k-sun's Blog



2019年01月11日 12時46分38秒 | Weblog

Do you like to drink alcohol?
Why or why not?

I like to drink alcohol very much.
Firstly, just as some experts say, moderate drinking is beneficial to our health.
And in fact, I feel that it helps reduce my daily stress.
Secondly, I have a little difficulty in falling asleep, but actually
having a nightcap brings peaceful sleep to me.
Anyway, the key is moderation.

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2019年01月09日 12時20分46秒 | Weblog

ちょっとお話していいですか :Could I have a minute of your time?
この状況に対処していただけますか :Could you handle the situation?
~に先に謝る :be the first to say sorry to 人
人と仲直りする :make up with 人
冷や汗をかく :break into a cold sweat
ボディソープで体を洗う :wash my body with body-wash

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Three Sentences (250)

2019年01月07日 12時23分14秒 | Weblog

Three example sentences of my own composition

        一連の~ :a round of ~(可算名詞は複数形)

① Many officials are expected to tackle a round of multilateral trade talks.

② The candidate has been very busy attending a round of parties.

③ He has just returned to Japan after a round of visits to some countries.

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2019年01月05日 12時27分13秒 | Weblog

Where would you like to go for your summer vacation this year?

Well, now, I don't have any special plans for this summer vacation.
Actually, I'm unlikely to go anywhere because I'm concerned about heat attack
and I don't like crowds very much.
I think it'll be crowded everywhere with schoolchildren especially during summer vacation.

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2019年01月03日 12時20分59秒 | Weblog

~する手っ取り早い方法 :the quickest way to do
風邪で倒れる :come down with a cold
気持ちをしっかり持て :Pull yourself together.
ペットに死なれた :I lost my pet.
SVを思い知った :I learned to my cost that SV
各分野の専門家 :specialists in respective fields

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Today's Writing (358)

2019年01月01日 15時15分32秒 | Weblog

Is it a lesson learned from the 20th century that if people avoid
the fundamental factor of innovative changes in human beings themselves,
even efforts for peace could create an adverse result?

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