March 19th in Saipan.
I joined Tagaman triathlon. this is the traditional triathlon in Saipan since 1989.
I joined it since 2005.
This year the Xterra female field was strong and hard ever in saipan. Tagaman was also hard women field ever I have been joined.
4 top triathlete of the world stayed here to get PIC ddouble which is total time of Xterra and tagaman.
I learned many things from my failrue how to do race last week at Xterra.
I pushed too much and passed my ability now I have and my race was ended at biginning of bike.
for tagaman, I tried to have a fun race and I wanted to back to me the feeling " The race is fun!!!!'
Around 100 athlete competed from world. Korea, Japan, The States, EU.
There were 10 Women Pro athletes inculde four pro from Xterra and last year chamipon and othere Korean.
I never ever thought I can be 2nd place when I saw this start list.
The swim condition was much better then last week. No waves and no strong current then last week. We started with sunrise.
Pros are 2min head start then age and team. Same as last week, I swam good pace even many Korean great swimmer were ahead of me but just tried not panic and remember Do my best what I have now.
We swam 2K which is two laps for 1K.
I came out water 4th of female but first female was almost 5min ahead of me.
The weather was crazy with strong wind and rain. the 30MPH made us stuggle on the bike and rain made the saipan road slippery.
Specially from PIC to hit to North was hardest because long straight road and windy.
Just think " everyone same , everyone don't like this windy"
also I was thinking what my coach said to me after Xterra " Don't look back. do your ability what you have now"
I never thing someone are trying to catch me, I was thinking " I will catch the person in front of me"
There were few turn around which I could see the biker behind. The three ladies were there and not far enough to take easy.
the point I start thing " The real race will start on run. Whoever can run fast they will win" I start save my leg for run. last 10K was nice strong trail wind and my leg could rest little bit.
I was surprised myself to came T2 as 2nd female. Many people were cheering and they sound excited then I was!!! They gave me huge power for me to go run.
I thoguth them and I just saw othere laides just came to T2. I didn't check time but I could tell " NOT too far"
Some times I tried to my run pace up but same time ofcurse my Heart race up and I could tell I am going to kill myself again if I keep this pace. " Relax, Just keep same pace"
move my scapula, keep my breath as good rhythem, try my legs wide but also goot tempo.
There were many cheerleaders on the road but I didn't have any energy to smile back to them or wave to them. I was just forcus how I need to run. I wanted to check behind me how they close or far now but I didn't. I just tought what my coach said whole my training and " GO,GO"
I came to back to the park and went to last turn around. I saw 3rd female who from Austria and she is fast runner. I have 2K left but she still has chance to catch me if I slow down.
" Time to use all my energy. Doesn't matter our of power now" Last 2K I use my 120%. move arms more, tried to reach my leg as mu as I can. my breathing wwas hard and fast but I know I can keep this only 2more Kilometer. Today is my day. Finally this day is coming to finish 2nd. I have chance to finish 2nd racing aganst top athlete! I can not slow down, None can catch me here last 2K point.
I went to finish line as 2nd. Many my friends were there ofcurse my husband too. I didn't have any energy left to stading and walk.
my husband carried me to go Mediacl tent.
How happy was that finally I came back with this result in Saipan. How long I have been thinking and hopeing I want to be in SAIPAN. it took for 7 years to get this position for me.
7years,,,,, I was thinking about today. I was dreaming about today.

I could do my best of best. It was 120% of my energy.No like 99% I still have few energy left or not like 150% too much push and end of race early.
I have Xterra guam this week. No matter what, I try to all race like today.
Thank-you for your spport.

Mieko Carey
I joined Tagaman triathlon. this is the traditional triathlon in Saipan since 1989.
I joined it since 2005.
This year the Xterra female field was strong and hard ever in saipan. Tagaman was also hard women field ever I have been joined.
4 top triathlete of the world stayed here to get PIC ddouble which is total time of Xterra and tagaman.
I learned many things from my failrue how to do race last week at Xterra.
I pushed too much and passed my ability now I have and my race was ended at biginning of bike.
for tagaman, I tried to have a fun race and I wanted to back to me the feeling " The race is fun!!!!'
Around 100 athlete competed from world. Korea, Japan, The States, EU.
There were 10 Women Pro athletes inculde four pro from Xterra and last year chamipon and othere Korean.
I never ever thought I can be 2nd place when I saw this start list.
The swim condition was much better then last week. No waves and no strong current then last week. We started with sunrise.
Pros are 2min head start then age and team. Same as last week, I swam good pace even many Korean great swimmer were ahead of me but just tried not panic and remember Do my best what I have now.
We swam 2K which is two laps for 1K.
I came out water 4th of female but first female was almost 5min ahead of me.
The weather was crazy with strong wind and rain. the 30MPH made us stuggle on the bike and rain made the saipan road slippery.
Specially from PIC to hit to North was hardest because long straight road and windy.
Just think " everyone same , everyone don't like this windy"
also I was thinking what my coach said to me after Xterra " Don't look back. do your ability what you have now"
I never thing someone are trying to catch me, I was thinking " I will catch the person in front of me"
There were few turn around which I could see the biker behind. The three ladies were there and not far enough to take easy.
the point I start thing " The real race will start on run. Whoever can run fast they will win" I start save my leg for run. last 10K was nice strong trail wind and my leg could rest little bit.
I was surprised myself to came T2 as 2nd female. Many people were cheering and they sound excited then I was!!! They gave me huge power for me to go run.
I thoguth them and I just saw othere laides just came to T2. I didn't check time but I could tell " NOT too far"
Some times I tried to my run pace up but same time ofcurse my Heart race up and I could tell I am going to kill myself again if I keep this pace. " Relax, Just keep same pace"
move my scapula, keep my breath as good rhythem, try my legs wide but also goot tempo.
There were many cheerleaders on the road but I didn't have any energy to smile back to them or wave to them. I was just forcus how I need to run. I wanted to check behind me how they close or far now but I didn't. I just tought what my coach said whole my training and " GO,GO"

I came to back to the park and went to last turn around. I saw 3rd female who from Austria and she is fast runner. I have 2K left but she still has chance to catch me if I slow down.
" Time to use all my energy. Doesn't matter our of power now" Last 2K I use my 120%. move arms more, tried to reach my leg as mu as I can. my breathing wwas hard and fast but I know I can keep this only 2more Kilometer. Today is my day. Finally this day is coming to finish 2nd. I have chance to finish 2nd racing aganst top athlete! I can not slow down, None can catch me here last 2K point.
I went to finish line as 2nd. Many my friends were there ofcurse my husband too. I didn't have any energy left to stading and walk.
my husband carried me to go Mediacl tent.
How happy was that finally I came back with this result in Saipan. How long I have been thinking and hopeing I want to be in SAIPAN. it took for 7 years to get this position for me.
7years,,,,, I was thinking about today. I was dreaming about today.

I could do my best of best. It was 120% of my energy.No like 99% I still have few energy left or not like 150% too much push and end of race early.
I have Xterra guam this week. No matter what, I try to all race like today.
Thank-you for your spport.

Mieko Carey