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☆サンチャゴ巡礼2009(第1日目) Pilgrimage to Santiago 2009 (1st day)

2011-04-25 | スペイン巡礼 Pilgrimage in Spain

巡礼第1日目(2009年5月24日) First day(May 24th, 2009)
サン・ジャン・ピエ・ドゥ・ポー → ロンセスバージェス 25km
Saint-Jean-Pied-de-Port → Roncesvalles 25km

私は、ルネとジルのフランス人コンビと、Porte d'Espagne(スペイン門)で朝7時半に待ち合わせをしていました。そこから一緒に、サン・ジャン・ピエ・ドゥ・ポーを出発しました。生憎、天気は雨模様です。

I had appointment to meet two French pilgrims, Rene and Gilles, at the Porte d'Espagne at 7:30. I left Saint-Jean-Pied-de-Port together with them. Unfortunately, it was a rainy day.
In today's schedule, we had to climb up the Pyrenees mountains with the elevation diffenece of 1,300m. This is one of the most difficult course on the Santiago way. After going up the moderate slope, we got to the Auberge Orisson. We took coffee break here. There were many pilgrims as well as tourists including the tourist group from Germay.

Auberge Orisson. You can also a stay a night here.


The height at this point is 650m. The uphill cotinues to the Bentarte Pass (height1344m), border point to Spain, and further to the Leopaeder Pass (height1430m). A long climb shouldering the 10kg backpack is really a torture.
If you coild enjoy the beautiful scenary of Pyrenees Montains, it would have relived fatigue, but sadly the view was ambiguous due to the fog.
It was 14:30 when we eventually arrived at the Leopaeder Pass.

Bentarte Pass at border between France and Spain 

Signboard showing way to Roncesvalles


After this pass is crossed, the downhill path appeared. When we continued a walk about an hour, we arrived at today's destination, Roncesvalles (height962m). There is an albergue here, but it has only one big room consisting of more than 100 beds. It is not suitable for curing fatigue. So, by talking with French friends, we chose to find a hotel where a three-bed room was available.

Monastery of Roncesvalles founded in 11th century

1. 2. 3.

4. 5. 6.

1.オリッソンに向かう途中の景色 Scenary on way to Orisson
2.オリッソンを出発するときの巡礼道 Pilgrim way at Orisson
3.ベンタルテア峠に向かう途中の十字架 Cross standing on way to Bentarte Pass
4.ロンセスバージェスに向かう巡礼道の景色 Scenary on way to Roncesvalles
5.ロンセスバージェス僧院の聖ヤコブ像 Statue of Saint James at Roncesvalles Monastery
We enjoyed beer and took dinner at this restaurant.

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