

Dec. 23rd (Thu.) Machu Picchu

2004-12-29 | Weblog
Aguas Calientes is the closest town to Machu Picchu. We went to Machu Picchu in the morning by bus. It went up to the mountain and it took about 30 minutes. The fee was $9 one way. It was toooooo expensive. The scenary of Machu picchu was gorgeous. The scenary from the top of Huayna Pichu was much better. Huayna Pichu is a small ruin of Inca. It is also called a younger brother of Machu Picchu. Huayna Pichu is located higher than Machu Picchu and we can go there only on our foot. It took about an hour to clim up the mountain from Machu Picchu to Huayna Pichu. The treacking was wonderful because it was scarely, historical, and the scenary was beautiful.

