k-sun's Blog



2020年01月10日 10時10分46秒 | Weblog
Do you keep a diary or have you ever kept one?

Yes, now I just write down special events, but I had kept my diary
for about 30 years since I was 22 years old.
I used to record the day's events and my experiences as well as my thoughts and feelings.
And I think the best thing is that I can remember who did what for me and when where why and how.
So, I can show my appreciation to the persons, no matter how many years pass by.
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2020年01月08日 11時15分25秒 | Weblog
一般的には :Generally speaking,
~によれば :According to ~
長期的には :In the long run,
短期的には :In the short run,
思い返せば :In retrospect,
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Three Sentences (287)

2020年01月06日 10時44分44秒 | Weblog
Three example sentences of my own composition

        努力を惜しまない :spare no effort

① I will spare no effort to handle the business.

② No effort should be spared to pass the bar exam.

③ He spared no effort for her in providing necessary assistance.
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2020年01月04日 10時44分30秒 | Weblog
You have lost your motivation to cook because your mother always complains about your cooking.
Tell your friend about this situation.

Listen, my mother keeps discouraging me.
She always complains a lot about my cooking.
I know I am not so good at cooking but I always try my best.
Indeed she is a good cook, but she is not a good teacher.
I think she should be much more patient.
Don't you think so?
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2020年01月02日 10時28分28秒 | Weblog
~とは違って :Unlike ~
そうではなくて :Instead,
それとは反対に :On the contrary,
プラス面では :On the positive side,
マイナス面では :On the negative side,
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