k-sun's Blog



2016年01月11日 12時50分45秒 | Weblog
Suppose you have to study for tomorrow's exam and you've started feeling so sleepy.
What would you do to keep yourself from falling asleep?

Well, it happens to me a lot.
At such times, I usually wash my face with cold water.
Or I try doing light exercise and have some coffee.
When I still feel sleepy, I will put eye drops in my eyes.
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2016年01月09日 12時53分23秒 | Weblog
Given the choice, would you rather cook or clean?

Well, I like cooking better than cleaning.
Honestly, I feel cleaning is something like a task of just putting things back in their place.
But I feel cooking is a kind of creative work,
so I think I can easily find the joy of cooking very soon.

put things back in their place :物を元の場所に戻す
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Three Sentences (152)

2016年01月07日 12時24分28秒 | Weblog
Three example sentences of my own composition

        ~に効能がある、~を手伝う :help with ~

① Does the hot spring help with atopic dermatitis?

② Can I help with anything?

③ The newly-developed medicine will help with cancer treatment.
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2016年01月05日 17時39分16秒 | Weblog
How do you plan to spend your Christmas holidays this year?

Nothing special.
I'll spend my holidays just as usual.
I'll enjoy some walking and go to a cafe.
But when it comes to unusual activity, I'll write New Year's cards.
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Today's Writing (258)

2016年01月03日 16時47分13秒 | Weblog
The ultimate ligature to develop oneself for human-beings is the presence of master.
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2016年01月01日 14時07分02秒 | Weblog
Some people prefer to study individually. Others, however, prefer to study in a group.
State which you would prefer and explain why. (Response Time:45 seconds)

I would prefer to study individually for two reasons.
Firstly, I can concentrate on my tasks and study at my own pace.
If I study in a group, it's likely that I'm distracted by group members' talk or questions.
If I study alone, I can avoid such distractions and use my study time efficiently.
Secondly, studying alone gives a good opportunity to improve my skills to solve problems by myself.
For example, when I face a difficult math problem, I may find out a more efficient search strategy.
Studying by myself helps me cultivate a spirit of self-reliance (instead of becoming over-reliance on others).
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