

BBC 多くの人が国連の手を洗う日を祝う

2008-10-15 | Weblog
Page last updated at 05:56 GMT, Wednesday, 15 October 2008 06:56 UK

Millions mark UN hand-washing day

Washing thoroughly with soap is enough to keep hands clean

1: Millions of children around the world are marking the United Nations' first Global Handwashing Day.

2: In India, cricket star Sachin Tendulkar will be leading the campaign that will see children across South Asia simultaneously washing their hands.

3: The UN says it wants to get over the message that this simple routine is one of the most effective ways of preventing killer diseases.

4: Nearly half the world's population do not have access to adequate sanitation.

5: More than 120 million children in 70 countries across five continents are expected to participate in the campaign.

6: From Kabul to Karachi and from Delhi to Dhaka, millions of children will take part in the campaign and pledge to embrace more hygienic practices by the simple act of washing their hands.

7: India has recruited one of the country's biggest sporting icons, cricket star Sachin Tendulkar, to be the face of the campaign.

8: Washing hands will be the topic of Afghan television and radio talk shows and Pakistani newscasts.

9: Therese Dooley of Unicef explains how to wash your hands properly

10: Nepal's new Maoist government is sending out mobile text messages. In Bhutan, special animated videos have been made with Bhutanese characters.

11: "The message we are really trying to get out is the importance of correctly washing your hands with soap and water at the critical times," Unicef's senior Sanitation and Hygiene programme adviser, Therese Dooley, said.

12: "And those critical times are before you cook or prepare food, before you eat and after using the toilet and after cleaning a baby."

13: The UN says washing hands with water alone is not enough "because you fail to wash off the germs".

14: "We are recommending hand-washing with soap," Ms Dooley said.

15: Unicef says using soap to wash hands, particularly after contact with excreta, can reduce diarrhoeal diseases by over 40% and respiratory infections by 30%.

16: Diarrhoea and respiratory infections are the main cause for child deaths in India.

17: Nearly half the population of South Asia has no access to toilets, whilst in sub-Saharan Africa this figure is as low as 28%.

18: With such poor sanitation standards, it is little surprise that children in the region are susceptible to diarrhoea, hepatitis and pneumonia - often leading to their deaths, the UN says.

19: The UN is celebrating 2008 as the International Year of Sanitation.




BBC インドで飢えが警告レベル

2008-10-14 | Weblog
Page last updated at 12:24 GMT, Tuesday, 14 October 2008 13:24 UK

Hunger in India states 'alarming'

About 60% children in Madhya Pradesh state are malnourished

1: Twelve Indian states have "alarming" levels of hunger while the situation is "extremely alarming" in the state of Madhya Pradesh, says a new report.

2: Madhya Pradesh's nutrition problems, it says, are comparable to the African countries of Ethiopia and Chad.

3: India has more people suffering hunger - a figure above 200 million - than any other country in the world, it says.

4: The report, released as part of the 2008 Global Hunger Index, ranks India at 66 out 88 countries.

5: The hunger index has been released by the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) along with Welthungerhlife and the University of California.

6: It measures hunger on three indicators which include child malnutrition, rates of child mortality and the number of people who are calorie deficient.

7: The problem of hunger is measured in five categories - low, moderate, serious, alarming or extremely alarming.

8:*The survey says that not one of the 17 states in India that were studied were in the low or moderate hunger category.

9: "Despite years of robust economic growth, India scored worse than nearly 25 sub-Saharan African countries and all of South Asia, except Bangladesh," the report says.

10: The best performing state was Punjab, which has a 'serious' hunger problem and does less well than developing countries such as Gabon, Vietnam and Honduras.

11: "When Indian states are compared to countries in the Global Hunger Index, [the central Indian state of] Madhya Pradesh ranks between Ethiopia and Chad," it says.

12: India is long known to have some of the highest rates of child malnutrition and mortality in under-fives in the world.

13: According to the Indian government statistics two years ago, around 60% of more than 10 million children in the state were malnourished.

14: Nutrition experts say the abysmal record is due to an inadequate access to food, poor feeding practices and poor childcare practices in India.

15: And now the rise in the global food prices has reduced the food-buying capacity of many poor families, making their situation worse.

16: In the past year food prices have increased significantly, but people's incomes haven't kept pace, forcing many families further into hunger, experts say.

17: The report says "improving child nutrition is of utmost urgency in most Indian states".

18: "All states also need to improve strategies to facilitate inclusive economic growth, ensure food sufficiency and reduce child mortality," it adds.





BBC クルグンマン氏がノーベル経済学賞

2008-10-13 | Weblog
Page last updated at 12:40 GMT, Monday, 13 October 2008 13:40 UK

Krugman wins Nobel for economics

Mr Krugman is a fierce critic of President George W Bush

1: American academic Paul Krugman has won this year's Nobel economics prize, it has been announced.

2:* The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences said the award recognised Mr Krugman's analysis of trade patterns and where economic activity takes place.

3: It said Mr Krugman, 55, a Princeton University professor, had formulated new theories that answered questions about free trade and globalisation.

4: Mr Krugman said he hoped the $1.4m win would not change his life greatly.

5: Mr Krugman teaches economics and international affairs at Princeton University in New Jersey, and also writes a regular column for the New York Times.

6: He has long been a fierce critic of US President George W Bush's administration, arguing that its economic policies have helped spark the current financial crisis.

7: The Nobel jury said Mr Krugman's work had led to theories that could help explain the effects of free trade and globalisation and the driving force behind worldwide urbanization.

8: "He has thereby integrated the previously disparate research fields of international trade and economic geography," the academy said in its citation.

9:*Mr Krugman's approach was based on the concept known as economies of scale - that many goods and services can be produced at less cost in long series, the citation said.

10: His research had showed the effects of that on trade patterns and on the location of economic activity, it added.

11: Speaking after the announcement of his win, Mr Krugman gave his verdict on current efforts to stem the global financial meltdown, saying: "I'm slightly less terrified today than I was on Friday."

12: "We are now witnessing a crisis that is as severe as the crisis that hit Asia in the 90s. This crisis bears some resemblance to the Great Depression," he said.

13: Mr Krugman's award is the last of six Nobel prizes announced this year. It is not one of the original Nobels, having been created in 1968 by the Swedish central bank in memory of Alfred Nobel.


Q: 2・9段落や人名・経済用語などを、全体訳と共に確認とご指導をお願いします。(彼の経済理論の訳は難し過ぎてできません)



BBC 米軍のミサイルがパキスタンの町を襲撃

2008-10-12 | Weblog
Page last updated at 01:33 GMT, Sunday, 12 October 2008 02:33 UK

'US missiles' hit Pakistan town

The US military has been using drones armed with missiles in Afghanistan

1: At least four people have died in a suspected US missile attack on a Pakistani tribal region near the Afghan border, local officials say.

2: They say two unmanned US aircraft were spotted above the town of Miran Shah in North Waziristan before the strikes.

3: There has been no comment from the Pentagon on the reports.

4: The United States has launched several missile strikes against suspected militant targets in the border region with Afghanistan in recent weeks.

5: On Thursday, a suspected US missile strike killed at least eight people in another North Waziristan village.

6: The United States rarely confirms or denies such attacks.

7: American military commanders blame militants based in the tribal areas for the increase in attacks on coalition forces in Afghanistan.






BBC 経済が(ペイリンの)不正の調査をそらす

2008-10-11 | Weblog
Page last updated at 01:23 GMT, Saturday, 11 October 2008 02:23 UK

Economy could deflect probe sting

By Richard Lister BBC News, Washington

1: At first glance the publication of the ethics report into Sarah Palin might seem highly damaging to the McCain-Palin campaign, given that both candidates have pledged themselves to weed out abuse of power in government.

2: But as soon as she became the Republican vice-presidential nominee, John McCain's team worked intensively to discredit the investigation into Governor Palin.

3: In briefings, stump speeches and a detailed website, the campaign accused supporters of their Democratic opponent Barack Obama of turning what was originally a non-political enquiry into a partisan circus designed to smear Governor Palin and alter the course of the election.

4: These accusations stemmed from comments by an Alaskan state Senator and Obama supporter, Hollis French who ran the investigation.

5:* While it was still under way he said it could produce criminal charges and "an October surprise" for the McCain-Palin ticket.

6: The Alaska Supreme Court though said the probe should continue, rejecting an attempt by the state's Republicans to have it stopped.

7: This presidential race has now become so polarized it seems likely that both Republicans and Democrats will see the report's findings as vindication for their own trenchant views about Governor Palin - that she is alternatively the victim of a Democratic party hatchet job, or a hypocrite.

8: The report does complicate Republican effort to focus the Presidential campaign on questions of character.

9: But it seems that voters - for now at least - are far more concerned about who will extract them from the current economic crisis, than any questions about political infighting in far-off Alaska.




