

BBC コーランの言葉が問題になってゲーム機の販売を遅らせる

2008-10-20 | Weblog
Page last updated at 09:48 GMT, Monday, 20 October 2008 10:48 UK

Game delayed over Koran phrases

Little Big Planet developer Alex Evans gives a tour of the game in July 2008.
(写真)Little Big Planetの開発者アレックス・エバンズさんは2008年7月にゲーム販売の旅を開始

1: Entertainment company Sony has postponed the global release of a much-anticipated video game because of concerns that it may offend Muslims.

2: Copies of Little Big Planet are being recalled from shops worldwide after it emerged that a background music track contained two phrases from the Koran.
バックグラウンド・ミュージックにコーランから2箇所の言葉を引用していることが分かったので、Little Big Planetのコピーが世界中の店から回収されている。

3: Sony says it apologises for any offence caused, and that a modified version is due to be released next month.
The game is expected to be a hit for the PlayStation 3 games console.
ソニーは、屈辱を与えたことに対して謝罪し、改良版を来月販売する予定だと言っている。 ゲームはPlayStation 3のコンソールで大ヒットするだろう。

4: A contributor to an online games forum reported the presence of the phrases from the Koran, adding that mixing music and words from Islam's most holy text could be considered deeply offensive by Muslims.

5: A statement on the Little Big Planet website said: "We're sure that most of you have heard by now that one of the background music tracks that was licensed from a record label for use in the game contains two expressions that can be found in the Koran.
Little Big Planetはウエブサイトで声明を出した: 「ゲームで使用するために認可されたレコード商標のバックグラウンド・ミュージックを多くの人々が今までにお聞きになったことと思いますが、それはコーランの中にあるものでした。」

6: "We have taken immediate action to rectify this and we sincerely apologise for any offence this may have caused."

7: In June 2007, Sony apologised to the Church of England after setting scenes in a violent video game inside Manchester Cathedral. On that occasion the game was not withdrawn.
ソニーは、2007年6月に、マンチェスター大聖堂の中に暴力的なビデオ・ゲームのシーンを設定したことに対して謝罪した。 その時は、ゲームは回収されなかった。

8: Little Big Planet, created by Guildford-based developer Media Molecule, has been described as a game about making games.
ギルドフォードに拠点を置く会社メディア・モレキュールが作ったLittle Big Planetは、ゲームを作ることがゲームだとされている。

9: It lets gamers build their own playground levels and then swap them with other players over the PlayStation Network.

10: Everything that can be seen in Little Big Planet can also be created by gamers - from textures, characters, to objects and levels.
Little Big Planetで見ることができる全てを、ゲーマー達もテクスチャーやキャラクターからオブジェクトやレベルまで作ることができる。

11: Manzoor Moghal, of the Muslim Forum think-tank, explained that words from the Koran should not be set to music because the words are seen to have come directly from God.

12: He added: "We must compliment Sony for taking decisive action by withdrawing these games immediately, and releasing a version that is not offensive to Muslims."
彼は更に言った: 「我々は、ソニーが即座にゲーム機を回収する決定を行い、イスラム教徒に刺激を与えないゲーム機を販売することに敬意を表します。」





BBC オバマ氏が資金集めの記録を破る

2008-10-19 | Weblog
Page last updated at 12:02 GMT, Sunday, 19 October 2008 13:02 UK

Obama breaks fundraising record

Mr Obama is is proving increasingly popular with campaign donors

1: US Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama raised a record monthly total of more than $150m (£86m) in September, his campaign says.

2: The figure brought Mr Obama's total fundraising to $605m, dwarfing the total of his Republican rival.
Mr Obama has opted out of the US campaign public financing system.

3: Republican candidate John McCain chose to remain in the system. It limits him to $84m for the September-October period, ahead of November's election.

4: With just 16 days left before the vote, Mr Obama leads Mr McCain in national opinion polls.

5: But Mr McCain has been trying to shore up support in swing states.

6: He is due to take part in rallies in Ohio on Sunday. Mr Obama will be campaigning in North Carolina.

7:* Also on Sunday, former Secretary of State Colin Powell is due to make a closely watched appearance on Meet The Press, a political talk show.

8: He has declined to endorse either candidate so far, but his support would be a significant boost.


Q:7段落(closely watchedとは?)を全体訳と共に確認とご指導をお願いします。


BBC イラク人が米軍反対の大規模デモを行なう

2008-10-18 | Weblog
Page last updated at 08:38 GMT, Saturday, 18 October 2008 09:38 UK

Iraqis stage mass anti-US rally

Moqtada Sadr has strong grassroots support among many Shias

1: Supporters of Shia cleric Moqtada Sadr have staged a mass demonstration in Baghdad in protest against plans to extend the US mandate in Iraq.

2: An estimated 50,000 protesters chanted slogans such as "Get out occupier!".

3: Iraqi and US negotiators drafted the deal after months of talks but it still needs approval from Iraq's government.

4: Under the agreement US troops would withdraw by 2011, and Iraq would have the right to prosecute Americans who commit crimes while off-duty.

5: The UN mandate for US-led coalition forces expires at the end of this year. About 144,000 of the 152,000 foreign troops deployed there are US military personnel.

6: Chanting slogans and waving banners, tens of thousands of Shias, mainly young men, marched on the eastern suburb of Sadr City towards the centre of Baghdad.

7: The BBC's Jim Muir in Baghdad says Moqtada Sadr's militant opposition to the US presence has strong grassroots support among many Shias - and this was a physical manifestation of that opposition.

8:* He says leaders of the 30-strong Sadr bloc in the Iraqi parliament will have expressed that rejection at a meeting of Iraq's Political Council for National Security late on Friday.

9: The meeting of top political leaders and the heads of parliamentary factions was convened to discuss the draft agreement covering the US military presence after its mandate expires.

10: No decisions were taken but the Council is to meet again to hear back from military experts on what is a very complex and detailed document.

11: Our correspondent says its passage through parliament may follow naturally if it is approved by the Council, but this is by no means assured and a tough political battle is already shaping up.

12: In Washington, US defence chief Robert Gates has been courting support for the deal from key members of Congress - although their approval is not mandatory.





BBC イランが非常任理事国を狙う

2008-10-17 | Weblog
Page last updated at 09:34 GMT, Friday, 17 October 2008 10:34 UK

Iran seeks Security Council seat
By Laura Trevelyan BBC News, New York

A two-thirds majority is needed to fill a UN Security Council seat

1: Voting is to begin shortly at the UN headquarters in New York to decide which nations will serve as temporary members of the Security Council.

2: Japan and Iran are competing for Asia's seat on the world body charged with enforcing international peace.

3: Iceland is battling it out with Turkey and Austria for two European seats - but its chances could be affected by the global financial crisis.

4: All 192 member countries at the United Nations are eligible to vote.

5: The lobbying is entering its final few hours, and ambassadors describe the atmosphere as feverish.

6: Countries are deploying their foreign ministers to twist arms and shore up votes in the closing moments of the campaigns.

7:* Temporary seats on the UN Security Council are highly sought after as countries get to impose sanctions, deploy peacekeepers and influence policy in trouble spots ranging from North Korea to Darfur.

8: Japan is expected to defeat Iran in the race for the Asia's seat, although everyone is watching to see whether Iran can muster enough votes in the first round of voting to deprive Japan of the two-thirds majority, forcing a second round.

9: Iceland, Turkey and Austria are in a three-way race for two European seats - diplomats predict that Iceland's very public financial collapse could damage its standing and cost it votes.

10: However, Icelandic diplomats says countries are actually sympathetic to its plight.

11: Uganda and Mexico are expected to win seats as both countries are running uncontested for the African and Latin American seats respectively.

12: The five successful countries will take their seats on 1 January 2009.




BBC ブッシュ大統領がEUと危機について対話を行なう

2008-10-16 | Weblog
Page last updated at 19:54 GMT, Tuesday, 14 October 2008 20:54 UK

Bush to host crisis talks with EU

President Bush has not ruled out a future summit of G7 leaders

1: US President George W Bush is to hold talks on Saturday with French President Nicolas Sarkozy and European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso.

2: The summit at Camp David will focus on the global financial crisis.

3: Mr Bush has already spoken to leaders from Italy, Germany and the UK this week in a bid to co-ordinate the global response to the economic turmoil.

4: President Sarkozy had earlier called for a meeting of heads of state from the Group of Seven richest nations.
France currently holds the presidency of the Council of the European Union.

5: White House spokeswoman Dana Perino told reporters that President Bush had not yet ruled out a G7 summit, but conceded that immediate steps to combat the financial crisis were necessary.

6: "No-one ever said it's off the table, but we don't have a definitive date," she said.

7:* "I think that in the future, we'll see if we can pull something together like that."

8: The announcement of Saturday's summit at Camp David came only hours after the White House revealed details of a $250bn (£143bn) plan to purchase stakes in a number of US banks in an effort to restore confidence in the industry.

9: The move followed similar steps taken by the UK and other European countries earlier this week.



