

Identity Crisis

2005-09-21 | Weblog
I am taking a course "Language Diversity in Education". Most of the students are Americans. In today's class I found that so many classmates are struggling with their identities. "Where are you from?" is a tricky question to the people whose parents or grandparents immigrated. An oriental looking student said that she usually answers "I'm from Philadelphia." Then, she will be asked "Where did your grandparents come from?" She identifies herself with American, so she hates to be asked this question.
On the contrary, according to a student from NY, New Yorker will answer "I'm from Italy" or "I'm from Puerto Rico." even though they cannot speak Italian or Spanish. Although my classmate from NY says "I'm Puerto Rican" in the US, she said "I'm American" when she traveled to Puerto Rico. That's an identity paradox. (I do not know it's a right term.)

Another student said that he's Hispanic (He looks white). He went to a White-dominant elementary school. While he was in the school, he changed his name which sounded like White, because his real name embarassed him. After he graduated Secondary school, he started using his real name.


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モニター募集のお知らせ (mayumi)
2005-10-14 09:25:32









hajime mashite (Matzmt Maskee)
2005-10-03 19:43:36
Hello, Kyumiko.

I just found your blog today and thought it was interesting. I added it in my hatena-antenna. Hope you wouldn't mind.

That identity thing, i find it really interesting how that New Yorker Puerto Rican person deals with her or his national/ethnic identity. As for being Asian looking, I know exactly how it feels to be asked that kind of question. Some people say I don't look Japanese even though I am Japanese and I was raised in Japan speaking its language. Weird.

By the way, hey, the way you write is so cool. I mean, for me it's hard to be polite in English. That's probably because I just only graduated from highschool. I just started college this year. I hope I will improve my writing as to say things like you do.
