k-sun's Blog


Today's Writing (9)

2012年02月13日 18時41分19秒 | Weblog
The expenditures on livelihood subsidies have been increasing for five months in a row.
Job assistance by the government must be urgent. Politicians must not fall short of
people's expectations.
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Today's Writing (8)

2012年02月11日 18時44分38秒 | Weblog
Mr. Shouzou Tanaka, a person of thought in the Meiji Period, appealed that academic
activity exists for saving people. He reached out to those who were suffering from
pollution issues and continued to fight agaist evil authority throughout his life.
He preached that the joy which one share with people is much greater than the joy
which only one get.
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Today's Writing (7)

2012年02月10日 14時54分07秒 | Weblog
According to Mr. Keiji Uehara, the principle for creating an eternal forest is
"diversification and multilayer". Various kinds and various tallness of trees
and weeds should be planted. By doing this, fifty years later, one hundred years
later, a vegetable society will be created and will be strong against natural disasters
and destructive insects. By this means, "Meiji Jingu Naien no Mori" has been created,
which marked the 90th anniversary last year.
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Today's Writing (6)

2012年02月09日 14時58分42秒 | Weblog
There are a few knacks for walking on a snowy road. You should walk with small steps.
Do not land from your heel but with whole bottom of your foot. You had better not have
anything with both hands.
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Today's Writing (4)

2012年02月08日 18時46分47秒 | Weblog
A pyramid is never built from the top. A great project always has a robust groundwork.
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Today's Writing (4)

2012年02月07日 17時48分31秒 | Weblog
A chimpanzee can give birth to a baby by itself or alone, but a human being can not.
At the birth, a human female needs a few medical assistance persons. According to
NHK "Human....why could we become human?", the need has been incorporated in our DNA
and therefore, we have mastered "voluntary cooperation" which other animals can never get.
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Today's Writing (3)

2012年02月06日 15時04分13秒 | Weblog
A former professional baseball pitcher has said that his invaluable treasure
is not brilliant performance but his memory. He went to his high school by bike
along a mountain path which was a 40-kilometer round-trip. He said, "Being in times
of suffering, I can gather courage after remembering the memory."
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Today's Writing (2)

2012年02月05日 18時25分58秒 | Weblog
The chief of the Oslo International Peace Research Institute, Toneson, says
"Dialogue is an action to accept other party." Because one has a basic desire
to be accepted by others, peace-creation begins with accepting others' humanity.
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Today's Writing (1)

2012年02月04日 12時19分06秒 | Weblog
Now is the season when we can enjoy celery cabbage, spinach and so on.
It's said that an appeal of winter vegetables is their sweetness,
and then, what causes the sweetness?

The answer is "wintry chill." Winter vegetables increase their sugar density
to prevent them from freezing during hard frost winter.
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