Snowshoe hiking Day1 in Nabekura Highland

2012-03-18 21:04:51 | Written in English
■DAY1 animal track@creek

 On our way to Nabekura Highland...

 This is "Mori no Ie " cottage Type G. Two single beds and 4 futons, so
6 people can fit. It was a kitchen and bath room.

The price was pretty good! Only 5000 yen for a person. If 6 people stay, only 3000 yen each.

 How it looked from the front door.


There were a little snow dorm half broken so I went inside.  

 Interesting snow print.

He's going down the creek carefully since...there were a pit right under the snow bank
in the front. Behind we could hear the water falling.

This is the pit. It will be disastrous if a person fell there.

Cold is ok in snow country since walking would get us warmed up. But being wet is no-no.

A tree.

A tree with many balls on its branches.

There were a lot of animal tracks.  
