ヤコブ 1:17 ESV
[17] すべての良い賜物、すべての完全な賜物は上から来るものであり、光の父から下って来るものです。父には変化による変動や影はありません。
James 1:17 ESV
[17] Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change.
ヤコブ 1:17 には、神について多くのことが書かれています。まず、ヤコブは、神は良い完全な贈り物を与える方であると語っています。これは、神が宇宙の創造主だからです。神はすべてのもの、すべての人を創造した方です。すべては神から始まるので、人生におけるすべての良い贈り物と祝福は神から来ます。
この節で神について次に学ぶことは、神は天から支配するだけでなく、天から私たちのところに降りて来られたということです。詩篇 103:19 にあるように、神は天の王座から支配し、統治します。しかし、ヨハネ 6:38 には、イエスが天から降りてきて肉体をとったことも書かれています。イエスは天から降りてきた完全な贈り物です。
The Giver of Good Things
James 1:17 has a lot to tell us about God. First off, James tells us that God is the one who gives good and perfect gifts. This is because God is the creator of the universe. He is the one who formed everything and everyone. Everything starts with God, so all good gifts and blessings in life come from God.
In addition to that, it is God who gives us salvation, which is the greatest gift. He freely offers us eternal life by believing in Jesus as the One who saves us. God not only gives perfect gifts, but He also is the perfect Gift.
The next thing we learn about God in this verse, is that God reigns from heaven, but has also come down from heaven to us. God rules and reigns from His throne in Heaven, as Psalm 103:19 says. But we also see in John 6:38 that Jesus came down from Heaven and took on flesh. He is the perfect gift that has come down from heaven.
Lastly, we learn from this verse that God is unchanging. Humans are constantly changing. We are continually growing, learning, and forming new opinions. God is not like that. He is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow, and His character never changes.
The God who loves us and gives us grace today will do the same tomorrow. He is good, all the time.
So take some time today to thank God for who He is and what He has done for you. Thank Him for the gifts and blessings He has given you.
Thank Him for the gift of salvation.
Thanking God for Every Good Thing
God, I believe that every good and perfect thing is from You. Thank You for not only wanting good things for me but also for loving me. I’m grateful for every blessing You’ve placed in my life, and I choose to focus my mind on these things. I love You, Lord.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.