I go to Australia today from now !! Jun 4th 2005.
I'll try write this in real time if I could.
I usually don't make reservation or booking before.
Because I want to get many information there.
But I have short time for this time, so I prepared many things.
It was good for me, I could know sometimes internet has cheap plan or campaign.
Info of prepared (mostly for Japanease or living in Japan)
★You have to get a visa, even if you styay short like me, you can get it by internet. I used `terecute ETAScenter`(Japanese) http://www.tqt.jp/etas/
★My schedule
6日~10日 Mornikes Chark Art Studies http://www.chalkart-aast.com/
The pages written by Japanease.
8日:worm brightly tour (Japanese I think)
QJS http://www.qjs.com.au/
11日:Camel tour
Frontier Camel Farm http://www.cameltours.com.au/index.htm
They pick and send from your hotels if you stay Ayers Rock Resort.
12日:Climb Ayrs Rock
Kings http://www.aatkings.com/
I think they have some language pages. You have to make a book if you want to go
sunrise tour. I'm not sure other one. Please refer the HP.
I refered the pages below
Ariestours http://www.ariestours.com/
national-tours (Japanese) http://www.national-tour.com.au/index.html
BUSH 'N' BACK TOURS http://bushnback.com.au/index.html
★Agent of Air (Japanese)
H.I.S http://www.his-j.com/index.html
Japan JYH http://www.jyh.or.jp/index2fr.html
★money change(T/C) Japanease
Risona BANK http://www.resona-gr.co.jp/resonabank/
★Cellphone NTTDocomo (Japanese)
You can take cheaper if you make a reservation by internet.
★Reference pages
JTB (Japanese only) http://www.jtb.co.jp/
TOURIST INFORMATION http://home.iprimus.com.au/tyrrellp/gold.htm
NICHIGO PRESS http://www.nichigo.com.au/
Aout Australia(Japanese only) http://www.australiajapan.com/
ANZ BANK http://www.anz.co.jp/cgi-bin/souba.cgi
★Reference book (Japanese only)
Tikyuunoarukikata`Australia` http://www.arukikata.co.jp/
I'll try write this in real time if I could.
I usually don't make reservation or booking before.
Because I want to get many information there.
But I have short time for this time, so I prepared many things.
It was good for me, I could know sometimes internet has cheap plan or campaign.
Info of prepared (mostly for Japanease or living in Japan)
★You have to get a visa, even if you styay short like me, you can get it by internet. I used `terecute ETAScenter`(Japanese) http://www.tqt.jp/etas/
★My schedule
6日~10日 Mornikes Chark Art Studies http://www.chalkart-aast.com/
The pages written by Japanease.
8日:worm brightly tour (Japanese I think)
QJS http://www.qjs.com.au/
11日:Camel tour
Frontier Camel Farm http://www.cameltours.com.au/index.htm
They pick and send from your hotels if you stay Ayers Rock Resort.
12日:Climb Ayrs Rock
Kings http://www.aatkings.com/
I think they have some language pages. You have to make a book if you want to go
sunrise tour. I'm not sure other one. Please refer the HP.
I refered the pages below
Ariestours http://www.ariestours.com/
national-tours (Japanese) http://www.national-tour.com.au/index.html
BUSH 'N' BACK TOURS http://bushnback.com.au/index.html
★Agent of Air (Japanese)
H.I.S http://www.his-j.com/index.html
Japan JYH http://www.jyh.or.jp/index2fr.html
★money change(T/C) Japanease
Risona BANK http://www.resona-gr.co.jp/resonabank/
★Cellphone NTTDocomo (Japanese)
You can take cheaper if you make a reservation by internet.
★Reference pages
JTB (Japanese only) http://www.jtb.co.jp/
TOURIST INFORMATION http://home.iprimus.com.au/tyrrellp/gold.htm
NICHIGO PRESS http://www.nichigo.com.au/
Aout Australia(Japanese only) http://www.australiajapan.com/
ANZ BANK http://www.anz.co.jp/cgi-bin/souba.cgi
★Reference book (Japanese only)
Tikyuunoarukikata`Australia` http://www.arukikata.co.jp/