k-sun's Blog


Three Sentences (228)

2018年05月11日 11時43分44秒 | Weblog

Three example sentences of my own composition

  今まで一番~したのはどれぐらいですか :What is the 最上級(+名詞)S have ever p.p.

① What is the longest (time) you have ever slept?

② What is the longest job interview you have ever had?

③ What is the earliest you have ever got up in the morning?

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2018年05月09日 12時53分25秒 | Weblog

Your friend has been steadily putting on weight for a few months.
What advice would you give her?

Hey, I hesitate to say this, but I think you're steadily putting on weight
for the last couple of months and I'm worried about your noticeable changes.
Are you really OK?
I've learned that one of the most effective weight loss tips is
to write down what you eat for one week.
You will get a concrete idea of what you should cut out or down.

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2018年05月07日 13時25分12秒 | Weblog

停まっていた車 :a parked car
ヒビが入る :get cracked
振り返って思うに :Thinking back on it now, SV
むしろ~ :Instead, SV
ぞっとする :I cannot think of it without a shudder.
私の第一志望高校 :my top choice high school

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Today's Writing (334)

2018年05月05日 13時16分58秒 | Weblog

A person of intelligence says, "A company is not first-class simply because it is called
first-class by the public, but it is first-class because a first-class employee is working."

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Three Sentences (227)

2018年05月03日 12時15分26秒 | Weblog

Three example sentences of my own composition

        ~するのは気が進まない :be hesitant to 原形

① I'm really hesitant to discuss the matter with him.

② As I get older, I'm getting more and more hesitant to try a new way.

③ I don't understand why she is hesitant to make a buying decision.

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2018年05月01日 12時26分14秒 | Weblog

Why do you think you're a morning person or a night owl?

I think I am a typical night person for three reasons.
Firstly, I usually go to bed at two a.m. and get up at ten a.m.
Secondly, I have not eaten the first meal of the day in the morning for many years.
Thirdly, I feel more energetic in the early evening.

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