODS is the achievement of integrated, collective on-line processing. As the ODS takes many roles, it is a complicated structure. Its underlying technology, design, and monitoring and maintaining are complex. Like SAP, the ODS needs a long time to carry out, and it demands reforms and update.
The second salient point: As a result, the designers meet with a dilemma. In the first place, for its users, farms and explorers, on the one hand, farmers use ODS for a specific purpose and almost always require what they want. On the other hand, the explorers often use ODS in a random manner, and does not have clear goal, as a result, they find nothing. Furthermore, according to the normalized design and star join, we know that they are not fit for the ODS. The former is fit for explorers, and the latter for farmers. In addition, the type of work -- DSS processing and update processing are another factor. Some farmers do not do update, others do it regularly. However, explorers seldom do on-line update. The ODS is depend on who uses it and which processing the human uses. So it is a very troublesome question.
Bill Inmon. (1998). The Operational Data Store. 1-8.


Pro life or pro choice

2020-06-24 18:14:33 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文 -- Pro life or pro choice,文章讲述有两组人支持两种不同的观点。一群人声称自己是亲生者,这意味着他们认为政府官员应负有挽救和确保所有生命不会被武力夺走的义务。他们支持这样的观点:即使人类的生命还不是从母亲的肚子里诞生的,并且还没有成为婴儿,政府仍然有责任保护他们。对于他们来说,他们认为堕胎并不像手术那样简单。相反,他们称堕胎行为是“辅助自杀”,甚至是“谋杀”。但是,对于另一群被称为亲选择的人。这群人同意,对于他们来说重要的是有权选择他们想做的事情和他们认为应该做的事情。由于母亲腹中所谓的人的生命还没有发育,当他们仍然无法抚养婴儿或被迫性怀孕时,进行堕胎是可以理解的。

Pro life or pro choice
In recent years, one of the most heatedly debated topics in the United States is about whether it is morally correct to allow women to have an abortion and whether the government should fund the low income woman to afford the abortion. The people are divided into two extreme groups.
There are two groups of people supporting two different views. One group claims themselves to be the pro-life which means that they think the officials in the government should have the obligations to save and make sure all human lives would not be taken away by force. They are supporting the idea that even though the human life is not yet born from the mother’s belly and it had not become an infant yet, the government still had the responsibility to preserve them. For them, they do not think of abortion as simple as an operation. On the contrary, they have called the act of abortion to be the “assisted suicide” or even worse “murder”. However, for another group of people who are known as the pro-choice. This group of people agrees that it is important for them to have the right to choose what they want to do and what they think they should do. Since the so called human life in the mother’s belly is still undeveloped, it is understandable for them to have an abortion when they still cannot bring up the baby or when they were forced sexually to become pregnant.
In my opinion, I firmly support the group of people who are pro-choice based on the following reasons. Firstly, the baby is a part of the mother’s body and unless the mother really had no choice, she usually would not want to give up their own babies. Also, since the infant at that time had not really fully developed and they did not have sense or the fixed body shape. It is apparent that even though it can be seen as a human life, making an abortion should be allowed because it is the choice of the mother. However, mostly importantly, it should be noted that most of the mother got pregnant because they had been sexually abused and raped by others. In this case, many of the expecting women are either too poor to bring up a child or they are too young. They should not be forced to bear the bad result which was brought by the fault of others.
In fact, in the presidential campaign in 2016 in America, one of the candidates from the Democratic Party, Hilary Clinton had made her points and stand clear and loud. Still now in America, there is this decades-old policy known to be the Hyde Amendment dated back from decades ago.
According to the Hyde Amendment, it is mentioned that the abortion services that women are taking now in the hospital should not be funded by the federal funds. Also, there is a specific rule saying that women who are low income are not allowed to use their medical welfare to pay for their abortion. Therefore, these women have to take out hundreds of dollars out of their pockets in order to pay for the service. The presidential candidate Hilary Clinton keeps repeating that she hopes such a policy should be repealed since she think it is not fair for women.
I agree with Hilary Clinton because I think her choices are wise. This decade old Hyde Amendment actually was passed on since four or five decades ago. According to this policy, if the women whose life was already difficult gets raped or sexually assaulted by the bad people, it will make it harder for these less privileged women to “exercise their full rights.” (Alcorn, 2009)
According to Hilary Clinton as well her other supporters from the Democratic Party, it is said that “any right that requires you to take extraordinary measures to access it is not right at all”. She had made such a declaration based on a lot of proves. For example, since the Democratic politicians think that it is correct to deem the choice to take an abortion as the “fundamental human rights”.
If the government truly hopes to protect its own people’s right and freedom, it is wrong for them to make the policies that would result in women being more difficult to exercise their choices. It is understandable that the government is indeed already suffering from the financial problems. Still, the responsibility of the government officials is to protect the basic right of the human beings.
I believe that the fact that the United States of America always claimed itself to be the bacon of the world is not simply boasting. However, the government had already made a lot of good choices to prove to the world that this government deserves what it is always known for. For example, in 2015, the president had passed the policy to make sure gay marriage is legalized in the country. (Alcorn, 2009)
Therefore, pro-choice is actually a good thing in many cases. If women are allowed to get the abortion that they deserve to have, it will help women and society because it is the good way to save women from the torture of the evils in the world. Besides, I believe that people should not feel ashamed to admit that they support the abortion because it is a very common phenomenon and it is the rightful choice that women choose to take in order to protect their rights.
However, for the opposite side, the group of people who firmly claimed that it is wrong to exercise abortion. According to the famous writer for the newspaper column James White, he thinks that very few people have realized the danger of the devilish practice—the abortion. As he had mentioned, in the book From Pro-life to Pro-choice: The Dramatic Shift in Seventh-day Adventist's Attitudes Towards Abortion , his argument is that “Many a woman determines that she will not become a mother, and subjects herself to the vilest treatment, committing the basest crime to carry out her purpose”. ( Samojluk, 2011) To be concise, he think that s a mother who chose to give up her baby before she was born is a bloodless and cruel murderer and criminal.( Samojluk, 2011)
It is obvious that for the group of people who are the pro-life, their most fundamental argument is that they think taking away the life of the baby is too cruel and too unbelievable. To explain his arguments further, James White kept talking about the sin of the men who actually support women to have an abortion. For him, he thinks that if the men decide to help a woman get the abortion, especially if this man is the father of the baby but he also supports the abortion for his woman, then this man is more like a devil committing the worst crime. In addition, the crime for both of them is actually the same even although he only assists the murder. (Alcorn, 2009)
For the pro life group of people think that lithe life of the baby is beyond everything because every sing human life deserves to be respected no matter what had happened. Therefore, the mother is like the brutal murderer while the father is the accessory to the murder. I can understand that they support people to respect the baby’s life but I think what matters most is to protect the right of the mother, the person who is alive, instead of protecting the undeveloped form of human beings. For example, if the mother was sexually assaulted to become pregnant, it is extremely unfair to force that person to give birth to the child that she originally did not want to have. What the child is raised up is more important than whether the child is allowed to be born.
In the society, there are a lot of mothers who are forced to give birth to a child. However, they never truly want to have such a baby. The reasons are various. For example, some teenage mothers are raped by their step father or their older friends while they were not even aware of what sex really means. For this kind of females, they are in fact the victim of the current society. As a result, I do not think it is fair to impose policy on them saying that they should give birth to this child because firstly, they are not able to make money to support the life of a new child. What is worse, they child could have ended up growing up in the poor neighborhood. A lot of teenagers do not have money for abortion and they had no choice but giving birth to the baby, in the end, the baby was abandoned.
To conclude, I think that the government in the United States should allow women to have abortion because some women are pregnant because they are sexually assaulted and the women should be protected by the government. Also, it is the mother’s choice that matters because the baby in her belly is not developed yet. Besides, the government should fund the mothers for their operation, especially the low income mothers since they have already had enough troubles due to their pregnancy and they should not endure anymore hardship since it is the government’s responsibility to protect the rights of its citizens.

Rudy, K. (1997). Beyond Pro-Life and Pro-Choice: Moral Diversity in the Abortion Debate, Beacon Press
Alcorn, R. (2009). Pro-Life Answers to Pro-Choice Arguments, Crown Publishing Group
Samojluk, N. (2011). From Pro-life to Pro-choice: The Dramatic Shift in Seventh-day Adventist's Attitudes Towards Abortion,,


The electoral system in Canada

2020-06-24 18:14:14 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文 -- The electoral system in Canada,文章讲述加拿大的选举制度在投票制度中具有多数/多数席位,并伴随着其议会制和单一成员区。加拿大的立法机关是议会,由上议院(参议院),下议院(下议院)以及由总督代表的君主组成。总理建议总督任命上议院的105名参议员,下议院的338名国会议员由选民直接选举产生,他们每个人都代表一个选举区。
The electoral system in Canada
The electoral system in Canada has the plurality/majority in the voting scheme which is accompanied with its parliamentary system and single member districts. Canada’s legislative branch is its parliament with the upper house (Senate), the lower house (House of Commons) together with the Monarch, who is represented by the Governor General. The Prime Minister advices the Governor General to appoint 105 senators in the upper house, and the 338 Members of Parliament (MPs) at the House of Commons are directly elected by voters, each of them representing an electoral district.
Structural Constraints
Winning consecutive terms is crucial to the government party since it affects the survival of agencies. The parliamentary government systems are studied by scholars by extending the theory of separation of power for government agency survival. James, et al. (2015) found that agencies will face increased risk when the departmental minister, prime minister or government is transited, particularly in cases where the new ones think that the old agencies should be changed. By using survival models and data from the executive agencies of UK from 1989 to 2012, they found that ministers always terminated agencies established by previous ministers for making their mark. They would create new agencies which would obtain high media attentions. Elected governments in parliamentary systems have incentives to affect government agencies survival (James, Petrovsky, Moseley, & Boyne, 2015).
Whether a party can win majority is also influenced by its finance situations on campaigning. Carty and Young (2013) explored the capability of various political parties in the Canada's electoral competition by analyzing each constituency spending over the last three decades. They researched the level of the patterns and strength of constituency campaigning by utilizing election spending to public accounts of party candidates in Canada. Therefore the conclusion was made that in different times, the role of electoral regimes are different, which means that the political regimes put limitations on finance and spending (Carty & Young, 2013).
Institutional Constraints
Within the institution, party leaders have great power in the political system. By studying the House of Commons in Canada, Loewen, et al. (2014) observed and analyzed the influence of lawmaker behaviour on electoral outcomes in parliamentary systems by using a unique natural test for unobserved differences on election outcomes. The findings indicate that there is causal effect of lawmakers on electoral outcomes. That is to say members of the governing party have a significant electoral advantage with the power to propose. A conclusion was drawn that legislative opportunities were used by politicians for the winning in the election in parliamentary systems (Loewen, Koop, Settle, & Fowler, 2014).
Institutional constraints occur within these dimensions not only affect the governing party, but also can be used by politicians in their own favour during elections. Since elections in Canada have three dimensions: national, regional and local events, political competition of the country is structured consequently (Carty & Young, 2013). During analysis of Canada’s legislative voting, Godbout and Høyland (2011) applied the Bayesian simulation to estimate a two-dimensional item-response model based on the spatial theory of voting during 35th and 38th Parliaments. They found that the actual location of members in the same party always had little variation over a legislative session because Westminster style parliaThe electoral system in Canadamentary system usually had very strong party discipline. Therefore, it can be concluded that the institutional constraint of the parliamentary system reflects in its strong party discipline and predictably little variations.
Impacts on Future Election
The electoral system with structure and institutional constraints has impacts on future election. Governed by the Canada Elections Act, the national elections first elect their MPs for the House of Commons, and the party with most seats appoint their leader as the Prime Minister.
The electoral system in Canada is a plurality system. This means that whoever wins more seats than its main opposite can guarantee victory in election, and that the two parties at the time of election – the Liberal and Conservative – shall each fight for as much electoral districts as possible, regardless of how large the population is at that district. If the Conservative Party can achieve victory in a single province by taking most seats, the possibility of winning is higher. For example, in the 308 seat House of Commons, if one party captures up to 50 of Quebec's 75 seats, then the other party is almost impossible to form a majority government (Carty & Young, 2013). Compared to proportional representation, plurality emphasizes the single-winner system and allows voters to focus on the candidate they mostly believe in. Plurality also shares other advantages including local accountability, for it constantly ensure an outstanding candidate from a region to be elected over others, which is similar to other single-winner systems (Rallings & Thrasher, 2005).
The plurality system preserves the ‘one person, one vote’ principle, in which each voter casts one vote in an election towards a certain candidate. In this setting, the candidate who is preferred by most voters gets the absolute majority during the process (Rallings & Thrasher, 2005). This favours the current party if their voters are firm about their grounds, and since it has the previous victory, it is quite uncommon for a party member to cast votes to its opposite. The ‘one person, one vote’ principle ensures the absolute majority and avoids multiple choices in voters to shake their faith.
What is more, the plurality system tends to favour the largest parties in the election, and is often accused by the smaller ones for its ‘unfairness’. However, in the case of the Conservative Party and leader Harper, it is actually good news. Its opposite parties have difficulty winning representation at the House, and it can easily form majority government by receiving under 40% of total votes (Rallings & Thrasher, 2005). With many electorate turning out at the voting day, the actual effective votes only compose some 60%, which means that the Conservative Party just have to earn votes from less than 24% of total electorates. Meanwhile, the Conservative Party can win disproportionately in regions that they have a strong following. Rallings and Thrasher (2005) state an example: in the 1993 election, Bloc Québécois won 52 seats all from Quebec, while the Conservatives only had 2 seats. However, their spreads were very close as in 18% and 16% of national votes. Similarly, if this time the Conservatives can win most seats from several single districts, then its change to form majority government enhances even with close national support rates.
However, there are some disadvantages for the Conservatives as well. The location of the party groups has changed greatly in recent years. Different results happen despite the current government and the majority. The elections of the 38th, 39th, and 40th Parliaments have shown that the formation of minority governments and the fragmentation of the party system are the primary result of such a legislative policy (Godbout & Høyland, 2011). Therefore, it is possible that other parties with similar size and supporters may steal the victory from Conservatives.
Presidential System
If Canada has a presidential system of government instead of a parliamentary system, possible different outcomes might occur.
Similarity between both the parliamentary and presidential political systems is that they had similar budgetary patterns and their shifts were in punctuated equilibrium. From this angle, there might not be many changes if Canada has a presidential system, and election outcomes might stay so.
The difference, on the other hand, is that compared to the countries with parliamentary systems or a unitary system, the US with federal and presidential systems has higher institutional frictions. This cause parties to own various campaign techniques, which draws voters with stronger opinions. For example, scholars found that US policy was increasingly towards the environmental health of children, while the Canadian policy was different from US policy (Gupta, 2012). The reason is that the entrepreneurial manoeuvring has more room in the US presidential system; it is constrained in the Canadian parliamentary system. Therefore, if most voters are keen towards economic boost and are environmental friendly, they will vote for the Party who promote change, strengthen the economy, and protect the environment.
In conclusion, the Conservatives have a nice shot in the coming election, and the prime minister therefore decided to call for early election. If Canada had a different system, say, the presidential system, the result might by quite different. The two dimensional legislative policy space of Canadian legislature is very strong due to the Westminster style parliamentary system combined with a plurality voting method, geographic-based representation and federalism (Godbout & Høyland, 2011). To predict the election outcome, the structural and institutional constraints must be taken into account.

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