k-sun's Blog



2019年11月10日 11時35分13秒 | Weblog
You have a friend who desperately wants to give up smoking.
What would you say to help him/her accomplish this?

Actually, I had smoked for about 30 years and completely overcame my bad habit of smoking about nine years ago.
I slowly decreased the number of cigarettes I smoked little by little.
It took me about eight months to reduce the number from twelve to zero.
There is no need to hurry, but the key point is to delay your first cigarette of the day.
Actually, for one month before I completely quit smoking, I smoked my first cigarette just before going to bed.
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2019年11月08日 10時31分28秒 | Weblog
平和に、調和的に :harmoniously
幸先の良い :auspicious
経済的に :finacially
家父長の、男性に支配された :patriarchal
熱狂的愛国主義の、亭主関白の :chauvinistic
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Three Sentences (281)

2019年11月06日 11時12分15秒 | Weblog
Three example sentences of my own composition

        むしろ~に近い :more like ~

① She was more like a mother than a wife.

② He said, "Stop it", but "Stupid" was more like it.

③ The actress was more like beautiful than pretty.
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2019年11月04日 10時50分12秒 | Weblog
You have just seen a toddler wandering alone in a park.
Contact the police.

Hello, I'd like to inform you that just now I saw a small children wandering alone in a park.
I think she is around two or three years old and maybe about eighty or ninety centimeters tall.
I saw her in Central Park close to the TV tower in Sakae.
She is wearing a red shirt and a black skirt.
I think she should be placed in protective care.
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2019年11月02日 11時04分12秒 | Weblog
くどい、余剰な :redundant
習慣的に、通例 :customarily
習慣的に、常習的に :habitually
自信満々に :confidently
守るように :protectively
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