

The United States canceled tariffs on its two largest trading partners,

2025-02-20 06:29:41 | 世界の皆さんへメール
To everyone in the world's media 

I will provide the missing materials so please request by email.

2025-02-20: Weekday edition,
The United States has cancelled the imposition of tariffs on its two largest trading partners, Canada and Mexico, at the last minute. Rather than defending itself with tariffs, the United States should win by producing at low prices in the United States.

American car companies are abandoning Detroit and building car factories in Mexico. This is because wages in Mexico are lower than in the United States.

President Trump imposed a 25% tariff on imports from Mexico to prevent illegal immigrants and synthetic drugs from entering the United States. The Mexican gov-ernment will not be able to solve the problem of synthetic drug smuggling.

Illegal immigrants are a huge crowd. The Mexican government cannot "stop" the crowd. So the United States should "use" illegal immigrants.

Companies with US markets will build factories in Mexico. Chinese companies will build factories in Mexico and export to the United States. The US trade deficit will continue to grow.

During his presidency, President Trump appealed to Chinese companies to bring their factories back to the United States. The response from the companies was that there are no low-wage factory zones in the US like there are in China.

If that's the case, we should "create" a "factory zone" on the "Mexican border" and hire "illegal immigrants" at a lower wage than Chinese people. That will solve the wage problem for companies that are expanding into China.

Chinese companies think that the US will strengthen tariffs on China. That's why they are doing my "Mexican border special zone concept" "inside Mexico". This is called "nearshoring".

"Nearshoring" is when a company relocates or outsources its business to a country or region closer to its home country. Chinese companies have started "nearshoring" in Mexico.

In recent years, Chinese companies have been relocating their manufacturing lines to industrial parks in northern Mexico to get closer to the US market. This furniture company is one of many Chinese companies.

Not only can they reduce transportation costs, but the finished products are consid-ered to be entirely made in Mexico. This allows Chinese companies to avoid the tar-iffs and sanctions imposed on Chinese products in the US-China trade war.

The recliners and luxury leather sofas that come off the production line at the Man-hua furniture factory in Monterrey, northeastern Mexico, are 100% "Made in Mexi-co."

These pieces of furniture are sold to major U.S. retailers such as Costco and Walmart, but they are manufactured by Chinese companies and the factories were built with Chinese capital.

The U.S. should establish a "special zone" on the Mexican border. Then, they would hire illegal immigrants as "temporary immigrants" at "low wages" and have them manufacture "products that are cheaper than Chinese products."

And I am proposing a "business plan" to export "half" of the products not only with-in the U.S. but also overseas.

Instead of "complaining" about imports from "China, Canada, and Mexico," the U.S. should produce "cheaper and better quality products" than them.

I believe that the only solution for the Trump administration to prevent the Chinese government from manufacturing in Mexico and exporting to the U.S. is to establish a "special zone on the Mexican border," and then everything will be fine.

Part 1 Citations and References
Chinese companies use Mexico as a back door to the US: The reality of "nearshor-ing"

I'll write again tomorrow.

Part 2. "Immigration Control Act Violation Cases" "Weekday Edition".

"Everyone" in the "international community" please help!

First, please read about the "false accusation" of "aiding and abetting violation of immigration law" in 2010.

"Chapter 1". The summary of the incident is as follows.

In the fall of 2008, my company (I am the president) promised to hire "Chinese people studying abroad on student visas". I "issued" them "employment contracts" stating that "LEFCO" would "employ" them when they graduated from university the following spring.

However, after that, the "Lehman Shock" occurred in 2008.

As a result, orders for "system development" from the following year onwards were "cancelled".

As a result, "LEFCO" "cancelled" the "employment" of "those who were scheduled to join the company" in 2009.

Therefore, "they" continued to work at the restaurants where they had worked part-time as students even after graduating in 2009.

In May 2010, the Chinese were arrested for "violating Article 70 of the Immigration Control Act" by "activities outside of the status of residence".

In June 2010, after their arrest, I and the Chinese person in charge of recruitment (KingGungaku) ​​were also arrested.

The reason was "crime of aiding and abetting" the Chinese for "violating Article 70 of the Immigration Control Act (activities outside the status of residence)".

<Reason for arrest> The prosecution said that I and KingGungaku giving the Chinese a "false employment contract" constituted "crime of aiding and abetting" under the Criminal Code.

"Chapter 2". Crimes in the judgment: (arbitrary and ridiculous)

The charges in the indictment are "the very provisions" of "Article 22-4-4 of the Immigration Control Act".

If a "status of residence" is obtained by submitting false documents, the Minister of Justice can revoke the "status of residence" at his "discretion". (And the person will be deported).

Therefore, even if a Chinese person submits "false documents," it is not a crime. It is not a crime to "aid" an innocent act.

The "reason for punishment" in the judgment:

1. The Chinese person obtained "resident status" by submitting a "false employment contract."

2. And they violated the Immigration Control Act (activities outside of their status of residence).

3. The Chinese person obtained "resident status" because "we" provided the Chinese person with a "false employment contract."

4. The Chinese person was able to "reside" in Japan because he obtained "resident status."

5. Because of that, the Chinese person was able to "work illegally."

6. Therefore, "we" who "provided" the Chinese person with a "false employment contract" were punished for "aiding" the Chinese person's "activities outside of their status of residence."

This is an "error" in the arbitrary "logic of law."

This reasoning is the "argument" that "when the wind blows, the barrel maker (profits)." This goes against "legal logic" even internationally.

The "criminal reason" in the indictment cannot be a crime because the provisions of the "Immigration Control Act," which is a "special law," take precedence over the "Criminal Code," which is a "general law."

My argument:

"1": The Immigration Control Act stipulates that the Minister of Justice will revoke the act of a foreigner who has obtained a residence status by submitting false documents (Immigration Control Act: Article 22-4-4, cancellation of residence status) through "administrative disposition." That's all.

"2": The Chinese who engaged in "unqualified work activities" are not guilty. The reason is that their "employers" have not been punished for the "crime of aiding and abetting illegal employment" under Article 73-2 of the Immigration Control Act.

Therefore, under the principle of "equality under the law," the Chinese are not guilty.

The Japanese government has punished "diplomats and Philippine embassy staff" for the exact same "criminal reason."

However, like the Chinese government, the Philippine government is also silent.

The rest will be published in the Saturday edition.

Part 3. Special Zone Construction. A new business model.

Special Zones accept refugees and immigrants as temporary immigrant workers and limit their residence to the special zone.

Developed countries use them as low-wage workers and achieve high economic growth again.

Refugees and immigrants can get jobs and live a hopeful, humane life.

Temporary immigrants are low-wage, but "food, clothing, shelter, medical expenses, and education are free."

NO2: https://world-special-zone.seesaa.net/
NO1: https://naganoopinion.blog.jp/

For NO4: to NO10:, please see the Sunday edition.

Thank you.

Yasuhiro Nagano

Past articles can be viewed at the blog below.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us!

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2025-02-20 06:00:22 | 世界の皆さんへメール
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2025-02-20: 平日版、

















第1部 引用・参考文献
中国企業、メキシコをアメリカへの裏口に 「ニアショアリング」の実態



















1. 中国人が「虚偽の雇用契約書」を提出して「在留資格」を取得したこと。
2. そして、入管法に違反したこと(在留資格外活動)。
3. 中国人が「在留資格」を得たのは、「我々」が中国人に「偽の雇用契約書」を提供したからだ。
4. 中国人が「在留資格」を得たため、日本に「居住」できた。
5. そのため、中国人は「不法就労」できた。
6. したがって、中国人に「偽の雇用契約書」を「提供」した「我々」は、中国人の「資格外の活動」を「幇助」したとして処罰された。















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US media: "This is the Sputnik shock of the AI ​​race." It was a huge shock to the American people.

2025-02-19 06:27:20 | 世界の皆さんへメール
To everyone in the world's media 

I will provide the missing materials so please request by email.

2025-02-19: Weekday edition,
US media: "This is the Sputnik shock of the AI race." It was a huge shock to the American people. An AI with performance exceeding that of "Chat GPT" was devel-oped at less than one-tenth the cost. America's "monopoly" has disappeared again.

The Sputnik shock was the world's first successful launch of the artificial satellite Sputnik by the former Soviet Union in 1957 during the Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union, which came as a huge shock to the American people who believed in their own country's technological superiority.

"DeepSeek," developed by a Chinese startup, has developed an AI with perfor-mance that is said to exceed that of Open AI's "Chat GPT" at less than one-tenth the cost. Amazing! All I can say is that it's amazing!

"It's comparable to Chat GPT, but the cost is less than one-tenth." This news changed the rules of AI development and sent a huge shock to Washington, Wall Street, and Silicon Valley.

The "rules of the game" have changed! The myth that "AI development is expen-sive. Therefore, America's superiority, which can raise funds from all over the world, is unshakable" has been shattered.

In the United States, "AI development requires a large amount of learning, which requires a large number of data centers, which take money and time. Therefore, there was pride that only America can do it.

Efficient learning requires a semiconductor called a GPU made by NVIDIA, which can perform simultaneous parallel processing. Therefore, Americans believed that China could not do it.

The Wall Street Journal reported that China's Deepseek made full use of 2,048 "H800" chips that were collected at the time when they were importable. How did they come up with such an idea?

Rather than attacking China, I think we should pay attention to the "thinking ability" behind the development of Deepseek. Why don't Americans think like this?

Why don't developers in allied countries think like this? There is a man in the United States who has an idea that is just as good as the Chinese.

Musk was born in South Africa and acquired Canadian citizenship through his moth-er. He studied at the University of Pennsylvania in 1992. He acquired American citi-zenship 10 years later. He holds South African, Canadian, and American citizenship. Musk co-founded PayPal, SpaceX, Tesla, The Boring Company, OpenAI, xAI, and others.

Was Elon Musk working illegally? It is said. Rather, China seems to be influenced by Musk's ideas.

Tesla, led by Musk, has done things that go against the common sense of the in-dustry. Musk: "Why are you making the frame separately? 70 parts? Wouldn't it be better to make it one piece?" He makes the impossible possible.

Musk says he was an "illegal immigrant." The United States should create a "spe-cial zone on the Mexican border" and accept illegal immigrants from Central and South America with "temporary immigrant status."

The Trump administration also seems "stubborn." Musk, who became a successful "American Dream" with his free thinking, should assist President Trump and make the United States a "country of free thinking" that can compete with China.

Part 1 Citations and References
The impact of Chinese AI "DeepSeek"! Why is high performance and low cost pos-sible? https://newsdig.tbs.co.jp/articles/withbloomberg/1701658?display=1

I'll write again tomorrow.

Part 2. "Immigration Control Act Violation Cases" "Weekday Edition".

"Everyone" in the "international community" please help!

First, please read about the "false accusation" of "aiding and abetting violation of immigration law" in 2010.

"Chapter 1". The summary of the incident is as follows.

In the fall of 2008, my company (I am the president) promised to hire "Chinese people studying abroad on student visas". I "issued" them "employment contracts" stating that "LEFCO" would "employ" them when they graduated from university the following spring.

However, after that, the "Lehman Shock" occurred in 2008.

As a result, orders for "system development" from the following year onwards were "cancelled".

As a result, "LEFCO" "cancelled" the "employment" of "those who were scheduled to join the company" in 2009.

Therefore, "they" continued to work at the restaurants where they had worked part-time as students even after graduating in 2009.

In May 2010, the Chinese were arrested for "violating Article 70 of the Immigration Control Act" by "activities outside of the status of residence".

In June 2010, after their arrest, I and the Chinese person in charge of recruitment (KingGungaku) ​​were also arrested.

The reason was "crime of aiding and abetting" the Chinese for "violating Article 70 of the Immigration Control Act (activities outside the status of residence)".

<Reason for arrest> The prosecution said that I and KingGungaku giving the Chinese a "false employment contract" constituted "crime of aiding and abetting" under the Criminal Code.

"Chapter 2". Crimes in the judgment: (arbitrary and ridiculous)

The charges in the indictment are "the very provisions" of "Article 22-4-4 of the Immigration Control Act".

If a "status of residence" is obtained by submitting false documents, the Minister of Justice can revoke the "status of residence" at his "discretion". (And the person will be deported).

Therefore, even if a Chinese person submits "false documents," it is not a crime. It is not a crime to "aid" an innocent act.

The "reason for punishment" in the judgment:

1. The Chinese person obtained "resident status" by submitting a "false employment contract."

2. And they violated the Immigration Control Act (activities outside of their status of residence).

3. The Chinese person obtained "resident status" because "we" provided the Chinese person with a "false employment contract."

4. The Chinese person was able to "reside" in Japan because he obtained "resident status."

5. Because of that, the Chinese person was able to "work illegally."

6. Therefore, "we" who "provided" the Chinese person with a "false employment contract" were punished for "aiding" the Chinese person's "activities outside of their status of residence."

This is an "error" in the arbitrary "logic of law."

This reasoning is the "argument" that "when the wind blows, the barrel maker (profits)." This goes against "legal logic" even internationally.

The "criminal reason" in the indictment cannot be a crime because the provisions of the "Immigration Control Act," which is a "special law," take precedence over the "Criminal Code," which is a "general law."

My argument:

"1": The Immigration Control Act stipulates that the Minister of Justice will revoke the act of a foreigner who has obtained a residence status by submitting false documents (Immigration Control Act: Article 22-4-4, cancellation of residence status) through "administrative disposition." That's all.

"2": The Chinese who engaged in "unqualified work activities" are not guilty. The reason is that their "employers" have not been punished for the "crime of aiding and abetting illegal employment" under Article 73-2 of the Immigration Control Act.

Therefore, under the principle of "equality under the law," the Chinese are not guilty.

The Japanese government has punished "diplomats and Philippine embassy staff" for the exact same "criminal reason."

However, like the Chinese government, the Philippine government is also silent.

The rest will be published in the Saturday edition.

Part 3. Special Zone Construction. A new business model.

Special Zones accept refugees and immigrants as temporary immigrant workers and limit their residence to the special zone.

Developed countries use them as low-wage workers and achieve high economic growth again.

Refugees and immigrants can get jobs and live a hopeful, humane life.

Temporary immigrants are low-wage, but "food, clothing, shelter, medical expenses, and education are free."

NO2: https://world-special-zone.seesaa.net/
NO1: https://naganoopinion.blog.jp/

For NO4: to NO10:, please see the Sunday edition.

Thank you.

Yasuhiro Nagano

Past articles can be viewed at the blog below.
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2025-02-19 06:26:17 | 世界の皆さんへメール
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2025-02-19: 平日版、


中国のスタートアップが開発した「DeepSeek」が、米Open AIの「チャットGPT」を上回るとされる性能を持つAIを10分の1以下のコストで開発した。すごい!としか言いようがない!

「Chat GPTに匹敵するが、コストは10分の1以下」このニュースは、AI開発のルールを変えるものとして、ワシントン、ウォール街、シリコンバレーに大きな衝撃を与えた。







マスク氏は南アフリカ生まれで、母親を通じてカナダ国籍を取得した。 1992年にペンシルバニア大学で学んだ。10年後にアメリカ国籍を取得。南アフリカ、カナダ、アメリカの国籍を持つ。

マスク氏は、PayPal、SpaceX、テスラ、The Boring Company、OpenAI、xAIなどを共同設立した。





第1部 引用・参考文献



















1. 中国人が「虚偽の雇用契約書」を提出して「在留資格」を取得したこと。
2. そして、入管法に違反したこと(在留資格外活動)。
3. 中国人が「在留資格」を得たのは、「我々」が中国人に「偽の雇用契約書」を提供したからだ。
4. 中国人が「在留資格」を得たため、日本に「居住」できた。
5. そのため、中国人は「不法就労」できた。
6. したがって、中国人に「偽の雇用契約書」を「提供」した「我々」は、中国人の「資格外の活動」を「幇助」したとして処罰された。













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2025-02-19 06:05:56 | 世界の皆さんへメール
世界のメディアの「皆様」 へ 


2025-02-19: 平日版、


中国のスタートアップが開発した「DeepSeek」が、米Open AIの「チャットGPT」を上回るとされる性能を持つAIを10分の1以下のコストで開発した。すごい!としか言いようがない!

「Chat GPTに匹敵するが、コストは10分の1以下」このニュースは、AI開発のルールを変えるものとして、ワシントン、ウォール街、シリコンバレーに大きな衝撃を与えた。







マスク氏は南アフリカ生まれで、母親を通じてカナダ国籍を取得した。 1992年にペンシルバニア大学で学んだ。10年後にアメリカ国籍を取得。南アフリカ、カナダ、アメリカの国籍を持つ。

マスク氏は、PayPal、SpaceX、テスラ、The Boring Company、OpenAI、xAIなどを共同設立した。





第1部 引用・参考文献



















1. 中国人が「虚偽の雇用契約書」を提出して「在留資格」を取得したこと。
2. そして、入管法に違反したこと(在留資格外活動)。
3. 中国人が「在留資格」を得たのは、「我々」が中国人に「偽の雇用契約書」を提供したからだ。
4. 中国人が「在留資格」を得たため、日本に「居住」できた。
5. そのため、中国人は「不法就労」できた。
6. したがって、中国人に「偽の雇用契約書」を「提供」した「我々」は、中国人の「資格外の活動」を「幇助」したとして処罰された。













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The steel industry is the industry that emits the most CO2. That is why the world is preparing to

2025-02-18 05:56:25 | 世界の皆さんへメール
To everyone in the world's media 

I will provide the missing materials so please request by email.

2025-02-18: Weekday edition,
The Trump Administration should immediately approve Nippon Steel's "acquisition of US Steel". Nippon Steel and US Steel jointly argued that "the acquisition does not threaten, but rather strengthens, the national security of the United States". Will Trump abandon "MAGA"?

After emphasizing that Nippon Steel is the only partner that can provide the in-vestment and technology necessary to support and grow US Steel, he appealed that "the number one steel manufacturer in the United States will be born with the competitive edge to compete with China". This is a fact!

Until now, Nippon Steel has provided technical support to steel mills in China and Korea to make them "world class". Nippon Steel has promised to make capital and equipment investments in "US Steel" to make it "world class".

Instead of raising import prices with tariffs to protect the US steel industry, Presi-dent Trump should invest in US Steel and support Nippon Steel, which can compete with Chinese and Korean steel products in price and quality.

Trump should formalize negotiations with Nippon Steel and make a contract to de-stroy Nippon Steel's steel mills in Japan with air strikes if Nippon Steel breaks the contract. Neither Republicans nor Democrats will complain.

Nippon Steel's acquisition of US Steel is the "gateway" to "reviving the Rust Belt". He is proposing to turn the Rust Belt into a new "heavy chemical industrial com-plex".

The Rust Belt is the "root" of American industry. Steel is the "origin" of the United States. The US economy cannot become strong unless it makes steel world-class.

The United States has been able to procure iron ore and coal, the raw materials for the steel industry, within the United States. Japan has been manufacturing steel by importing iron ore and coal from overseas since 1934 and has always been one of the world's leading producers. This is a fact.

The steel industry is the industry that emits the most CO2. That is why the world is preparing to build steel mills that use hydrogen instead of coal. To make this hap-pen, technology and huge capital investments are needed.

The American steel industry was blessed with iron ore and coal, so they did not spend money on capital investment. That is why the American steel industry lost its competitiveness in terms of quality and price. What America needs is invest-ment, not dividends.

Labor unions in the American Rust Belt are "unhealthy." They are like the "com-munist" labor unions of the past. That is why I think the American automobile and steel industries have declined.

Automakers have already started building automobile factories outside the Rust Belt because these areas are not influenced by the United Auto Workers (UAW). American workers should reflect on this fact.

I think that American automobile companies should build new factories on the Car-ibbean and Pacific sides of the "special zones on the Mexican border" and hire workers who are not members of the "UAW."

The majority of the workers are "illegal immigrants from Latin America," and I pro-pose that they be employed as "temporary immigrants" at "low wages." This will allow us to produce automobiles that can beat China. Latin America will become "pro-American."

Automobile plants on the Pacific side export to "Pacific Rim" countries. Automobile plants on the Caribbean side export to "Atlantic Rim" countries. President Trump, this is "MAGA".

Part 1 Citations and References
Nippon Steel and US Steel jointly submit preparatory documents... Lawsuit seeking invalidation of Biden's order

I will write again tomorrow.

Part 2. "Immigration Control Act Violation Cases" "Weekday Edition".

"Everyone" in the "international community" please help!

First, please read about the "false accusation" of "aiding and abetting violation of immigration law" in 2010.

"Chapter 1". The summary of the incident is as follows.

In the fall of 2008, my company (I am the president) promised to hire "Chinese people studying abroad on student visas". I "issued" them "employment contracts" stating that "LEFCO" would "employ" them when they graduated from university the following spring.

However, after that, the "Lehman Shock" occurred in 2008.

As a result, orders for "system development" from the following year onwards were "cancelled".

As a result, "LEFCO" "cancelled" the "employment" of "those who were scheduled to join the company" in 2009.

Therefore, "they" continued to work at the restaurants where they had worked part-time as students even after graduating in 2009.

In May 2010, the Chinese were arrested for "violating Article 70 of the Immigration Control Act" by "activities outside of the status of residence".

In June 2010, after their arrest, I and the Chinese person in charge of recruitment (KingGungaku) ​​were also arrested.

The reason was "crime of aiding and abetting" the Chinese for "violating Article 70 of the Immigration Control Act (activities outside the status of residence)".

<Reason for arrest> The prosecution said that I and KingGungaku giving the Chinese a "false employment contract" constituted "crime of aiding and abetting" under the Criminal Code.

"Chapter 2". Crimes in the judgment: (arbitrary and ridiculous)

The charges in the indictment are "the very provisions" of "Article 22-4-4 of the Immigration Control Act".

If a "status of residence" is obtained by submitting false documents, the Minister of Justice can revoke the "status of residence" at his "discretion". (And the person will be deported).

Therefore, even if a Chinese person submits "false documents," it is not a crime. It is not a crime to "aid" an innocent act.

The "reason for punishment" in the judgment:

1. The Chinese person obtained "resident status" by submitting a "false employment contract."

2. And they violated the Immigration Control Act (activities outside of their status of residence).

3. The Chinese person obtained "resident status" because "we" provided the Chinese person with a "false employment contract."

4. The Chinese person was able to "reside" in Japan because he obtained "resident status."

5. Because of that, the Chinese person was able to "work illegally."

6. Therefore, "we" who "provided" the Chinese person with a "false employment contract" were punished for "aiding" the Chinese person's "activities outside of their status of residence."

This is an "error" in the arbitrary "logic of law."

This reasoning is the "argument" that "when the wind blows, the barrel maker (profits)." This goes against "legal logic" even internationally.

The "criminal reason" in the indictment cannot be a crime because the provisions of the "Immigration Control Act," which is a "special law," take precedence over the "Criminal Code," which is a "general law."

My argument:

"1": The Immigration Control Act stipulates that the Minister of Justice will revoke the act of a foreigner who has obtained a residence status by submitting false documents (Immigration Control Act: Article 22-4-4, cancellation of residence status) through "administrative disposition." That's all.

"2": The Chinese who engaged in "unqualified work activities" are not guilty. The reason is that their "employers" have not been punished for the "crime of aiding and abetting illegal employment" under Article 73-2 of the Immigration Control Act.

Therefore, under the principle of "equality under the law," the Chinese are not guilty.

The Japanese government has punished "diplomats and Philippine embassy staff" for the exact same "criminal reason."

However, like the Chinese government, the Philippine government is also silent.

The rest will be published in the Saturday edition.

Part 3. Special Zone Construction. A new business model.

Special Zones accept refugees and immigrants as temporary immigrant workers and limit their residence to the special zone.

Developed countries use them as low-wage workers and achieve high economic growth again.

Refugees and immigrants can get jobs and live a hopeful, humane life.

Temporary immigrants are low-wage, but "food, clothing, shelter, medical expenses, and education are free."

NO2: https://world-special-zone.seesaa.net/
NO1: https://naganoopinion.blog.jp/

For NO4: to NO10:, please see the Sunday edition.

Thank you.

Yasuhiro Nagano

Past articles can be viewed at the blog below.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us!

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2025-02-18 05:51:35 | 世界の皆さんへメール
世界のメディアの「皆様」 へ 


2025-02-18: 平日版、















第1部 引用・参考文献



















1. 中国人が「虚偽の雇用契約書」を提出して「在留資格」を取得したこと。
2. そして、入管法に違反したこと(在留資格外活動)。
3. 中国人が「在留資格」を得たのは、「我々」が中国人に「偽の雇用契約書」を提供したからだ。
4. 中国人が「在留資格」を得たため、日本に「居住」できた。
5. そのため、中国人は「不法就労」できた。
6. したがって、中国人に「偽の雇用契約書」を「提供」した「我々」は、中国人の「資格外の活動」を「幇助」したとして処罰された。














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Recapturing the Panama Canal is a long-cherished wish of American conservatives

2025-02-17 06:03:59 | 世界の皆さんへメール
To everyone in the world's media 

I will provide the missing materials so please request by email.

2025-02-17: Weekday edition,
Trump expressed dissatisfaction with the high tolls of the Panama Canal, saying that "we are being ripped off by unimaginable amounts." Very Trump-like, but is this "MAGA"?!

Instead of "complaining about the high tolls," "I propose" building a "straight canal railway" on the Mexican border that would "cross the Caribbean Sea and the Pacific Ocean in two hours." This is MAGA!

Panama already gives priority to US warships. The US and Panama have a treaty that stipulates the permanent neutrality of the canal. If the US military has priority, then that's fine!

Panama expressed the view that regaining control and giving preferential tolls would be a violation of the treaty.

I understand Trump's feelings, but I think it would be more "MAGA" to build a "straight canal railway" across the entire US. The American people should "request" Trump.

Trump also claims that China runs the canal. This is likely a reference to the fact that companies under the Hong Kong conglomerate CK Hutchison Holdings operate the ports at both ends of the canal. Why are you saying this now!

The Panama Canal was originally legally built and owned by the United States. In 1977, then Democratic President Jimmy Carter decided to return it to Panama, over the fierce opposition of US conservatives.

Carter, a liberal Democrat who became US president in January 1977, announced his intention to return the Panama Canal to his home country, Panama, immediately after taking office.

The official reason given was "to correct US imperialist policies." A typical US liber-al way of thinking.

In fact, at that time there were large-scale anti-American protests in Panama call-ing for the complete purchase of the canal.

There are now concerns that the canal is controlled by a Chinese company, which the US considers its biggest threat. The "return" to the United States is strongly desired in the United States, where conservative sentiment is on the rise.

I propose the construction of a "linear canal railway" across the United States at the Mexican border to avoid the "Panama Canal problem" and because "climate change is hindering navigation through the Panama Canal."

Above all, why go through the Panama Canal to transport goods from the East Coast of the United States to the West Coast? It is "legitimate" to transport goods within the United States. Americans should develop a "sense of patriotism."

The users of the "linear canal railway" will be the same as those of the Panama Ca-nal, with the United States, China, and Japan being the top three countries. Let's make Chinese President Xi Jinping say, "The 'linear canal railway' is fast, but it's a rip-off."

The "linear canal railway" is a freight railway exclusively for containers, and it crosses the Caribbean Sea and the Pacific Ocean in two hours using Japan's 500 km/h "linear Shinkansen" technology.

Republicans and Democrats should establish a bipartisan committee to consider the construction of a linear canal railway. For more information on the linear canal rail-way, please see my previous posts or contact me by email.

Part 1 Citations and References
Former head of the Panama Canal Authority criticizes recapturing the U.S. as "un-dermining neutrality"
Recapturing the Panama Canal is the long-cherished wish of American conserva-tives: the history of the Carter vs. Reagan battle

I'll write again tomorrow.

Part 2. "Immigration Control Act Violation Cases" "Weekday Edition".

"Everyone" in the "international community" please help!

First, please read about the "false accusation" of "aiding and abetting violation of immigration law" in 2010.

"Chapter 1". The summary of the incident is as follows.

In the fall of 2008, my company (I am the president) promised to hire "Chinese people studying abroad on student visas". I "issued" them "employment contracts" stating that "LEFCO" would "employ" them when they graduated from university the following spring.

However, after that, the "Lehman Shock" occurred in 2008.

As a result, orders for "system development" from the following year onwards were "cancelled".

As a result, "LEFCO" "cancelled" the "employment" of "those who were scheduled to join the company" in 2009.

Therefore, "they" continued to work at the restaurants where they had worked part-time as students even after graduating in 2009.

In May 2010, the Chinese were arrested for "violating Article 70 of the Immigration Control Act" by "activities outside of the status of residence".

In June 2010, after their arrest, I and the Chinese person in charge of recruitment (KingGungaku) ​​were also arrested.

The reason was "crime of aiding and abetting" the Chinese for "violating Article 70 of the Immigration Control Act (activities outside the status of residence)".

<Reason for arrest> The prosecution said that I and KingGungaku giving the Chinese a "false employment contract" constituted "crime of aiding and abetting" under the Criminal Code.

"Chapter 2". Crimes in the judgment: (arbitrary and ridiculous)

The charges in the indictment are "the very provisions" of "Article 22-4-4 of the Immigration Control Act".

If a "status of residence" is obtained by submitting false documents, the Minister of Justice can revoke the "status of residence" at his "discretion". (And the person will be deported).

Therefore, even if a Chinese person submits "false documents," it is not a crime. It is not a crime to "aid" an innocent act.

The "reason for punishment" in the judgment:

1. The Chinese person obtained "resident status" by submitting a "false employment contract."

2. And they violated the Immigration Control Act (activities outside of their status of residence).

3. The Chinese person obtained "resident status" because "we" provided the Chinese person with a "false employment contract."

4. The Chinese person was able to "reside" in Japan because he obtained "resident status."

5. Because of that, the Chinese person was able to "work illegally."

6. Therefore, "we" who "provided" the Chinese person with a "false employment contract" were punished for "aiding" the Chinese person's "activities outside of their status of residence."

This is an "error" in the arbitrary "logic of law."

This reasoning is the "argument" that "when the wind blows, the barrel maker (profits)." This goes against "legal logic" even internationally.

The "criminal reason" in the indictment cannot be a crime because the provisions of the "Immigration Control Act," which is a "special law," take precedence over the "Criminal Code," which is a "general law."

My argument:

"1": The Immigration Control Act stipulates that the Minister of Justice will revoke the act of a foreigner who has obtained a residence status by submitting false documents (Immigration Control Act: Article 22-4-4, cancellation of residence status) through "administrative disposition." That's all.

"2": The Chinese who engaged in "unqualified work activities" are not guilty. The reason is that their "employers" have not been punished for the "crime of aiding and abetting illegal employment" under Article 73-2 of the Immigration Control Act.

Therefore, under the principle of "equality under the law," the Chinese are not guilty.

The Japanese government has punished "diplomats and Philippine embassy staff" for the exact same "criminal reason."

However, like the Chinese government, the Philippine government is also silent.

The rest will be published in the Saturday edition.

Part 3. Special Zone Construction. A new business model.

Special Zones accept refugees and immigrants as temporary immigrant workers and limit their residence to the special zone.

Developed countries use them as low-wage workers and achieve high economic growth again.

Refugees and immigrants can get jobs and live a hopeful, humane life.

Temporary immigrants are low-wage, but "food, clothing, shelter, medical expenses, and education are free."

NO2: https://world-special-zone.seesaa.net/
NO1: https://naganoopinion.blog.jp/

For NO4: to NO10:, please see the Sunday edition.

Thank you.

Yasuhiro Nagano

Past articles can be viewed at the blog below.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us!

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パナマ運河奪還は米保守派の悲願 カーター対レーガン攻防の歴史

2025-02-17 06:00:30 | 世界の皆さんへメール
世界のメディアの「皆様」 へ 


2025-02-17: 平日版、
















第1部 引用・参考文献
米奪還「中立性損ねる」 パナマ運河庁前長官が批判
パナマ運河奪還は米保守派の悲願 カーター対レーガン攻防の歴史



















1. 中国人が「虚偽の雇用契約書」を提出して「在留資格」を取得したこと。
2. そして、入管法に違反したこと(在留資格外活動)。
3. 中国人が「在留資格」を得たのは、「我々」が中国人に「偽の雇用契約書」を提供したからだ。
4. 中国人が「在留資格」を得たため、日本に「居住」できた。
5. そのため、中国人は「不法就労」できた。
6. したがって、中国人に「偽の雇用契約書」を「提供」した「我々」は、中国人の「資格外の活動」を「幇助」したとして処罰された。













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The "Capitol attack" by the Biden administration is a "fabrication."

2025-02-16 05:44:32 | 世界の皆さんへメール
Yasuhiro Nagano Opinion

Sunday Edition February 16, 2025
I've been waiting for this news. On January 31, several US media reported that Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) agents involved in the criminal investigation of President Donald Trump are expected to be purged en masse.

CNN reported, citing a source, that dozens of FBI agents and several executives involved in the investigation of the Trump supporters who attacked the US Capitol on January 6, 2021 are "considering firing." They should not only be fired, but arrested and interrogated.

In addition to the FBI purge, about 30 federal prosecutors hired to investigate the Capitol attack have also already been fired. They should be arrested because there is a risk of flight or destruction of evidence.

On January 27, the Department of Justice fired a large number of employees involved in the prosecution of Trump. "The Capitol attack is clearly a 'fabrication.' I think the Department of Justice should be dismantled and 'start over.'

A Justice Department official explained that the reason for the dismissals was that the Acting Attorney General judged that these employees "cannot faithfully carry out President Trump's policies." I think that's a good decision.

The "attack on the Capitol" by the Biden administration is a "fabrication." The Trump administration should arrest those involved, proceed with the investigation, make the "truth" public, and prosecute.

The other major incident, the "attempted assassination of Trump," should also be investigated and those involved arrested. To do this, a large number of temporary investigators should be hired.

Tulsi Gabbard, who was nominated as Director of National Intelligence in the second Trump administration, which oversees the intelligence agencies, and Kash Patel, the nominee for Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), attended the Senate confirmation hearing on the 30th. Patel, who has advocated "dismantling the FBI," said, "We will not investigate those who did not commit the crime." "We will not tolerate any illegal activities."

When asked about her view of our ally Japan, Gabbard, who was nominated as Director of National Intelligence to oversee the intelligence agencies, said, "Looking at the history between Japan and China, there is a possibility that Japan will escalate from a self-defense posture to an offensive posture." I think that's wonderful.

Gabbard is a member of the House of Representatives from Hawaii. She has questioned Japan's strengthening of its defense capabilities in the past, and she expressed her opinion on this day as well. I think her "analytical ability" is "wonderful."

I argue that the United States, Russia, and China should form a "G3 military alliance" (G3MA) and other countries should become "exclusively defensive" nations. Japan is an exclusively defensive nation under the constitution. It is "suspicious" that a country like Japan has higher military spending than European countries. Good luck, Gabbard.

The Biden administration started the "Ukrainian war" by having Russia "invade" Ukraine. It fanned the flames of the "Russian threat" and forced allies to increase their military spending. In addition to the declining birthrate and aging population, the inflation caused by the Ukraine war has led to poverty for the people of each country.

If the G3MA is formed and each country becomes a country with an "exclusively defensive" approach, military spending will be significantly reduced. Military spending will be redirected to improving the lives of the people, and the lives of the people will improve.

If President Trump takes the lead in forming the G3MA, Russia and China will also "agree." Developed countries are in a situation where they cannot increase their military spending due to a declining birthrate and aging population. President Trump should seriously discuss this with President Putin and President Xi Jinping.

If the G3MA is not formed and immigration stops, the United States and many other developed countries will have no choice but to turn women into "baby-making machines." Of course, the answer is "NO." President Trump should form the G3MA "also" for the sake of the human rights of women around the world.

Part 1 Citations and References
US reports: Mass purge of FBI officials who investigated Trump
US Director of National Intelligence candidate: "If Japan takes an aggressive stance, there is a possibility of escalation"...opinion expressed at Senate hearing

I'll write again tomorrow.

Part 2: Immigration Law Violation Cases, Sunday Edition

Chapter 7: When I was released from prison after completing my sentence, I read the newspaper and found out that a similar incident had occurred at the Philippine Embassy.

Philippine diplomats, embassy staff, and Filipino drivers have suffered the same damage as me.

I have also filed a criminal accusation against this case.

I and the Chinese in the 2010 immigration law violation case, and the Philippine Embassy staff and diplomats in 2013, were punished for the same reason.

I have submitted my complaint and the complaints of the Chinese and Filipinos to the Tokyo District Public Prosecutors Office, the Tokyo High Public Prosecutors Office, and the Supreme Public Prosecutors Office.

However, all of them were rejected. If the prosecutor accepts and rejects the case, I can request the Prosecutor's Review Board to prosecute, but I have no way to oppose the rejection.

I also appealed to political parties and Diet members. But they were all ignored.

A city council member accompanied me to the Democratic Party's legal advisor. However, the advisor's answer was that if the "principal offense" is found guilty, then the "crime of aiding and abetting" is established. Is he really a lawyer?

The Democratic Party's legal advisor says that all those who graduated from the Legal Training and Research Institute have the same answer. This is proof that Japan is not "governed under the law".

I asked the Japan Bar Association for support. They said that the JFBA does not have the "power" to solve the problem. Japan's "judicial system" is crazy.

I have "emailed" "political parties and Diet members", as well as "the Prime Minister's Office and the Human Rights Bureau" on "Facebook and (X)", but they are still ignoring me.

This case is an arbitrary misapplication of the law by police officers, prosecutors, and judges. (It is an illegal act).

The charges are "Abuse of the authority of a special public official" and "Crimes of False Complaints".

In my "personal opinion," the prosecutors "concealed" the "criminal complaint" and "criminal accusation" by their "authority." Therefore, the "statute of limitations" has been suspended.

"Chapter 8." This case is "legally" an "error in the application of law."
"Errors in the application of law" are not subject to "requests for retrial" under the "Criminal Procedure Law."

However, if the "crime of the inspectors and police officers involved in the case" is "proven," a request for retrial can be made.

1. The charge against the "special public officials" in this case is "abuse of the authority of special public officials."
They "arrested" us even though there was "no suspicion of a crime." And they even "detained" us. (There is a precedent for grand jury decisions.)
2. And it is "the crime of false accusation." It is a fact that they "indicted" us and even found us guilty in a "trial" in order to make us criminals.

Requests for retrial can be made by us or by the prosecutors.
I believe that the prosecution should admit guilt and make a request for a retrial.

I will not give up. It has been 15 years since the incident.

The only country that can resolve this case is the United States.
When Trump was the former president, he promised me.

He replied with a signed letter saying, "I will resolve this in a way that satisfies you."

I hope that this time he will keep his promise.

President Trump, let's work together to "revive the Rust Belt" and create a "special zone on the Mexican border."

And let's cross the Caribbean Sea to the Pacific Ocean in two hours with the "American Linear Canal Railway," a freight train dedicated to containers that will replenish the Panama Canal.

People around the world, please support us.

Part 3. Construction of a special zone. It's a new business model.
No2: https://world-special-zone.seesaa.net/
No1: https://naganoopinion.blog.jp/

Part 4. "US-Russia-China" three-nation military alliance and war show
No2: https://urc-military.seesaa.net/
No1: https://sangokugunzidoumei.blog.jp//

Part 5. Ukraine War
No2: https://ukrainawar.seesaa.net/
No1: https://ukrainian-war.blog.jp/

Part 6. Japan's infamous judicial system and human rights violations
No2: https://nipponsihou.seesaa.net/
No1: https://humanrightsopinion.blog.jp/

Part 7. Development of virus detectors for coronavirus and other viruses

Part 8. North Korea's abduction and missile issues

Part 9. One Coin Union & Hydrogen Vehicle Promotion

Part 10. Nagano Opinion, Next Generation Nuclear Power Plant: CO2 Free & SDGs

Thank you.

Yasuhiro Nagano

Past articles can be viewed at the blog below.
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