Page last updated at 11:51 GMT, Sunday, 29 June 2008 12:51 UK
Israel PM says troops 'are dead'

Israel fought a war with Hezbollah in 2006
1: Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert has told his cabinet that two soldiers captured by the Lebanese militant group Hezbollah are dead, officials say.
2: His comments came as ministers debated whether to go ahead with a prisoner swap with Hezbollah. Mr Olmert is reportedly backing the deal.
3: Critics oppose swapping prisoners for the bodies of dead Israeli troops.
4: The two soldiers' capture was a trigger for Israel's offensive against Hezbollah in the summer of 2006.
5: Observers say it is the first time the Israeli government has confirmed that Ehud Goldwasser and Eldad Regev are no longer alive.
観測筋によると、イスラエル政府がEhud GoldwasserとEldad Regevが生きていないことを確認したのは始めてだと言う。
6: "We know what happened to them," Mr Olmert was quoted telling his cabinet by the Associated Press.
7:*The proposed swap has been fiercely debated in Israel ahead of an expected decision by the cabinet on Sunday.
8: "There is no doubt that today's discussion has special weight and is exceptionally sensitive in terms of its national and moral implications," Mr Olmert said before cabinet convened.
9: Army radio later reported that he was backing the proposed deal.
10: It quoted him telling colleagues: "Despite all hesitations, after weighing the pros and the cons, I support the agreement."
11:*In exchange for the soldiers, a number of Lebanese detainees would be set free, possibly including one man, Samir Qantar, who has been in jail since 1979 for his part in a deadly border raid.
兵士との交換で、多くのレバノン人の拘束者が自由になるだろう。特に、国境沿いで行なわれた激しい空襲時の彼の役割が罰せられて1979年以来投獄されているSamir Qantarも含まれる可能性がある。
12: Hezbollah has given no public indication that the two Israeli soldiers are still alive.
13: The Red Cross has never been allowed to see them and many in Israel assume they are dead.
14: Israel and Hezbollah fought a 34-day war after the soldiers were seized by Hezbollah in a cross-border raid into Israel in July 2006.
15: On 1 June, Hezbollah handed over the remains of five Israeli soldiers killed in the war.
16: The remains were delivered after Israel released a Lebanese-born man who had served six years in prison for spying for Hezbollah.
17: Another Israeli soldier, Gilad Shalit, remains a prisoner of the Palestinian Islamist movement Hamas.
もう一人のイスラエル兵士Gilad Shalitは、パレスチナのイスラム・活動団体ハマスの捕虜になっている。
18: He was seized in a raid on an Israeli army position on the edge of the Gaza Strip. Hamas has said it would consider releasing him as part of a prisoner exchange.
@:イスラエルの捕虜は数人で、パレスチナの捕虜はたくさんいます。捕虜の交換は、どのように行なわれるのか知りませんが、イスラエルに有利に運ばれるのではないかと思います。 私もイスラエルの二人の捕虜の兵士は生きていないと思いますが、死亡していたら、イスラエルはどうするのでしょうか。2006年のレバノンの悲惨な戦争を思い出してぞっとします。
Israel PM says troops 'are dead'

Israel fought a war with Hezbollah in 2006
1: Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert has told his cabinet that two soldiers captured by the Lebanese militant group Hezbollah are dead, officials say.
2: His comments came as ministers debated whether to go ahead with a prisoner swap with Hezbollah. Mr Olmert is reportedly backing the deal.
3: Critics oppose swapping prisoners for the bodies of dead Israeli troops.
4: The two soldiers' capture was a trigger for Israel's offensive against Hezbollah in the summer of 2006.
5: Observers say it is the first time the Israeli government has confirmed that Ehud Goldwasser and Eldad Regev are no longer alive.
観測筋によると、イスラエル政府がEhud GoldwasserとEldad Regevが生きていないことを確認したのは始めてだと言う。
6: "We know what happened to them," Mr Olmert was quoted telling his cabinet by the Associated Press.
7:*The proposed swap has been fiercely debated in Israel ahead of an expected decision by the cabinet on Sunday.
8: "There is no doubt that today's discussion has special weight and is exceptionally sensitive in terms of its national and moral implications," Mr Olmert said before cabinet convened.
9: Army radio later reported that he was backing the proposed deal.
10: It quoted him telling colleagues: "Despite all hesitations, after weighing the pros and the cons, I support the agreement."
11:*In exchange for the soldiers, a number of Lebanese detainees would be set free, possibly including one man, Samir Qantar, who has been in jail since 1979 for his part in a deadly border raid.
兵士との交換で、多くのレバノン人の拘束者が自由になるだろう。特に、国境沿いで行なわれた激しい空襲時の彼の役割が罰せられて1979年以来投獄されているSamir Qantarも含まれる可能性がある。
12: Hezbollah has given no public indication that the two Israeli soldiers are still alive.
13: The Red Cross has never been allowed to see them and many in Israel assume they are dead.
14: Israel and Hezbollah fought a 34-day war after the soldiers were seized by Hezbollah in a cross-border raid into Israel in July 2006.
15: On 1 June, Hezbollah handed over the remains of five Israeli soldiers killed in the war.
16: The remains were delivered after Israel released a Lebanese-born man who had served six years in prison for spying for Hezbollah.
17: Another Israeli soldier, Gilad Shalit, remains a prisoner of the Palestinian Islamist movement Hamas.
もう一人のイスラエル兵士Gilad Shalitは、パレスチナのイスラム・活動団体ハマスの捕虜になっている。
18: He was seized in a raid on an Israeli army position on the edge of the Gaza Strip. Hamas has said it would consider releasing him as part of a prisoner exchange.
@:イスラエルの捕虜は数人で、パレスチナの捕虜はたくさんいます。捕虜の交換は、どのように行なわれるのか知りませんが、イスラエルに有利に運ばれるのではないかと思います。 私もイスラエルの二人の捕虜の兵士は生きていないと思いますが、死亡していたら、イスラエルはどうするのでしょうか。2006年のレバノンの悲惨な戦争を思い出してぞっとします。