k-sun's Blog



2017年12月10日 11時59分17秒 | Weblog
相談づくで :by mutual agreement
事を進める :get things going
Vするやり方で :in a way that V
~するより仕方がない :have no choice but to do
~を先送りする、後回しにする :procrastinate on ~
~するのが難しい :have difficulty --ing
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Today's Writing (319)

2017年12月08日 12時13分22秒 | Weblog
In any field of endeavor, one of the decisive factors in determining success or failure
is "lightning actions".
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2017年12月06日 12時06分59秒 | Weblog
Suppose your flight is oversold and the airline is offering a voucher
for a free flight to the passenger who will change his/her flight.
When you volunteer to give up your seat, what do you say to the gate agent?

Excuse me, but you're looking for volunteers, right?
I can change my flight in exchange for a voucher for a free flight.
I can kill some time and haven't checked my baggage.
But could I confirm if I can get a seat on the next available flight?
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2017年12月04日 12時09分20秒 | Weblog
内密で話があるんだけど :I have to tell you something in confidence.
雑食性動物 :an omnivorous animal=an omnivore
最も力を発揮する :work most effectively
自然に反している :be against nature
動物由来の栄養物 :animal-derived nutrients
人を祝う :congratulate 人
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Three Sentences (212)

2017年12月02日 12時02分50秒 | Weblog
Three example sentences of my own composition

        ~できなかったこと、~しなかったこと :failure to do

① Failure to obey the boss may result in demotion transfer.

② He lost the election maily due to his failure to cope with his scandal.

③ The student's failure to pass the exam was the result of poor preparation.
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