

無条件の追求:所属への呼びかけThe Unconditional Pursuit: A Call to Belong

2025-01-29 12:32:17 | 日記
マタイ 18:12 ESV [12] あなたはどう思いますか。ある人が百匹の羊を飼っていて、そのうちの一匹が迷い出たら、九十九匹を山に残しておいて、迷い出てしまった一匹を捜しに出かけないでしょうか。
Matthew 18:12 ESV [12] What do you think? If a man has a hundred sheep, and one of them has gone astray, does he not leave the ninety-nine on the mountains and go in search of the one that went astray?






これは単なる物語ではありません。イエスがご自分のすべての羊を愛し、献身していることを確信させる現実です。善き羊飼いであるイエスは、羊を決して見捨てません。決して。 イエスは、さまよう者を熱心に探し出されます。




The Unconditional Pursuit: A Call to Belong

Relentlessly pursuing Jesus? Wandered off the path from Jesus? On the fence about Jesus?

Here’s what’s true: You matter to Jesus. Yes, you.

There are no qualifications for God’s love and pursuit of you. You matter to Jesus; He calls you by name to come to Him, and He desires you to be with Him.

Reread those words: He desires you to be with Him. In Matthew 18:12, Jesus shares this parable:
“What do you think? If a man owns a hundred sheep, and one of them wanders away, will he not leave the ninety-nine on the hills and go to look for the one that wandered off?”

It’s not just a story; it's a reassuring reality of Jesus’ love and commitment to every single one of His own. Jesus, the Good Shepherd, never gives up on His sheep. Never. He diligently seeks out the one who wanders.

We all have moments when we feel like the wandering sheep. Sometimes, we feel like we’re straying off the path. But remember this: you are not forgotten, and you matter to Jesus. He cares for the one who has strayed just as much as He does the ninety-nine who stayed close (Matthew 18:13). So draw near to Him today.

Because no matter where you are on your spiritual journey, Jesus is seeking after you, calling you by name to not only follow Him but to be with Him.

How will you respond today?

A Prayer of Belonging

God, thank You for pursuing me despite my wanderings and failures. I am so grateful that You, Savior of the world, know my name. I belong to You and was created to know You. Deepen our connection and enrich our relationship, as I daily seek You. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

