Snowshoe hiking Day3 in Nabekura Highland

2012-03-20 20:19:27 | Written in English
This is the day 3. A wonderful morning! 

We've started off at 7:30 a bit late. We wished to get off earlier but there were some miscommunication with the center... there were nobody in the center in the morning so
we had to wait for a while.
 Let's get started!

 Great day isn't it?

 The snow were frozen on the surface so it's gotten hard. Did not sink like yesterday.

The air was warm... -5 c or so. We got pretty cooked up walking in the snow.
We dressed lightly for a Japanese snow trekking since we knew colder like -15 c to -25.
I wore a gore-tex rain jacket and winter woolly underwear, patagonia's Merino 2 still was warm. The best choice would be gore-tex since the snow was rather wet.

 A lot of rabbit's tracks.

 We went down on the creek. There were a lot of animal tracks.

 Getting on the made me excited as if I'm reaching to the summit.

Beautiful!  We were heading north...

Walking on a ridge... it's a nice walk.

 How the snow looked.

 Also rabbit's foot prints... it seemed to change the direction.

 We discovered that snowshoe can be used in a steep hill like this one.

 looking behind.

 I lay myself on the ground.

 Looking ahead.

 Looking behind.

 Animal track again.

 the top of the hill. was large & nice.

 Originally we intended to go this way ahead but...

we changed our original plan since 3 hour driving back home was waiting this day.
we couldn't get too tired.

Still nice sunny hill, perfect for a nap or two. Had lunch here.

 We did not want to go back our own looked for a new route....
seem pretty obvious and plane.

 Let's go this way.

Climbing down was faster... we we went down in a creek again, this one's new to us.

 Rabbit's field sign. Smells like an orange.

The creek was hotter than on the hills...since there were no wind.

Comfortable easy trails.

 Tiny avalanche.

 Almost the end of the trip.

A little hole on the snow in the creek.

 This is our own trace...I fell on the ground... my snowshoes were stuck in the weak layer of the snow.

Was FUN!! I love Iiyama! I strongly recommend Iiyama for any foreigner who want to enjoy Japanese snow country safely. It's 7km snow hiking, took us about 4 hour this day.

Rental snowshoes were only 1500yen for a visitor, 1000 yen for a sleeper.
